RDevDescMethods-class: RDevDescMethods class for implementing an R graphics device...

Description Objects from the Class Slots Extends Methods Author(s) References See Also Examples


This class is a structured collection of functions that are used to implement the methods of the C-level graphics device interface in R. There is a slot for each such method. We know the number of arguments each method takes and so can validate the values assigned to each slot.

One can extend this class to add additional slots that are used for different device implementations. R programmers can access this object from the graphics device and such extension classes can be used to provide additional functions and objects to the different methods.

Typically, the different functions used to implement the device methods are defined together within a function and so can share variables across calls via R's closure/lexical scoping mechanism.

Objects from the Class

The typical way to create objects of this class is via dummyDevice.



Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" a method called when this device becomes active, i.e. when we make this device the active one using dev.set.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" called when we switch to another device from this one and so it is no longer the active device.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" draw a circle, using the color and fill from the graphics context.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" set the clip region to ensure that graphical elements do not extend outside of this region while the region is active.


a function that is called when the device is first created.


a function that is called after the device has been created and it has been registered with the R graphics engine. Specifically, the device will be already associated with a C-level GEDevDesc instance. This allows us to set options such as the ask, displayListOn, recordGraphics in the the GEDevDesc.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" a method called when device is being closed. Typically, we clean up any content the device generates, and possibly writes it to a file.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL". Render a string at the specified location.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" render a string on the device. This differs from the text method in that the string will be passed to the method as a UTF-8 string. One must set wantSymbolUTF8 and hasTextUTF8 in the device for this function to be invoked by the R graphics engine. This is typically done when the device is created, either directly or via a call to the initDevice method.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" a function that will be called to compute the width of a UTF-8 string, but only if wantSymbolUTF8 and hasTextUTF8 is set for this device.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" draw a line, using the color, line width and type from the graphics context.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" draw a polygon, using the colors in the R_GE_gcontextPtr for the lines and filling the interior if appropriate.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" draw a sequence of lines, using the line type and width, and colors in the R_GE_gcontextPtr for the lines and filling the interior if appropriate.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" draw a rectangle, using the colors in the R_GE_gcontextPtr for the lines and filling the interior if appropriate.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" compute the width of the given string using the current font.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" this is a function that takes 6 arguments. The first is the character for which we want the metric information. The second is the R_GE_gcontextPtr object giving the graphical parameters in effect, e.g. color, font, etc. The 3rd, 4th and 5th are special types of objects in R. They are references to C-level real values. The intent is to set these within the function so that the C routine which invokes our R function will have access to these new values. We do this by assigning a value to the first element of the object, i.e. ascent[1] = value. These parameters are for the ascent, descent and width of the character. The final parameter is the DevDescPtr-class reference to the device.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" determine the size of the device, i.e. return its width and height


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" a function that is called when the graphics engine is about to start a new "page" for this device, i.e. clear the entire device to start a new display. This function can perform actions such as asking the viewer if it is okay to proceed, or write content to a file. This is only called if ask is set in the GEDevDesc associated with the graphics device.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" a method that is called when the graphics engine starts and stops an operation. It helps us to know when the operation starts and ends and so organize elements into groups.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" a method that is invoked when we move to a new page or display, effectively clearing the current contents. This is not called for each plot within, e.g. a layout or par(mfrow = c(m, n)). It is called when the entire display is to be cleared.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" called when the user has interrupted some operation for this device. It is essentially an error handler.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" for interactive devices, this can be invoked to allow the viewer to click on the device and identify a sequence of points. For non-interactive devices, one could imagine prompting the user to enter a collection of (x, y) pairs or an R expression to evaluate to obtain the sequence.


Object of class "FunctionOrNULL" for interactive devices, this is called to get a single event for the device.


Class "CStruct-class", directly.



signature(name = "ANY", funcs = "RDevDescMethods"): create an R graphics device using the functions in the RDevDescMethods objects as graphical primitive operators


signature(name = "RDevDescMethods"): create an R graphics device using the functions in the RDevDescMethods objects as graphical primitive operators


Duncan Temple Lang


“The R Internals Manual”, R Development Core Team.

See Also



  dev = dummyDevice()
  dev@activate = function(dev) {
                    dev$right = 968
                    dev$bottom = 724

  dev@line = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, gcontext, dev) {
                            attrs = c(x1 = x1, y1 = y1, x2 = x2, y2 = y2),
                            class = "")

omegahat/RGraphicsDevice documentation built on Jan. 18, 2022, 4:37 a.m.