SuffixTree-methods: Constructor methods for an internal SuffixTree object.

SuffixTree-methodsR Documentation

Constructor methods for an internal SuffixTree object.


These methods create an internal suffix tree in C code and associated data structures. These return an object of class SuffixTree-class which is a reference to the internal C data.


There are two methods at present. One works from a previously created StringSet-class, and the other takes a collection of strings and constructs the StringSet-class and then constructs the SuffixTree-class.

x = "character"

if given a character vector, this constructs a StringSet from its string elements and then creates a SuffixTree from this StringSet.

x = "StringSet"

creates a SuffixTree directly from this StringSet by constructing the relevant nodes and edges in C.

omegahat/Rlibstree documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 6:37 p.m.