Man pages for okamumu/Rsrat
A Software Reliability Assessment Tool with NHPP-Based Models

count.datecount date
count.date2count date 2
dacsSoftware failure data
dmvfDifference of mean value function
dmvfplotDraw a graph of diff of mean value functions on discrete time...
emEM step
emfitEstimate SRM parameters.
faultdataSoftware fault data
faultdata.nhppSoftware fault data
fit.srm.nhppNHPP-based software reliability model
get.issues.githubIssues in GitHub
get.issues.jiraIssues in JIRA
get.openclosedate.githubget open and closed date from GitHub
get.openclosedate.jiraget open and closed date from JIRA
get.opendate.githubget open date from GitHub
get.opendate.jiraget open date from JIRA
gumbelGumbel distribution
lgumbellog-Gumbel distribution (Frechet)
lgumbel.minlog-Gumbel distribution (Weibull)
llogislog-logistic distribution
mvfMean value function
mvfplotDraw a graph of mean value functions
NHPPClass for NHPP-based software reliability model
pareto2Pareto distribution (type 2)
print.Rsrat.faultdataPrinting software fault data
print.srm.nhpp.resultPrint a fit result of fit.srm.nhpp (S3 method)
rateRate function
rateplotDraw a graph of rate functions on continuous time domain
RsratRsrat: A Software Reliability Assessment Tool with NHPP-Based...
srmSoftware reliability model
srm.modelsModel names
srmnameModel name
tgumbeltruncated Gumbel distribution (maximum)
tgumbel.mintruncated Gumbel distribution (minimum)
tlogistruncated logistic distribution
tnormtruncated normal distribution
okamumu/Rsrat documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 11:07 p.m.