visr: Plot a supported S3 object

View source: R/visr.R

visrR Documentation

Plot a supported S3 object


S3 method for creating plots directly from objects using ggplot2, similar to the base R plot() function.

[Deprecated] Methods visr.survfit() and visr.tidycuminc() have been deprecated in favor of ggsurvfit::ggsurvfit() and ggsurvfit::ggcuminc(), respectively.

[Questioning] visr.attrition() function to draw a Consort flow diagram chart is currently being questioned.


visr(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
visr(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'survfit'
  x = NULL,
  x_label = NULL,
  y_label = NULL,
  x_units = NULL,
  x_ticks = NULL,
  y_ticks = NULL,
  fun = "surv",
  legend_position = "right",

## S3 method for class 'attrition'
  description_column_name = "Criteria",
  value_column_name = "Remaining N",
  complement_column_name = "",
  box_width = 50,
  font_size = 12,
  fill = "white",
  border = "black",

## S3 method for class 'tidycuminc'
  x = NULL,
  x_label = "Time",
  y_label = "Cumulative Incidence",
  x_units = NULL,
  x_ticks = pretty(x$tidy$time, 10),
  y_ticks = pretty(c(0, 1), 5),
  legend_position = "right",



Object of class attritiontable


other arguments passed on to the method


character Label for the x-axis. When not specified, the function will look for "PARAM" or "PARAMCD" information in the original data set (CDISC standards). If no "PARAM"/"PARAMCD" information is available, the default x-axis label is "Time".


character Label for the y-axis. When not specified, the default will do a proposal, depending on the fun argument.


Unit to be added to the x_label (x_label (x_unit)). Default is NULL.


Ticks for the x-axis. When not specified, the default will do a proposal.


Ticks for the y-axis. When not specified, the default will do a proposal based on the fun argument.


Function that represents the scale of the estimate. The current options are:

surv is the survival probability. This is the default
log is log of the survival probability
event is the failure probability
cloglog is log(-log(survival probability))
pct is survival as a percentage
logpct is log survival as a percentage
cumhaz is the cumulative hazard

Specifies the legend position in the plot. Character values allowed are "top" "left" "bottom" "right". Numeric coordinates are also allowed. Default is "right".


character Name of the column containing the inclusion descriptions


character Name of the column containing the remaining sample counts


character Optional: Name of the column containing the exclusion descriptions


character The box width for each box in the flow chart


character The fontsize in pt


The color (string or hexcode) to use to fill the boxes in the flowchart


The color (string or hexcode) to use for the borders of the boxes in the flowchart


Object of class ggplot and ggsurvplot for survfit objects.

See Also



# fit KM
km_fit <- survival::survfit(survival::Surv(AVAL, 1 - CNSR) ~ TRTP, data = adtte)

# plot curves using survival plot function

# plot same curves using visR::visr plotting function

# estimate KM using visR wrapper
survfit_object <- visR::estimate_KM(data = adtte, strata = "TRTP")

# Plot survival probability
visR::visr(survfit_object, fun = "surv")

# Plot survival percentage
visR::visr(survfit_object, fun = "pct")

# Plot cumulative hazard
visR::visr(survfit_object, fun = "cloglog")

## Create attrition
attrition <- visR::get_attrition(adtte,
  criteria_descriptions = c(
    "1. Not in Placebo Group",
    "2. Be 75 years of age or older.",
    "3. White",
    "4. Female"
  criteria_conditions = c(
    "TRTP != 'Placebo'",
    "AGE >= 75",
  subject_column_name = "USUBJID"

## Draw a CONSORT attrition chart without specifying extra text for the complement
attrition %>%
  visr("Criteria", "Remaining N")

## Add detailed complement descriptions to the "exclusion" part of the CONSORT diagram
# Step 1. Add new column to attrition dataframe
attrition$Complement <- c(
  "Placebo Group",
  "Younger than 75 years",

# Step 2. Define the name of the column in the call to the plotting function
attrition %>%
  visr("Criteria", "Remaining N", "Complement")

## Styling the CONSORT flowchart
# Change the fill and outline of the boxes in the flowchart
attrition %>%
  visr("Criteria", "Remaining N", "Complement", fill = "lightblue", border = "grey")

## Adjust the font size in the boxes
attrition %>%
  visr("Criteria", "Remaining N", font_size = 10)

openpharma/visR documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:36 p.m.