Man pages for obreschkow/cooltools
Practical Tools for Scientific Computations and Visualizations

alpAssociated Legendre Polynomials
approxfun2Bilinear interpolation function of data on a regular grid
bindataBin two-dimensional data in one dimension
car2polCartesian to polar/cylindrical coordinate conversion
car2sphCartesian to spherical coordinate conversion
cmplx2colConvert complex numbers to color
colorbarVertical color bar
contourlevelFind contour levels of a d-dimensional density field
cooltools-packagePractical Tools for Scientific Computations and...
cosmofctFast cosmology conversion functions
cshiftCircularly shift each dimension of an array
cstScientific constants
cubehelixCube Helix colour palette
dftDiscrete Fourier Transform
dftgridProduce coordinates for Discrete Fourier Transform
dot-cooltools.envPackage environment
dpqrd/p/q/r-family for a custom distribution
entropyInformation entropy
errlinesDraw a line with uncertainty regions
fibonaccisphereEvenly distributed n points on a sphere
gradientCompute gradient
grfGaussian Random Field generator
griddataDistribute a point set onto a regular grid
histcoordGenerate histogram coordinates from mid points
inertiaInertia tensor
invertInvert and shift colors of an image
is.equalNumerical equality check
jackknifeJackknife Estimation
kde2Multi-dimensional adaptive kernel density estimation
landyszalayTwo-point correlation estimation
lastLast element of a vector
lightnessChange lightness of a color
limCrop values to a custom range
linuxspacesHandle spaces in Linux filenames
loadbinRead binary data into array
makeframeDisplay a single movie frame
makemovieProduce a movie from frame-drawing function
mcintegralMonte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo integration in any...
midseqMid-points of regular grid
mollweideMollweide projection
momentsSecond moment tensor
mutualMutual information of two random variables
ndftNon-uniform Discrete Fourier Transform
ngonDraw a regular n-gon
nplotMake empty plot area
paircountCount the number of point-pairs in distance bins
pdf2jpgConvert pdf to jpg
planckcolorsPlanck CMB colour palette
pol2carPolar/cylindrical to Cartesian coordinate conversion
quadrupoleQuadrupole tensor
quietSuppress console output
rasterflipFlip array to be displayed with rasterImage()
readhdf5Read data from an HDF5 file
rebindensityRe-bin density histograms
rngRandom number generator for a custom d-dimensional...
rotation22D rotation matrix
rotation33D rotation matrix
runif2Generate randomly oriented vectors in 2D
runif3Generate randomly oriented vectors in 3D
scalarproductScalar product
sigmoidSigmoid function
smartroundRound a vector of floating-point values while preserving...
smoothcontourDraw smoothed contours
smoothfunSmoothed Function
sortlistSort List Entries Alphabetically
spectrumcolorsSpectrum colour palette
sph2carSpherical to Cartesian coordinate conversion
sphereplotPlot a spherical function or point set
sphericalharmonicsSpherical Harmonics
stretchStretch values to a custom range
subplotInsert a sub-panel into plot
tickStart timer
tockStop timer
transparentAdd transparency to a color
transzoomZoom, translate and rotate array image
uniquedoubleMap positive 64-bit integers onto unique doubles
unitvectorNormalize vectors to unit length
userattributesRetrieve Custom Object Attributes
vectornormVector norm
vectorproductVector product
wavelength2colConvert wavelength to RGB
writehdf5Write structured list to an HDF5 file
yinyangyongYin-Yang-Yong image
obreschkow/cooltools documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 2:46 a.m.