
name: Feature Request about: Request a new or modified feature title: "[FEATURE] " labels: '' assignees: ''

Steps to follow in requesting a feature with osmdata

  1. Please ensure that what you are requesting is compatible with the underlying structure of Open Street Map (OSM) itself, for example by searching the OSM wiki or the overview of the overpass Query Language for all relevant information. Please include links to any relevant pages in your issue.
  2. Please provide reproducible code generated by the reprex package to demonstrate current behaviour of osmdata which you would like changed or improved, including the following lines in your reprex:
# <your reprex code here>

  1. Please use the results of the preceding step to explain precisely what you would like modified from or added to the results as given.

Thanks! :smile:

osmdatar/osmdata documentation built on April 14, 2024, 5:28 p.m.