dot-replace_hex_alpha: Replaces the AA part of a #RRGGBBAA hex-colour.

.replace_hex_alphaR Documentation

Replaces the AA part of a #RRGGBBAA hex-colour.


RGB colours can be encoded as hexadecimal values, as for example internally used by ggplot2. For this, the numerical RGB values are mapped from their 0-255 value range to two-character hex-values. This yields a string in the form of '#RRGGBB'. Additionally, a fourth optional block can be present encoding the alpha transparency of the colour. This extends the string to '#RRGGBBAA'. This function takes an '#RRGGBBAA' string as input for colour and a two-character hex-representation of an alpha value as an input for new_alpha, replaces the 'AA' part of colour with the new_alpha and returns the new colour.


.replace_hex_alpha(colour, new_alpha)



A character string of the format #RRGGBBAA.


A two-character string with the new alpha value.


A hex-encoded RGBA colour.

openpharma/visR documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:36 p.m.