getLongestSubstring: Compute longest repeated or common substring in a SuffixTree

getLongestSubstringR Documentation

Compute longest repeated or common substring in a SuffixTree


This function works with a suffix tree, either passed to it directly or by building one from a character vector or a StringSet. The function can be used to find the longest common substring shared by two or more words, or alernatively to find the longest substring that is repeated, i.e. occurs at least twice, within a word or across two or more words.

When finding the common substring, the string must be present in each of the words. When finding the repeated substring, the substring can be found across two

If one is going to do multiple operations on the same collection of strings, it is sensible to first build the SuffixTree (using SuffixTree) and then pass this object in each of the calls.

This function is a relatively straightforward interface to the libstree routines lst_alg_longest_repeated_substring and lst_alg_longest_common_substring. Therefore, more information can be found from their documentation.


getLongestRepeatedSubstring(words, range = c(1, 0), asCharacter = TRUE)
getLongestCommonSubstring(words, range = c(1, 0), asCharacter = TRUE)
getLongestSubstring(stree, repeated = TRUE, range = c(1, 0), asCharacter = TRUE)


stree, words

the collection of strings which are to be searched for the longest substring. This can be a character vector, a StringSet or a SuffixTree.


a logical value. If this is TRUE, then we look for repeated substrings. If it is FALSE, then we look for common substrings. See the document for libstree,


a pair of integers giving the minimum and maximum length of the substrings over which to search. If the second value is 0, this means substrings of all possible length, i.e. the maximum of the longest string in the set. If the caller supplies just a single integer, the trailing 0 is assumed.


a logical value indicating whether the result should be converted to a character vector in R or, alternatively (FALSE), left as a StringSet-class.


This uses the libstree routines lst_alg_longest_repeated_substring and lst_alg_longest_common_substring.


If asCharacter is TRUE, the default, the result is a character vector. Otherwise, it is an object of class StringSet-class.


The libstree distribution has some bugs. If possible, test any anomalies with the executables in libstree's test directory to determine if they are due to the code in this package or libstree itself.


Duncan Temple Lang <>


See Also

SuffixTree StringSet getCommonPrefix


 els = c("aaabbbaaabbb", "aaa", "aabb")
  # "aaabbb"

  # "aa" 
  # Same call but with the geneal getLongestSubstring() function.
 getLongestSubstring(els, repeated = FALSE)

  words = c("stemming", "boing", "springs")
  tree = SuffixTree(words)

    # The longest common or repeated substring for these is the same - "ing"
    # Longest repeated substring

    # Longest common substring.

 # Find the repeated substring. 
 # Note it finds aaaa twice in the second string aaaax and xaaaa
 # where x is an arbitrary character, admittedly also a.
getLongestRepeatedSubstring(c("aaa sdsd", "aaaaa", "xyz"))

  # This returns "aa" which is repeated as subsequences 1:2 and 2:3,
  # i.e. repeating the use of the middle "a"

 # Get the return value as a StringSet
set = getLongestSubstring(tree, asCharacter = FALSE)

 # The word mississipi and the same word backword and we can find the
 # longest palindrome.  Taken from the Perl module Tree::Suffix by Gray

 # First, a function to reverse the order of the characters in each word
 reverseWord = function(word)
                  sapply(strsplit(word, ""), function(x) paste(rev(x), collapse = ""))

 # Just check it does it correctly, round trip the word
"mississippi" == reverseWord(reverseWord("mississippi"))

  # We get "ississi 
 getLongestSubstring(c("mississippi", reverseWord("mississippi")), TRUE, c(0, 0))

 # just of the word itself.
 #   "issi"
getLongestSubstring("mississippi", TRUE, c(0, 0))

# Longest repeated substring is esday
getLongestSubstring(c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"), TRUE)

# Longest common substring is day
getLongestSubstring(c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"), FALSE)

  # We get the common prefix as the longest substring
  # [1] "ABCDEF_"
 getLongestSubstring(paste("ABCDEF_", c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"), sep = ""), TRUE, c(0, 0))

 # The names of enumerated constants in Microsoft Word's
 # scripting interface.  We want to find the common prefix.

enumNames = c('wdSummaryModeHighlight',

 # common substring
x = getLongestCommonSubstring(enumNames)

x == "wdSummaryMode"

 # longest repeated substring
 # This is "wdSummaryModeHi" shared by the first two elements.

x = getLongestSubstring(enumNames)

x == "wdSummaryModeHi"

# A series of examples of repeated substrings within a single string

 # "first a"
getLongestSubstring("first and first again and again")

 # [1] "first " " again"
getLongestSubstring("first then first again and again")

 # [1] "first " " again"
getLongestSubstring(c("first then first again and again", "first"))

 # This finds " again and again" 
getLongestSubstring(c("first then first again and again", "Or again and again"))

  # We take this very long place name in New Zealand and find the
  # repeated substrings.
  # "ata" "aka" "ang" "mat" "tan" "nga" 
  nzPlaceName = "Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu"

omegahat/Rlibstree documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 6:37 p.m.