
Defines functions spl

Documented in spl

#' Sample
#' Extracts a uniform random sample from a dataset or vector. Provides a simpler API than base R.
#' Author: Bryce Chamberlain. Tech Review: Maria Gonzalez.
#' @param x Data to sample from.
#' @param n Number or percentage of rows/values to return. If less than 1 it will be interpreted as a percentage.
#' @param warn Warn if sampling more than the size of the data.
#' @param replace Whether or not to sample with replacement.
#' @param seed Set a seed to allow consistent/replicable sampling.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to sample()
#' @return Sample dataframe/vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spl( c(1:100) )
#' spl( c(1:100), n = 50 )
#' spl( iris )
spl <- function( x, n = 10, warn = TRUE, replace = FALSE, seed = NULL, ... ){

  # Seed
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  # Vectors.
  if( is.null( nrow(x) ) ){

    if( n < 1 ) n = ceiling( n * length(x) )

    if( !replace ){
      if( n > length(x) && warn ) warning( glue::glue( 
        'easyr::spl: You have sampled more [{n}] than the number of available items [{length(x)}] and chosen replace = FALSE. Returning the maximum available length instead.'

      n = min( c( n, length(x) ) )


      x[ sample( x = 1:length(x), size = n, replace = replace, ... ) ] 

  # Data frames.
  } else {

    if( n < 1 ) n = ceiling( n * nrow(x) )

    if( !replace ){
      if( n > nrow(x) && warn ) warning( glue::glue(
        'easyr::spl: You have sampled more [{n}] than the number of available items [{nrow(x)}] and chosen replace = FALSE. Returning the maximum available rows instead.'

      n = min( c( n, nrow(x) ) )


      x[ sample( x = 1:nrow(x), size = n, replace = replace, ... ) , 1:ncol(x), drop = FALSE ]
oliver-wyman-actuarial/easyr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:37 a.m.