redmineR: R client for Redmine API

Description Details Authentication API Description


R API client for the 'Redmine' project management system.


The package provides:

Full list of available functions can be accessed by running help(package = "redmineR").


Authentication is performed using API key, which can be obtained by accessing '[you_redmine_server]/my/account'. Note that REST API should be enabled by the server administrator.

The easiest way to provide the key to redmineR is to define environment variables REDMINE_URL and REDMINE_TOKEN inside your .Renviron file. If this is not done, you will be prompted to enter url/token with the first redmineR request (this would be saved for the current session only).

API Description

The Redmine API is described at

openanalytics/redmineR documentation built on June 8, 2019, 8:29 a.m.