
Defines functions ojo_eviction_cases

Documented in ojo_eviction_cases

#' @title OJO Eviction Cases
#' @description
#' Collects Oklahoma eviction data for the specified districts (or all of Oklahoma)
#' for the user specified time frame. If date_end is not specified, the
#' most up-to-date data will be collected.
#' Function uses the latest methodology we use for identifying eviction cases
#' and outcomes in Oklahoma. As that methodology is updated, this function will
#' be updated to reflect those changes.
#' @param districts District codes for which to collect data (default is "all", which collects data for all districts)
#' @param ... Placeholder for additional arguments
#' @param date_start Start date for the data collection period
#' @param date_end End date for the data collection period (default is NULL, which collects the most up-to-date data)
#' @param more_case_variables Additional variables from case table to include in the output
#' @param more_issue_variables Additional variables from issue table to include in the output
#' @param get_judgments Logical value indicating whether to include eviction judgment information in the output
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select left_join mutate case_when
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom lubridate floor_date as_date
#' @export ojo_eviction_cases
#' @return A dataframe containing eviction data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ojo_eviction_cases()
#' ojo_eviction_cases(districts = c("TULSA", "ADAIR"))
#' ojo_eviction_cases(
#'   districts = c("TULSA", "ADAIR"),
#'   date_start = "2020-01-01",
#'   date_end = "2020-01-31",
#'   more_issue_variables = disposition_date
#' )
#' ojo_eviction_cases(
#'   districts = c("TULSA", "ADAIR"),
#'   get_judgments = TRUE
#' )
#' }

ojo_eviction_cases <- function(districts = "all",
                               date_start = NULL,
                               date_end = NULL,
                               more_case_variables = NULL,
                               more_issue_variables = NULL,
                               get_judgments = TRUE) {
  #### Variable Handling
  .district <- toupper(districts)

  ##### Data Wrangling / Cleaning
  ## Construct Data
  data <- ojodb::ojo_tbl("case")

  if (!any(.district == "ALL")) {
    data <- data |>
      dplyr::filter(district %in% .district)

  if (!is.null(date_end)) {
    data <- data |>
      dplyr::filter(date_filed <= date_end)

  if (!is.null(date_start)) {
    data <- data |>
      dplyr::filter(date_filed >= date_start)

  case_vars <- unique(
      "id", "district", "date_filed", "date_closed", "status",

  issue_vars <- unique(
      "id", "case_id", "description", "disposition",

  data <- data |>
    dplyr::filter(case_type == "SC") |>
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(case_vars)) |>
      ojodb::ojo_tbl("issue") |>
      by = c("id" = "case_id"),
      suffix = c(".case", ".issue")

  ## Keep Only Eviction Cases
  # This our standard "strict" definition for research and analysis applications.
  # For applications where we may want to allow for more errors such as for
  # non-profit service providers, we may want to consider a more lenient definition.
  data <- data |>

  if (get_judgments == TRUE) {
    data <- data |>
      dplyr::mutate(clean_disposition = case_when(
        stringr::str_detect(disposition, "DISMISS") ~ "DISMISSED",
        stringr::str_detect(disposition, "JUDGMENT|JUDGEMENT") ~
            stringr::str_detect(disposition, "DEFAULT") ~ "DEFAULT JUDGMENT",
            stringr::str_detect(disposition, "PLAINTIFF") ~ "JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF",
            stringr::str_detect(disposition, "DEFENDANT") ~ "JUDGMENT FOR DEFENDANT",
        stringr::str_detect(disposition, "ADVISEMENT") ~ "UNDER ADVISEMENT"

    data <- data |>
        judgment = dplyr::case_when(
          clean_disposition %in%
            c("DEFAULT JUDGMENT", "JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF") ~ "Eviction Granted",
          clean_disposition == "JUDGMENT FOR DEFENDANT" ~ "Eviction Denied",
          clean_disposition == "JUDGMENT ENTERED" ~ "Case Decided, Outcome Unknown",
          clean_disposition == "DISMISSED" ~ "Case Dismissed (Settled Outside Court)",
          clean_disposition == "UNDER ADVISEMENT" ~ "Case Under Advisement",
          .default = "Case Undecided"

openjusticeok/ojodb documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 3:25 p.m.