  comment = "#",
  error = FALSE,
  tidy = FALSE,
  cache = FALSE,
# options(

We've developed three packages for performing differential analysis of NGS data, namely gread, gcount and ganalyse. In short,

In this vignette, we'll discuss the gread package.

ganalyse package

ganalyse is an R package that aims to make analysis on genomics data easy. It is implemented only for RNA-Seq data at the moment.

The current organisation is as follows:

For fpkm_counts object, use limma_dge to perform DGE analysis. Similarly, for raw_counts object, use limma_dge or edger_dge methods.

Setting up the experiment

The function rnaseq() can be used to set up the experiment. It returns an object of class raw or fpkm depending on the value provided to the argument format.

# ----- fpkm ----- #
(fpkm_obj = rnaseq(sample_info="example/fpkm/annotation.txt", 
                format="fpkm", experiment="test"))
class(fpkm_obj) # [1] "fpkm"  "data.table" "data.frame"

# ----- raw ----- #
(raw_obj = rnaseq(sample_info="example/raw/annotation.txt", 
                format="raw", experiment="test"))
class(raw_obj) # [1] "raw"  "data.table" "data.frame"

Note that: {.bs-callout .bs-callout-info}

Gather counts from all samples

This can be done using gather_counts function which has methods for objects of class fpkm and raw. It returns an object of class fpkm_counts and raw_counts respectively.

# ----- fpkm ----- #
(fpkm_counts = gather_counts(fpkm_obj, by="gene-id", log_base=2L))
class(fpkm_counts) # [1] "fpkm_counts" "fpkm" "data.table"  "data.frame"

# ----- raw ----- #
(raw_counts = gather_counts(raw_obj, by="gene-id", threshold=1L))
class(raw_counts) # [1] "raw_counts" "raw" "data.table" "data.frame"

{.bs-callout .bs-callout-info}

Inspect counts

To inspect the counts, show_counts function can be used. It returns a data.table object.

# ----- fpkm ----- #

# ----- raw ----- #

We can also generate density plots of counts facetted by the groups each sample belongs to using density_plot():

# ----- ggplot2 ----- #
density_plot(raw_counts, title="Density plot of raw counts", 
    groups="condition", facet_cols=1L)

Interactive plots can be genearted using interactive=TRUE.

# ----- plotly plot ----- #
pl = density_plot(raw_counts, title="Density plot of raw counts", 
        groups="condition", facet_cols=1L)
ll = htmltools::tagList()
ll[[1L]] = plotly::as.widget(pl)

Perform DGE analysis

We can perform DGE analysis using limma or edgeR bioconductor packages. The corresponding functions are limma_dge and edger_dge respectively. For raw counts, both these methods exist. For fpkm, only limma method is implemented.

To perform differential expression analysis, we need two have two more things -- a) design matrix, and b) contrasts. It can be constructed using construct_design() and construct_contrasts() functions.

These are simple wrappers to stats::model.matrix and limma::makeContrasts functions.

design = construct_design(raw_counts, formula = ~ 0 + condition)
contrasts = construct_contrasts(design, 
                A.vs.control = conditiontreatA-conditioncontrol,
                B.vs.control = conditiontreatB-conditioncontrol)

# ----- fpkm ----- #
# A vs control
(fpkm_dge = limma_dge(fpkm_counts, design, contrast=contrasts[, 1]))

# ----- raw ----- #
# B vs control
(raw_dge = limma_dge(raw_counts, design, contrast=contrasts[, "B.vs.control"]))

The usage for edger_dge is identical. Both these functions returns a dge object which can be directly passed to other function for generating plots as shown below.

Volcano plot

Volcano plot can be generated using volcano_plot() function.

# ----- ggplot2 plot ----- # 
volcano_plot(fpkm_dge, title="treatA vs Control")

Interactive plots can be generated using plotly package with the help of the argument interactive.

# ----- plotly plot ----- #
pl = volcano_plot(raw_dge, title="treatB vs Control", interactive=TRUE)
ll = htmltools::tagList()
ll[[1L]] = plotly::as.widget(pl)

By providing a file name, the plot is saved to the file provided, and the plot object is returned.

# save to file and return the object, *not* run 
volcano_plot(fpkm_dge, filename="~/treatA_vs_control.png")

Have a look at ?volcano_plot for more.

openanalytics/ganalyse documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:25 p.m.