
# get the sf geometry of the component with id from dat
get_geoms <- function (dat, id) {

    indx <- which (grepl ("osm_", names (dat)))
    where <- indx [which (vapply (dat [indx], function (i) {
        any (id %in% rownames (i))
    FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
    lapply (where, function (i) {
        indx <- which (rownames (dat [[i]]) %in% id)
        nms <- rownames (dat [[i]]) [indx]
        ret <- dat [[i]] [indx, ]$geometry
        names (ret) <- nms
        return (ret)

# x is a list of sf objects all of same class
get_point_ids <- function (x) {

    pts <- NULL

    if (is (x [[1]], "MULTIPOLYGON")) {

        pts <- lapply (x, function (i) do.call (rbind, i [[1]]))
        pts <- do.call (rbind, pts)

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "MULTILINESTRING")) {

        pts <- lapply (x, function (i) do.call (rbind, i))
        pts <- do.call (rbind, pts)

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "POLYGON")) {

        pts <- lapply (x, function (i) do.call (rbind, i))
        pts <- do.call (rbind, pts)

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "LINESTRING")) {

        pts <- do.call (rbind, x)

    ids <- as.character (rownames (pts))

    return (unique (ids))

get_line_ids <- function (x, dat, id) {

    ids <- NULL

    if (is (x [[1]], "MULTIPOLYGON")) {

        ids <- lapply (x, function (i) names (i [[1]]))
        ids <- as.character (unlist (lapply (ids, function (i) {
            strsplit (i, "-")

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "MULTILINESTRING")) {

        ids <- as.character (unlist (lapply (x, function (i) names (i))))

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "POLYGON")) {

        # find all intersecting lines
        pts <- as.character (unlist (lapply (x, function (i) {
            rownames (i [[1]])
        indx <- which (vapply (dat$osm_lines$geometry, function (i) {
            any (pts %in% rownames (i))
        FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        ids <- names (dat$osm_lines$geometry) [indx]

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "LINESTRING")) {

        # find all intersecting lines
        pts <- do.call (rbind, x)
        pts <- as.character (rownames (pts))
        indx <- which (vapply (dat$osm_lines$geometry, function (i) {
            any (pts %in% rownames (i))
        FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        ids <- names (dat$osm_lines$geometry) [indx]

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "POINT")) {

        # find all intersecting lines
        pts <- names (x)
        indx <- which (vapply (dat$osm_lines$geometry, function (i) {
            any (pts %in% rownames (i))
        FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        ids <- names (dat$osm_lines$geometry) [indx]

    return (ids)

get_polygon_ids <- function (x, dat, id) {

    ids <- NULL

    if (is (x [[1]], "MULTIPOLYGON")) {

        ids <- lapply (x, function (i) names (i [[1]]))
        ids <- as.character (unlist (lapply (ids, function (i) {
            strsplit (i, "-")

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "MULTILINESTRING")) {

        stop ("MULTILINESTRINGS do not contain polygons by definition")

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "POLYGON")) {

        # find all intersecting polygons
        pts <- do.call (rbind, lapply (x, function (i) i [[1]]))
        pts <- as.character (rownames (pts))
        indx <- which (vapply (dat$osm_polygons$geometry, function (i) {
            any (pts %in% rownames (i [[1]]))
        FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        ids <- names (dat$osm_polygons$geometry) [indx]

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "LINESTRING")) {

        # find all intersecting lines
        pts <- as.character (rownames (do.call (rbind, x)))
        indx <- which (vapply (dat$osm_polygons$geometry, function (i) {
            any (pts %in% rownames (i [[1]]))
        FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        ids <- names (dat$osm_polygons$geometry) [indx]

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "POINT")) {

        # find all intersecting lines
        pts <- names (x)
        indx <- which (vapply (dat$osm_polygons$geometry, function (i) {
            any (pts %in% rownames (i [[1]]))
        FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        ids <- names (dat$osm_polygons$geometry) [indx]

    return (ids)

get_multiline_ids <- function (x, dat, id) {

    ids <- NULL

    if (is (x [[1]], "LINESTRING")) {

        ids <- names (x)
        mls <- lapply (dat$osm_multilines$geometry, function (i) names (i))
        indx <- vapply (mls, function (i) any (ids %in% i),
            FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        ids <- names (indx) [which (indx)]

