example3: example3

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design only analyzable under considerable simplifications




A data frame with six variables: value, day, plate, patient treatment, and analyst.


biological samples: 30 patients furrther structures: 2 analysts, 4 days, within each day: 3 plates (i.e., within each analyst: 6 plates) 15 patients are only analysed at days 1 and 2, by analyst 1 the remaining 15 patients are only analysed at days 3 and 4, by analyst 2 patients are nested within analysts and crossed with days within analyst and crossed with plates within analyst plates are nested in analysts and days

this is one of many possible examples where the experimental structure can not be adequately represented in mixADA

- samples (patients) are not crossed with any of analyst, day, plate - when using only analyst as run, and specifiying model structure as 'samples nested in runs': the three potential effects day, plate, residual are all analysed as residual error, which might be an inadequate simplification - when averaging over replications within patient and analysing the 30 patient averages: variance of single observations due to analysts, days, plates and residuals is ignored, what might be inadequate as well

nwstephens/RmixADAexamples documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:40 p.m.