  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "figures/README-", 
  fig.width = 12, 
  fig.height = 7


Provides wrappers and sets the parameters for few time series features.


A call to one of the feature functions returns the complete output of the original feature as an S3 class. The clean_feature function returns a dataframe with one or more features taken from the initial output.

res <- fd_variogram(rnorm(1000))

In the next example we generate two groups of functions from an ARMA model with varying parameters. The get_features function can be used to compute and clean multiple features and returns a single dataframe.

# Generate 10 samples from 2 ARMA models
t1 <- replicate(10, arima.sim(n = 500, list(ar = c(0.78, -0.5), ma = c(-5, 0,5))))
t2 <- replicate(10, arima.sim(n = 500, list(ar = c(0.91, -0.2), ma = c(-5, 0,5))))

# The features to compute
features <- c(bandpower, spectral_entropy, 
              permutation_entropy, fd_variogram, hurst)

# Compute features on each group
df1 <- get_features(t1, features, id = "1")
df2 <- get_features(t2, features, id = "2")

# Bandpower defaults to typical EEG frequency bands  
df1[1, 1:5]

A plot comparing the distribution of each feature for the two groups.

# Plot feature densities for each group
data_long <- reshape2::melt(rbind(df1, df2), id.vars = c("id"))

gg <- ggplot(data_long, aes(x=value, fill=id)) +
             geom_density(alpha = 0.55, 
                      aes(y = ..density..), 
                      color = NA, 
                      position = "identity")
gg + facet_wrap(~variable, ncol = 3, scales = "free") + 
        labs(x = "", y = "") + 
        scale_fill_manual(values = c("gray30","darkolivegreen"))



nwaff/tsfeats documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:27 a.m.