Man pages for omegahat/RDCOMClient
R-DCOM client

asCOMArrayCreate COM SAFEARRAY from R matrix
COMFull access to client COM invocation
COMAccessorsCOM Object Accesors
COMCreateCreate a COM object
COMDate-classClasses for representing COM VARIANT values as numbers
COMIDispatchClassRepresentation of generic COM object in R
COMInitActivate and de-activate COM facilities in R
COMListCreate an instance of COMList class
COMList-classCOMList collection types
CompiledCOMIDispatch-classDCOM Interface object with knowledge of its methods and their...
COMStopGeneral Error function for COM errors
COMTypedList-classClasses for representing DCOM objects that have list-like...
createCOMReferenceCreates S object for COM reference
createTypeVarNameCreate name for specific COM type
EnumsS-level constants
EnumValueCreate instance of enumeration value class in R
EnumValue-classA class to represent a value of an enumerated constant
getCLSIDGet the UUID/GUID from the human-readable name of an...
isValidCOMObjectChecks whether a COM object seems to be still active/valid
SCOMErrorInfo-classS version of COM Error structure
VARIANT-classReference to a C-level VARIANT object
writeErrorsQuery or set whether DCOM errors are written to a file
omegahat/RDCOMClient documentation built on July 24, 2022, 5:45 a.m.