asEnumValue: Validate and convert a name or value to an enumeration...

asEnumValueR Documentation

Validate and convert a name or value to an enumeration constant


This allows the user to specify a name or value when an enumerated constant is expected and this function ensures that it is valid. The function returns a formal object of that enumeration class containing both the name and value which can be passed to C code that expects an object of that type.

This is typically not called directly by the R user but implicitly by generated code that coerces user input to a particular type of enumerated constant. Such code is typically programmatically generated and uses the expression as(val, "NameOfEnumType"), with the appropriate name for the type of enumeration.

This function also attempts to fix typos by using agrep to find close matches. It can raise either an error or a warning with information about the possible matches and can continue on using them if fixCloseMatches is TRUE.


asEnumValue(val, values, class = values@EnumName, fromString = NA,
            fixCloseMatches = TRUE, prefix = character(),
               S3 = is.null(getClassDef(class)))



either the symbolic name or number which is to be validated and coerced to an EnumValue of the particular class.


the EnumDef object that contains both the name-value pairs of possible values as a vector, and also the class of the associate instances. This is a derived class from EnumValue-class.


the class of the object that the function will return, i.e. the type of enumeration. The default is almost always the correct value for enumerations. For BitwiseValues, the target class is usually specified.


indicates whether the the value is being specified as a name or a number. This is rarely needed and is determined by the function. But it does allow us to treat a string as a number.


a logical value. For any elements of val which is not matched in values (either by value or name), we use agrep to find "close" matches. If this argument is TRUE, then we use those matches and proceed (although raise a warning which identifies the erroneously specified values and the "correct" ones so that the user can correct the call). If this is FALSE, we raise an exception and the exception object contains the suggested replacments.


a prefix string that is common to all of the symbolic names. This allows us to use this as a prefix for the name if it is not an exact match to the defined names for the collection. In other words, we can allow the caller to use a shorthand form without the common prefix, if there is one.


ignored. Related to using S3 classes and unlikely to be used.


An object class class which is typically obtained from the EnumName slot in the values argument defining the possible enumerated values.


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also

The RGCCTranslationUnit package at


edef = EnumDef("Color", c("red" = 1, "blue" = 2, "green" = 3,
                          "yellow" = 4, "grey" = 10))
x = asEnumValue("red", edef)

y = asEnumValue(c("red", "yellow"), edef)

 # Illustrates when we specify a value slightly incorrectly.

  # go on but issue a warning.
asEnumValue(c("red", "gray"), edef, fixCloseMatches = TRUE)

    # raise an error.
 try(asEnumValue(c("red", "gray"), edef, fixCloseMatches = FALSE))

omegahat/RAutoGenRunTime documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 9:19 p.m.