
Defines functions ojo_show_row

Documented in ojo_show_row

#' Browse the source court record of a row
#' Displays the OSCN court record for a given row in a dataframe with columns named `court` and `casenum`
#' @param df A local dataframe with columns named `court` and `casenum`
#' @param row_number The number of the row of the case to be shown
#' @export ojo_show_row
#' @returns Nothing
#' @section Side effects:
#' Opens a browser window to the OSCN court record
ojo_show_row <- function(df, row_number) {
  if ("court" %in% names(df) & "casenum" %in% names(df) & row_number <= nrow(df)) {
      df[row_number, ]$district,
      df[row_number, ]$case_number
    ) |>
  } else {
    message("Data frame must contain columns `court` and `casenum`.")
openjusticeok/ojodb documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 3:25 p.m.