Man pages for openpharma/visR
Clinical Graphs and Tables Adhering to Graphical Principles

add_annotationAdd annotations to a visR object
add_CIAdd confidence interval (CI) to visR object
add_CNSRAdd censoring symbols to a visR object
add_highlightHighlight a specific strata
add_quantilesAdd quantile indicators to visR plot
add_risktableAdd risk tables to visR plots through an S3 method
adtteadtte - CDISC ADaM compliant time to event data set
align_plotsAlign multiple ggplot graphs, taking into account the legend
apply_attritionApply list of inclusion/exclusion criteria to a patient-level...
apply_themeApplies a theme to a ggplot object.
brca_cohortCancer survival data
define_themeProvides a simple wrapper for themes
dot-convert_alphaConverts an alpha value between its numeric and its...
dot-get_alpha_from_hex_colourExtract the numerical alpha representation of #RRGGBBAA...
dot-get_strataGet strata level combinations
dot-replace_hex_alphaReplaces the AA part of a #RRGGBBAA hex-colour.
estimate_cumincCompeting Events Cumulative Incidence
estimate_KMWrapper for Kaplan-Meier Time-to-Event analysis
get_attritionGenerate cohort attrition table
get_COX_HRSummarize Hazard Ratio from a survival object using S3 method
get_pvalueSummarize the test for equality across strata from a survival...
get_quantileWrapper around quantile methods
get_risktableObtain risk tables for tables and plots
get_summarySummarize the descriptive statistics across strata from a...
get_tableoneCalculate summary statistics
legendoptsTranslates options for legend into a list that can be passed...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
renderRender a data.frame, risktable, or tableone object as a table
stat_stepribbonStep ribbon statistic
summarize_longCalculate summary statistics from a vector
summarize_shortCreate abbreviated variable summary for table1
Surv_CNSRCreate a Survival Object from CDISC Data
tableoneDisplay a summary Table (i.e. table one)
the_lhsFind the "lhs" in the pipeline
tidymeExtended tidy cleaning of selected objects using S3 method
visrPlot a supported S3 object
visR-Global'visR' package
visR-packagevisR: Clinical Graphs and Tables Adhering to Graphical...
openpharma/visR documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:36 p.m.