Man pages for olascodgreat/samife
A Grammar of Data Manipulation

add_rownamesConvert row names to an explicit variable.
all_equalFlexible equality comparison for data frames
all_varsApply predicate to all variables
arrangeArrange rows by variables
arrange_allArrange rows by a selection of variables
as.table.tbl_cubeCoerce a 'tbl_cube' to other data structures
as.tbl_cubeCoerce an existing data structure into a 'tbl_cube'
auto_copyCopy tables to same source, if necessary
backend_dbplyrDatabase and SQL generics.
band_membersBand membership
bench_compareEvaluate, compare, benchmark operations of a set of srcs.
betweenDo values in a numeric vector fall in specified range?
bindEfficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
case_whenA general vectorised if
check_dbplyrdbplyr compatibility functions
coalesceFind first non-missing element
common_byExtract out common by variables
computeForce computation of a database query
copy_toCopy a local data frame to a remote src
cumallCumulativate versions of any, all, and mean
descDescending order
dim_descDescribing dimensions
distinctSelect distinct/unique rows
distinct_allSelect distinct rows by a selection of variables
doDo anything
dplyr-packagedplyr: a grammar of data manipulation
dr_dplyrDr Dplyr checks your installation for common problems.
explainExplain details of a tbl
failwithFail with specified value.
filterReturn rows with matching conditions
filter_allFilter within a selection of variables
funsCreate a list of functions calls.
group_byGroup by one or more variables
group_by_allGroup by a selection of variables
group_by_preparePrepare for grouping.
group_dataGrouping data
grouped_dfA grouped data frame.
group_indicesGroup id.
groupsReturn grouping variables
group_sizeCalculate group sizes.
hybrid_callInspect how dplyr evaluates an expression
idCompute a unique numeric id for each unique row in a data...
identFlag a character vector as SQL identifiers
if_elseVectorised if
init_loggingEnable internal logging
joinJoin two tbls together
join.tbl_dfJoin data frame tbls
lead-lagLead and lag.
locationPrint the location in memory of a data frame
make_tblCreate a "tbl" object
mutateCreate or transform variables
nThe number of observations in the current group.
na_ifConvert values to NA
nasaNASA spatio-temporal data
n_distinctEfficiently count the number of unique values in a set of...
nearCompare two numeric vectors
nest_byNest by one or more variables
nthExtract the first, last or nth value from a vector
order_byA helper function for ordering window function output
progress_estimatedProgress bar with estimated time.
pullPull out a single variable
rankingWindowed rank functions.
recodeRecode values
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rowwiseGroup input by rows
same_srcFigure out if two sources are the same (or two tbl have the...
sampleSample n rows from a table
scopedOperate on a selection of variables
se-deprecatedDeprecated SE versions of main verbs.
selectSelect/rename variables by name
select_allSelect and rename a selection of variables
select_varsSelect variables
setopsSet operations
sliceChoose rows by position
sqlSQL escaping.
srcCreate a "src" object
src_dbiSource for database backends
src_localA local source.
src_tblsList all tbls provided by a source.
starwarsStarwars characters
stormsStorm tracks data
summariseReduce multiple values down to a single value
summarise_allSummarise and mutate multiple columns.
summarise_eachSummarise and mutate multiple columns.
tallyCount/tally observations by group
tblCreate a table from a data source
tbl_cubeA data cube tbl
tbl_dfCreate a data frame tbl.
tbl_varsList variables provided by a tbl.
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
top_nSelect top (or bottom) n rows (by value)
varsSelect variables
with_orderRun a function with one order, translating result back to...
olascodgreat/samife documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:11 p.m.