zipArchive: Constructor for object representing ZIP archive on disk

View source: R/Runzip.R

zipArchiveR Documentation

Constructor for object representing ZIP archive on disk


This is a simple function that takes the name of a file and labels it with an S3 class so that programmers can then access information about and contents in the ZIP archive. The purpose of this is function is to return an object with the appropriate information so that the external ZIP file/archive can be treated as a list via $, [ and [[ operations and one can add elements via [[<-.

By default, this checks the file exists. If one wants to use this to identify a ZIP file that you will create, you will want to use check = FALSE.

The class parameter allows more specialized constructors to use this function to create objects with more detailed class information. Using setOldClass would probably be more appropriate.


zipArchive(filename, check = TRUE, const = FALSE,
            class = sprintf("%s%s", if (const) "" else "Volatile",
                                    if (is.raw(filename))
                                    else "ZipFileArchive")) 
getZipFileEntry(archive, el, password = character(), mode = "character",
                 info = getZipInfo(archive), nullOk = FALSE, last = TRUE)



the name of the ZIP file. If this is a character string, it is passed to path.expand. It can also be an object of class ZipArchive-class or a derived class.


a logical value indicating whether to raise an error if the file doesn't exist.


a logical value that indicates whether the caller knows that the contents of the ZIP archive will be unmodified while the R object is in use. This affects how the names are computed, either dynamically or via the cached values if const is TRUE.


a character vector giving the name(s) of the S4 classes for the resulting object.


the object of class ZipArchive or some derived class.


the name or index of the element in the Zip archive to extract.


a character string giving the password to access the contents of the archive, if necessary.


currently ignore.


the information about the contents of the archive. This is used to match the requested element and to navigate to the relevant part of the archive. This is typically not specified by the caller. For repeated access, it can be useful to compute this once and pass it explicitly, avoiding recomputation.


a logical value that controls whether a return value of NULL is acceptable or raises an error.


a logical value which indicates whether to take last or the first element with the specified name (el) in the case that there are multiple entries with the same name. This allows us to append new versions of existing entries rather than replacing them which is more expensive as we have to rewrite all the elements in the archive. When there are multiple elements with the same name, this parameter controls whether we get the first or last with code of the form ar[["x"]] and, by default, returns the last one.


zipArchive returns A character vector giving the expanded name of the specified file with the specified class vector as the class attribute.

For the element accessor operators ($, [ and [[) and getZipFileEntry, the contents of the specified file(s) within the archive are returned.

For the assignment operators ($<-, [<- and [[<-), the updated archive object is returned.


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also



  f = system.file("sampleData", "", package = "Rcompression")
  ar = zipArchive(f)
  ar[["bunzip"]]  # partial matching
  ar[".*"]  # regular expression

## Not run: 
# Passwords on zip files stopped working for now.

  f = system.file("sampleData", "", package = "Rcompression")
  ar = zipArchive(f)

     # This needs a password to access the contents of any of the file.
     # The password is the string "password" (pretty simple).
  ar[["files.R", password = "password"]]

     # without the password, we'd have an error.

## End(Not run)

  f = system.file("sampleData", "Empty.docx", package = "Rcompression")
  tgt = paste(tempdir(), "word.docx", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
  file.copy(f, tgt)

  ar = zipArchive(tgt)

  tmp = tempfile()
  cat("This is some text\nin a file", file = tmp)
  ar[["fromFile"]] = tmp

  ar[["fromAsIs"]] = I("Text/that/shouldn't be mistaken for a file")
  ar[["fromText"]] = I("more heuristic text")

  ar["one"] = tmp

  ar[c("two", "fromAsIs")] = list(tmp, I("Text/that/shouldn't be mistaken for a file"))

    # In memory archives

  contents = loadZip(system.file("sampleData", "Empty.docx", package = "Rcompression"))
  ar = zipArchive(contents)

     # Download a zip file from a Web site and access its elements without writing it to disk.
  if(require("RCurl", character.only = TRUE) && url.exists('')) {

     data = getURLContent('', followlocation = TRUE, binary = TRUE)
     ar = zipArchive(data)
     d = read.csv(textConnection(ar[[1]]), header = TRUE, na.strings = "N/A")

     # check entries with duplicate names
  content = I(c(myFile = "This is raw text",
                  otherFile = paste(letters, collapse = "\n"),
                  x = "a", x = "b", x = "c"))

  zip("", content, append = FALSE)
  z = zipArchive("")

  z[["x"]]               # c
  z$x                    # c
  z[["x", last = FALSE]] # a
  z[[4]]                 # b

  # or another view

 file = file.path(tempdir(), "")
 zip(file, list(first = I("Some text"),
                     x = I("number one"),
                     x = I("number 2"),
                     x = I("third one")),  append = FALSE)

 a = zipArchive(file)

 a[["x"]]  # get the last one
 a[["x", last = FALSE]] # first one
 a[[4]]  # last one again
 a[[3]]  # second x
 a$x  # last one.

omegahat/Rcompression documentation built on Nov. 29, 2023, 12:45 a.m.