Man pages for nwfsc-assess/PacFIN.Utilities
Generate fishery composition data from PacFIN data for the NWFSC

age_representativeness_plotCompare length histogram of aged samples to all lengthed...
ask_passwordGet password from the user if 'interactive()'
capValuesDecrease all values greater than a maximum specified value.
changecol_pacfinChange Column Names of PacFIN Data To Match Survey
checkGradeCheck Sample Numbers for Grade
checkLenAgeCalculate von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters
cleanColumnsChange Column Names to Vdrfd
cleanColumns.bdsClean columns of PacFIN biological data
cleanColumns.catchClean columns of PacFIN catch data
cleanPacFINClean raw PacFIN data
codify_age_methodCode ageing methods to standardized character strings
combineCalCOMCombine CalCOM and PacFIN data
comps_binsBin a vector of data into groups
comps_wideConvert long data frame with composition data to wide data...
convertlength_skateConvert Disc and Interspiracular Width to Length
doSexRatioAssign gender for unsexed fish
EF1_DenominatorCalculate the denominator for the level-1 expansion factor.
EF1_NumeratorCalculate the numerator for the first level expansion factor
find.matching.rowsFunction find.matching.rows
formatCatchFormat catches from long to wide
getAgeGet age information for each fish
getAgeMethodGet the ageing method used for the age that is agreed to be...
getAreaGet the general area that the information was taken from
get_codelistGet a list of available options, e.g., code_list, from PacFIN
getCompsAggregate length, age, or age-at-length composition data by...
getDBGet a connection to a database and return a query
getExpansion_1First-Stage Expansion for Composition Data
getExpansion_2Second-stage expansion of composition samples up to catch...
getGearGroupCreate column for gear called 'geargroup' according to PacFIN...
getLengthGet length for PacFIN commercial samples
getSeasonAdd a column to 'Pdata' for season.
getStateCreate a state column based on input column specified in...
getUserNameGet your username for the 'database' of interest
getweightCalculate weight from length and the weight-length...
getWLparsCalculate weight-length relationship parameters
grep_final_ageFind the column with the best age information
PacFIN.UtilitiesPacFIN.Utilities: Functions for working up PacFIN data
PacFIN.Utilities-deprecatedDeprecated function in package 'PacFIN.Utilities'
pipePipe operator
plotCleanedPlot cleaned fishery age- or length-composition data.
plotRawDataDiagnostic plots and summaries for a raw PacFIN dataset...
plotStratPlot Length Distributions with Aged and All Fish
plotWLPlot of the weight-length relationship by sex
PullBDS.PacFINPull biological data
PullCatch.PacFINPull catch data from PacFIN
PullNominal.PacFINPull the species information table and return nominal code(s)
sqlWrite SQL text
stopifnotcolumnStop if column name is not present in the data
summaryAgeMethodThe number of samples per combination of ageing methods
tableSampleTable of Sample Size By Fleet and Year
writeCompsWrite out composition data formatted for Stock Synthesis.
nwfsc-assess/PacFIN.Utilities documentation built on March 19, 2024, 11:54 p.m.