Man pages for omegahat/XDocTools
Tools for working with XML and XSL documents

addFunctionIDAnnotate nodes in an XML document defining or referring to a...
findMissingTitlesIdentify empty title elements
findXSLImportsFind imported XSL documents
findXSLMacrosFind macro-like XSL templates
getAllNodeNamesCompute the names of all XML nodes in a document
getBibRefsGet references to bibliography or simple cross references
getDocLocationFind the chapter, section, sub-section, etc. of a node
getEmptyLinksFind Docbook links that are not valid
getFunctionReferencesGet information about references to R functions in text
getIdsGet external links and internal identifiers
getTodosAccess elements in a To-Do file
getXIncludeFilesFind all documents XInclude'd in this one
getXSLTemplatesGet information about an XSL document
tocExtract Table of Contents of a document
wordCountGet or count the words in an XML document
xmllintCheck an XML document is parseable
omegahat/XDocTools documentation built on May 24, 2019, 1:57 p.m.