Characterization of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patient Cohorts

Study Status: Results Available

In this study we will describe the baseline demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as the occurrence of treatments and outcomes of individuals diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and, specifically, with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The analysis package is a near-duplicate of the CHARYBDIS characterization code for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, replacing cohort, stratum, and feature definitions with IBD ones.

Package Requirements

Installing the Package

Install the IBD characterization package using either of the following methods:


Running the Study

1) Edit .Renviron to include the parameters used to connect to your database server (for more information see; for example:

DBMS = "postgresql"
DB_PORT = 5432
DB_USER = "database_user_name "
DB_PASSWORD = "your_secret_password"
PATH_TO_DB_DRIVER = "C:\temp\jdbcDrivers"

2) Edit extras/CodeToRun.R to show your database info (db ID, name, and description; CDM schema; cohort schema and tables) and output folder location, as follows:

# Details specific to the database:
databaseId <- "<dbId>"
databaseName <- "<dbName>"
databaseDescription <- "<dbDesc>"

# Details for connecting to the CDM and storing the results
outputFolder <- file.path("D:/results/IbdCharacterization/Runs", databaseId)
cdmDatabaseSchema <- "<cdmDbSchema>"
cohortDatabaseSchema <- "<cohortDbSchema>"
cohortTable <- paste0("IbdCharacterization_", databaseId)
cohortStagingTable <- paste0(cohortTable, "_stg")
featureSummaryTable <- paste0(cohortTable, "_smry")

3) Run extras/CodeToRun.R to first generate diagnostics info for the Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis cohorts, then extract the characterization statistics. Once done, you can review cohort diagnostics and characterization using the corresponding shiny apps.

4) Upload the result files to OHDSI SFTP server (more info to come)

ohdsi-studies/IbdCharacterization documentation built on July 26, 2024, 11:20 p.m.