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "POINT")) {

        # find all lines containing those points
        lns <- names (which (vapply (dat$osm_lines$geometry, function (i) {
            any (rownames (i) %in% names (x))
        FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        # then find all multilines containing those lines
        indx <- vapply (dat$osm_multilines$geometry, function (i) {
            any (names (i) %in% lns)
        }, FUN.VALUE = logical (1))
        ids <- names (indx) [which (indx)]

    return (ids)

get_multipolygon_ids <- function (x, dat, id) {

    ids <- NULL

    # get ids of all multipolygon components
    mps <- lapply (dat$osm_multipolygons$geometry, function (i) {
        names (i [[1]])
    mps <- lapply (mps, function (i) unlist (strsplit (i, "-")))

    if (is (x [[1]], "POLYGON") | is (x [[1]], "LINESTRING")) {

        ids <- names (x)
        indx <- vapply (mps, function (i) any (ids %in% i),
            FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        ids <- names (indx) [which (indx)]

    } else if (is (x [[1]], "POINT")) {

        # find all lines containing those points
        lns <- names (which (vapply (dat$osm_lines$geometry, function (i) {
            any (rownames (i) %in% names (x))
        FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
        # then find all multipolygons containing those lines
        indx <- lapply (mps, function (i) any (lns %in% i))
        ids <- names (indx) [which (as.logical (indx))]

    return (ids)

sanity_check <- function (dat, id) {

    if (!is (dat, "osmdata")) {
        stop ("dat must be of class osmdata")

    if (!(is.character (id) | is.numeric (id))) {
        stop ("id must be of class character or numeric")

    if (!is.character (id)) {
        id <- as.character (id)

    return (id)

#' Extract all `osm_points` from an osmdata object
#' @param dat An object of class \link{osmdata}
#' @param id OSM identification of one or more objects for which points are to
#' be extracted
#' @return An \pkg{sf} Simple Features Collection of points
#' @family search
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tr <- opq ("trentham australia") %>% osmdata_sf ()
#' coliban <- tr$osm_lines [which (tr$osm_lines$name == "Coliban River"), ]
#' pts <- osm_points (tr, rownames (coliban)) # all points of river
#' # the waterfall point:
#' waterfall <- pts [which (pts$waterway == "waterfall"), ]
#' }
osm_points <- function (dat, id) {

    if (missing (dat)) {
        stop ("osm_points can not be extracted without data")
    if (missing (id)) {
        stop ("id must be given to extract points")

    if (is.factor (id)) {
        id <- as.character (id)

    id <- sanity_check (dat, id)

    x <- get_geoms (dat, id)
    ids <- lapply (x, function (i) get_point_ids (i))
    ids <- unique (unlist (ids))

    dat$osm_points [which (rownames (dat$osm_points) %in% ids), ]

#' Extract all `osm_lines` from an osmdata object
#' If `id` is of a point object, `osm_lines` will return all lines
#' containing that point. If `id` is of a line or polygon object,
#' `osm_lines` will return all lines which intersect the given line or
#' polygon.
#' @param dat An object of class \link{osmdata}
#' @param id OSM identification of one or more objects for which lines are to be
#' extracted
#' @return An \pkg{sf} Simple Features Collection of linestrings
#' @family search
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dat <- opq ("hengelo nl") %>%
#'     add_osm_feature (key = "highway") %>%
#'     osmdata_sf ()
#' bus <- dat$osm_points [which (dat$osm_points$highway == "bus_stop"), ] %>%
#'     rownames () # all OSM IDs of bus stops
#' osm_lines (dat, bus) # all highways containing bus stops
#' # All lines which intersect with Piccadilly Circus in London, UK
#' dat <- opq ("Fitzrovia London") %>%
#'     add_osm_feature (key = "highway") %>%
#'     osmdata_sf ()
#' i <- which (dat$osm_polygons$name == "Piccadilly Circus")
#' id <- rownames (dat$osm_polygons [i, ])
#' osm_lines (dat, id)
#' }
osm_lines <- function (dat, id) {

    if (missing (dat)) {
        stop ("osm_lines can not be extracted without data")
    if (missing (id)) {
        stop ("id must be given to extract lines")

    if (is.factor (id)) {
        id <- as.character (id)

    id <- sanity_check (dat, id)

    x <- get_geoms (dat, id)
    ids <- lapply (x, function (i) get_line_ids (i, dat, id))
    ids <- unique (unlist (ids))

    dat$osm_lines [which (rownames (dat$osm_lines) %in% ids), ]

