createFunction: Generate R function from HTML form description

createFunctionR Documentation

Generate R function from HTML form description


These functions generate a new R function from an HTMLFormDescription by creating an argument list corresponding to the user-accessible elements in the HTML form and a body that validates the arguments against the possible values in the form description and submits the query using HTTP. The submission currently (and for the forseeable future) use RCurl.


createFunction(formDescription, url = character(), verbose = FALSE,
                formElements = NULL, addSubmit = TRUE, reader = NULL,
                 processURLArgs = (formDescription$formAttributes["method"] == "POST"),
                  cleanArgs = NULL)
writeFunction(formDescription, funcName, reader = NULL,
               url = character(), con = paste("/tmp/", funcName, ".R", sep = ""),
               insertFormDescription = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
                formElements = NULL, addSubmit = TRUE,
                 processURLArgs = formDescription$formAttributes["method"] == "POST",
                  cleanArgs = NULL)



the HTMLFormDescription object that provides all the information about the HTML form. This is typically obtained from calling getHTMLFormDescription.


if the HTMLFormDescription does not contain the target URI, the caller can specify this and it is used as the default value for the url argument in the newly created function. The caller of that function can still override this to have the form be submitted to an alternative site.


a logical value indicating whether to write information about the activities of this function as they occur. This is a tool for debugging/understanding.


if the function is to be written to a file (rather than created directly in R), this is the name to which the function is assigned in the file.


the list describing each of the HTML form elements within this form. These are also in the formDescription object and we take them from their if this argument is NULL. This is available to allow us to specify different elements.


a connection object or the name of a file to which to write the function text. If the connection is open before it is passed to this function, it will remain open; otherwise it is closed. This allows us to cumulate several functions into a single file or to include additional text about the functions.


a logical value indicating whether we should add code to the function to include the HTMLFormDescription object. This is used currently when writing the function to a file. It is not needed when the function is created directly in R as we insert the actual HTMLFormDescription object directly into the formal arguments of the new function.


a function that is used as the default function for processing the result of the HTTP request and which can convert this to a meaningful format. It can, for example, be used to follow redirections or links to fetch the actual result and read the data into an R object rather than returning just the HTML or text of the Web server's response Currently, this is used as the value of the handlers parameter in a call to htmlTreeParse on the body of the HTTP response. If this function is derived from the class HTMLParseHandlerGenerator, we first invoke it and use the result as the value of the handlers parameter in the call. This function is provided by the person creating the function from the HTML form. The caller of the resulting function can specify their own function (or NULL) to replace this default via the .reader argument.


a logical value indicating whether the value for the submit button should be added to the form query. Some forms require this to work properly, others do not but can tolerate the extra "information", and some applications will fail if it is present. It is typically harmless to include it but it is worth trying omitting it if the function fails with correct inputs.


a logical value that controls whether we take any form arguments within the URL and move them from the URL to actual arguments added to the call to getForm or postForm.


a function that can be used to process all of the arguments in a call to a form before it is sent. This gives the “caller” (or programmer) an opportunity to transform the values provided by the caller into an appropriate form and also to create new arguments. For example, we might have the user specify the year, month and day of interest and in the cleanArgs function, map this to a POSIXt value and set that as a hidden or additional argument to the form. See for an example.


This writes the text of the function to a connection. createFunction supplies its own text connection so that the text is never written to a file and then it parses and evaluates the resulting text to yield a function object. It resets the environment of the function so that it uses the usual global environment.


createFunction returns a function object. writeFunction returns the name of the connection to which the function was written.


Duncan Temple Lang <>

See Also

getHTMLFormDescription formQuery checkFormArgs


if(require("RCurl") && require("XML")) {
  txt = getURLContent("")
  doc = htmlParse(txt, asText = TRUE)
  f = getHTMLFormDescription(doc)
  g = createFunction(f[[1]], '')
  g("R XML")

  # providing our own reader function
readGoogleResults =
  doc = htmlParse(txt, asText = TRUE, error = function(...)NULL)
  nodes = getNodeSet(doc, "//a[@class='l']")
  structure(sapply(nodes, xmlGetAttr, "href"),
            names = sapply(nodes, xmlValue))

g("foo", .reader = readGoogleResults)

  # or we can specify our handler when creating the function
  # so that callers don't have to specify it.
g = createFunction(f[[1]], reader = readGoogleResults)

f = getHTMLFormDescription("",
                            error = function(...){})

 # The first function is a general search facility for the Web site, not
 # a form to get data we want.


g = createFunction(f[[2]])

g(date = "01Jan23", start_time = "05:45", end_time = "15:45", parameters = "BV,OB,PC,SQ")

g(station_code = "BFTM = Big Flat, Turner, MT", date = "01Jan23",
     start_time = "05:45", end_time = "15:45", parameters = "BV,OB,PC,SQ")

funs = lapply(f, createFunction)

funs[[2]]("TRFM = Teton River", date = "01Jan23", start_time = "00:00", end_time = "23:45", parameters = "BV,OB,PC,SQ")

funs[[3]](water_year = "2001")

funs[[4]](year = "2001")

 # Problems with this one
## Not run: 
funs[[5]](year = "2004")

## End(Not run)

omegahat/RHTMLForms documentation built on Nov. 29, 2023, 12:36 a.m.