COMList-class: COMList collection types

COMList-classR Documentation

COMList collection types


The COMList type is used in R to represent a COM type which has both a Count() and Item() method. Such a type arises frequentyly in Office applications such as Excel and Word for representing collections or orderd lists of COM objects. For example, Workbooks is a list of Workbook objects, Worksheets is a collection of Worksheet objects, and Addins is a collection of Addin objects. This class provides a way to treat such a container as an R list with methods to compute the length, access elements by index, and iterate over the elements using the s/lapply functions. For each of these, we never convert the list to an R list, but perform the computations via the COM methods.

The COMTypedList-class class is an extension of COMList and should be considered a virtual class. (It is not for implementation reasons only.) This class has the property that when one extracts individual elements from the container in R, the class of that resulting R object is determined from the class of the COMTypedList. This is done in a very simple fashion by translating the name of the COMTypedList to its singular form (in English). So for a COMTypedList of class Workbooks, say, the expression x[[1]] would result in an object of class Workbook. It does this computation dynamically. An extension of the class could compute this value at the time of definition and use that explicitly. This is an example of the utility for class slots.

The COMTypedList should be treated as virtual. One should define an extension of this and the associated class for the elements in tandem, e.g. setClass("Workbooks", contains = "COMTypedList") and setClass("Workbook", contains = "COMIDispatch").

Objects from the Class

The constructor function COMList should be used to create objects of either of these types. Alternatively, one can use the canonical form new("COMList", comObject).



Object of class "externalptr". This is inherited from the base class COMIDispatch-class.


Class "COMIDispatch", directly. Class "IUnknown", by class "COMIDispatch".



signature(x = "COMList", i = "numeric"): this is the method to access an individual element in the COM container. This amounts to a call to the method Item in the COM object.


signature(x = "COMList", i = "numeric"): this sets the value of an individual element in the COM container. In general, this does nothing except return the COMList object so that we can make inline'd assigments of the form docs[[1]][["Range"]][["Text"]] = "Some text" and have the docs[[1]] perform correctly.


signature(X = "COMList"): this iterates over the elements of the list and invokes the specified function with that element as the first argument. See lapply


signature(X = "COMList"): a version of sapply that we currently need to copy to here.


signature(x = "COMList"): computes the number of elements currently in the container.


Duncan Temple Lang <>


Excel types.

See Also

COMList .COM COMTypedList-class COMTypedNamedList-class


## Not run: 
  e = COMCreate("Excel.Application")

  l = COMList(e$Workbooks())
  length(l)  # should be 2
  l[[1]]  # First Workbook

  setClass("Workbooks", contains = "COMTypedList")
  setClass("Workbook", contains = "COMIDispatch")

  l = COMList(e$Workbooks, "Workbooks")
  l[[1]]  # class is "Workbook"

## End(Not run)

omegahat/RDCOMClient documentation built on July 24, 2022, 5:45 a.m.