Man pages for olapuentesantana/easier
Estimate Systems Immune Response from RNA-seq data

assess_immune_responseAssess easier score as predictor of patients' immune response
calc_z_scorePerform matrix Z-score normalization
categorize_TMBDefine tumor mutational burden (TMB) categories.
compute_Ayers_expISCompute Expanded Immune signature (Ayers_expIS) score
compute_CC_pairsCompute cell-cell interactions scores using computed...
compute_CCpair_scoreCompute cell-cell pair score
compute_cell_fractionsCompute immune cell fractions from gene expression using...
compute_chemokinesCompute chemokine signature (chemokines) score
compute_CYTCompute cytolytic activity (CYT) score
compute_Davoli_ISCompute Davoli immune signature (Davoli_IS) score
compute_IFNyCompute IFNy signature (IFNy) score
compute_IMPRES_MSICompute Immuno-Predictive Score (IMPRES) and Micro Satellite...
compute_LR_pairsCompute ligand-receptor pair weights from TPM bulk gene...
compute_pathway_activityCompute pathway activity from gene expression using PROGENy
compute_RIRCompute three scores from the immune resistance program:...
compute_Roh_ISCompute Roh immune score (Roh_IS)
compute_scores_immune_responseCompute published scores of immune response
compute_Tcell_inflamedCompute T cell-inflamed signature (Tcell_inflamed) score
compute_TF_activityCompute transcription factor activity from gene expression...
compute_TLSComputation of tertiary lymphoid structures signature (TLS)...
discretizeConverts a continuous variable into categorical
easier-packageeasier: Estimate Systems Immune Response from RNA-seq data
explore_biomarkersExplore biomarkers of immune response
get_OE_bulkCompute overall expression (OE) of the immune resistance...
get_semi_random_OECompute random scores of the immune resistance program used...
predict_immune_responseCompute predicted immune response
predict_with_rmtlrPredict single-view immune response
reannotate_genesGene re-annotation using HGNC symbols
retrieve_easier_scoreRetrieve easier scores of immune response
rmtlr_testRegularized Multi-Task Linear Regression (RMTLR) model...
olapuentesantana/easier documentation built on Feb. 25, 2024, 3:39 p.m.