#' Extract all `osm_polygons` from an osmdata object
#' If `id` is of a point object, `osm_polygons` will return all
#' polygons containing that point. If `id` is of a line or polygon object,
#' `osm_polygons` will return all polygons which intersect the given line
#' or polygon.
#' @param dat An object of class \link{osmdata}
#' @param id OSM identification of one or more objects for which polygons are to
#' be extracted
#' @return An \pkg{sf} Simple Features Collection of polygons
#' @family search
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract polygons which intersect Conway Street in London
#' dat <- opq ("Marylebone London") %>%
#'     add_osm_feature (key = "highway") %>%
#'     osmdata_sf ()
#' conway <- which (dat$osm_lines$name == "Conway Street")
#' id <- rownames (dat$osm_lines [conway, ])
#' osm_polygons (dat, id)
#' }
osm_polygons <- function (dat, id) {

    if (missing (dat)) {
        stop ("osm_polygons can not be extracted without data")
    if (missing (id)) {
        stop ("id must be given to extract polygons")

    if (is.factor (id)) {
        id <- as.character (id)

    id <- sanity_check (dat, id)

    x <- get_geoms (dat, id)
    ids <- lapply (x, function (i) get_polygon_ids (i, dat, id))
    ids <- unique (unlist (ids))

    dat$osm_polygons [which (rownames (dat$osm_polygons) %in% ids), ]

#' Extract all `osm_multilines` from an osmdata object
#' `id` must be of an `osm_points` or `osm_lines` object (and can
#' not be the `id` of an `osm_polygons` object because multilines by
#' definition contain no polygons.  `osm_multilines` returns any multiline
#' object(s) which contain the object specified by `id`.
#' @param dat An object of class \link{osmdata}
#' @param id OSM identification of one of more objects for which multilines are
#' to be extracted
#' @return An \pkg{sf} Simple Features Collection of multilines
#' @family search
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dat <- opq ("London UK") %>%
#'     add_osm_feature (key = "name", value = "Thames", exact = FALSE) %>%
#'     osmdata_sf ()
#' # Get ids of lines called "The Thames":
#' id <- rownames (dat$osm_lines [which (dat$osm_lines$name == "The Thames"), ])
#' # and find all multilinestring objects which include those lines:
#' osm_multilines (dat, id)
#' # Now note that
#' nrow (dat$osm_multilines) # = 24 multiline objects
#' nrow (osm_multilines (dat, id)) # = 1 - the recursive search selects the
#' # single multiline containing "The Thames"
#' }
osm_multilines <- function (dat, id) {

    if (missing (dat)) {
        stop ("osm_multilines can not be extracted without data")
    if (missing (id)) {
        stop ("id must be given to extract multilines")

    if (is.factor (id)) {
        id <- as.character (id)

    id <- sanity_check (dat, id)

    x <- get_geoms (dat, id)
    ids <- lapply (x, function (i) get_multiline_ids (i, dat, id))
    ids <- unique (unlist (ids))

    dat$osm_multilines [which (rownames (dat$osm_multilines) %in% ids), ]

#' Extract all `osm_multipolygons` from an osmdata object
#' `id` must be of an `osm_points`, `osm_lines`, or
#' `osm_polygons` object. `osm_multipolygons` returns any multipolygon
#' object(s) which contain the object specified by `id`.
#' @param dat An object of class \link{osmdata}
#' @param id OSM identification of one or more objects for which multipolygons
#' are to be extracted
#' @return An \pkg{sf} Simple Features Collection of multipolygons
#' @family search
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # find all multipolygons which contain the single polygon called
#' # "Chiswick Eyot" (which is an island).
#' dat <- opq ("London UK") %>%
#'     add_osm_feature (key = "name", value = "Thames", exact = FALSE) %>%
#'     osmdata_sf ()
#' index <- which (dat$osm_multipolygons$name == "Chiswick Eyot")
#' id <- rownames (dat$osm_polygons [id, ])
#' osm_multipolygons (dat, id)
#' # That multipolygon is the Thames itself, but note that
#' nrow (dat$osm_multipolygons) # = 14 multipolygon objects
#' nrow (osm_multipolygons (dat, id)) # = 1 - the main Thames multipolygon
#' }
osm_multipolygons <- function (dat, id) {

    if (missing (dat)) {
        stop ("osm_multipolygons can not be extracted without data")
    if (missing (id)) {
        stop ("id must be given to extract multipolygons")

    if (is.factor (id)) {
        id <- as.character (id)

    id <- sanity_check (dat, id)

    x <- get_geoms (dat, id)
    ids <- lapply (x, function (i) get_multipolygon_ids (i, dat, id))
    ids <- unique (unlist (ids))

    dat$osm_multipolygons [which (rownames (dat$osm_multipolygons) %in% ids), ]
osmdatar/osmdata documentation built on April 14, 2024, 5:28 p.m.