Man pages for omegahat/RGraphicsDevice
A framework for developing R graphics devices entirely in R

DegenerateDeviceFunction-classRepresents a proxy or stand-in function generated as a...
DevDesc-classClass "DevDescPtr" representing a C-level Graphics Device
deviceNameGet the description for a type of graphics device
dummyDeviceCreate a degenerate collection of R-level graphics device...
GEDevDescPtr-classClass "GEDevDescPtr"
GE_ROUND_CAPSymbolic Constants for line endings and line joins
graphicsDeviceInstantiate Graphics Device implemented with R functions
isTransparentTest whether a integer corresponds to the color 'transparent'
makeGraphicsDeviceObjectConstructor for an RDevDescMethods object
RDevDescMethods-classRDevDescMethods class for implementing an R graphics device...
RGB-classRepresentation of a color as Red, Blue and Green components
R_GE_gcontext-classInformation about the current graphics settings/context
omegahat/RGraphicsDevice documentation built on Jan. 18, 2022, 4:37 a.m.