
#' @export
print.osmdata <- function (x, ...) {
    msg <- NULL
    # print meta-data
    if (!all (vapply (x, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical (1)))) {
        msg <- "Object of class 'osmdata' with:\n"

    msg <- c (msg, c (rep (" ", 17), "$bbox : ", x$bbox, "\n"))

    objs <- c ("overpass_call", "meta")
    prnts <- c (
        "The call submitted to the overpass API",
        "metadata including timestamp and version numbers"
    for (i in seq (objs)) {
        if (!is.null (x [objs [i]])) {
            nm <- c (rep (" ", 21 - nchar (objs [i])), "$", objs [i])
            msg <- c (msg, nm, " : ", prnts [i], "\n")

    # print geometry data
    sf <- any (grep ("sf", lapply (x, class)))
    if (sf) {
        msg <- msg_sf (msg, x)
    } else {
        msg <- msg_non_sf (msg, x)

    message (msg)
    invisible (x)

msg_sf <- function (msg, x) {

    indx <- which (grepl ("osm", names (x)))

    for (i in names (x) [indx]) {

        xi <- x [[i]]
        nm <- c (rep (" ", 21 - nchar (i)), "$", i)
        if (is.null (xi)) {
            msg <- c (msg, nm, " : NULL\n")
        } else if (grepl ("line", i)) { # sf "lines" -> "linestrings"
            msg <- c (
                msg, nm,
                " : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with ",
                nrow (xi), " ", strsplit (i, "osm_") [[1]] [2],
        } else {
            msg <- c (
                msg, nm, " : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with ",
                nrow (xi), " ",
                strsplit (i, "osm_") [[1]] [2], "\n"

    return (msg)

msg_non_sf <- function (msg, x) {

    indx <- which (grepl ("osm", names (x)))

    for (i in names (x) [indx]) {

        xi <- x [[i]]
        nm <- c (rep (" ", 21 - nchar (i)), "$", i)
        if (is.null (xi)) {
            msg <- c (msg, nm, " : NULL", "\n")
        } else {

            type <- strsplit (i, "osm_") [[1]] [2]
            types <- c (
                "points", "lines", "polygons",
                "multlines", "multipolygons"
            sp_types <- c (
                "Points", "Lines", "Polygons",
                "Lines", "Polygons"
            types <- sp_types [match (type, types)]
            msg <- c (
                msg, nm, " : 'sp' Spatial", types, "DataFrame with ",
                nrow (xi), " ", strsplit (i, "osm_") [[1]] [2],

    return (msg)

#' @export
c.osmdata <- function (...) {

    x <- list (...)
    cl_null <- vapply (x, function (i) {
        is.null (i$osm_points) &
            is.null (i$osm_lines) &
            is.null (i$osm_polygons) &
            is.null (i$osm_multilines) &
            is.null (i$osm_multipolygons)
    FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
    x <- x [which (!cl_null)]
    if (length (x) < 1) {
        stop ("osmdata object is entirely NULL")
    cl_sf <- vapply (x, function (i) {
        any (grep ("sf", lapply (i, class)))
    FUN.VALUE = logical (1)
    if (!(all (cl_sf) | all (!cl_sf))) {
        stop ("All objects must be either osmdata_sf or osmdata_sp")

    sf <- all (cl_sf)
    res <- osmdata ()
    res$bbox <- x [[1]]$bbox
    res$overpass_call <- x [[1]]$overpass_call
    res$meta <- x [[1]]$meta

    if (sf) {
        res <- c_sf (res, x)
    } else {
        # TODO: implement sp version
        stop (
            "'c' method currently implemented only for osmdata_sf. ",
            "You could use\n'osmdata_sf()', and convert with ",
            "'as(x,'Spatial')' from package 'sf'."
    return (res)

#' @export
c.osmdata_sc <- function (...) {

    x <- list (...)
    nms <- unique (unlist (lapply (x, names)))

    res <- lapply (nms, function (n) {
        unique (do.call (rbind, lapply (x, function (i) i [[n]])))
    names (res) <- nms

    class (res) <- c ("SC", "sc", "osmdata_sc")

    return (res)

c_sf <- function (res, x) {

    osm_names <- names (x [[1]]) [which (grepl ("osm_", names (x [[1]])))]
    core_names <- c ("osm_id", "name", "geometry")

    for (i in osm_names) {

        xi <- lapply (x, function (j) j [[i]])
        nrows <- lapply (xi, function (j) ifelse (is.null (j), 0, nrow (j)))
        indx <- which (unlist (nrows) > 0)

        xi <- xi [indx]
        xi [vapply (xi, is.null, logical (1))] <- NULL

        if (length (xi) > 0) {

            ids <- cnames <- NULL
            for (j in xi) {
                ids <- c (ids, rownames (j))
                cnames <- c (cnames, colnames (j))

            ids <- sort (unique (ids))
            cnames <- cnames [!cnames %in% core_names]
            cnames <- sort (unique (c ("osm_id", "name", cnames, "geometry")))
            resi <- xi [[1]]

            # then expand resi to final number of columns keeping sf
            # integrity
            cnames_new <- cnames [which (!cnames %in% names (resi))]
            for (j in cnames_new) {
                resi [j] <- rep (NA, nrow (resi))

            # and re-order columns again
            indx1 <- which (names (resi) %in% core_names)
            indx2 <- which (!seq (ncol (resi)) %in% indx1)
            indx <- c (
                which (names (resi) == "osm_id"),
                which (names (resi) == "name"),
                indx2 [order (names (resi) [indx2])],
                which (names (resi) == "geometry")
            att <- attributes (resi)
            resi <- resi [, indx, drop = FALSE]
            nms <- names (resi)
            attributes (resi) <- att # restored sf_column and agr attributes
            names (resi) <- nms

            # Then we're finally ready to pack in the remaining bits
            xi [[1]] <- NULL
            for (j in xi) {
                rindx <- which (!rownames (j) %in% rownames (resi))
                # cindx <- which (names (j) %in% names (resi))
                resj <- j [rindx, , drop = FALSE] # nolint
                # then expand resj as for resi above
                cnames_new <- cnames [which (!cnames %in% names (resj))]
                for (k in cnames_new) {
                    resj [k] <- rep (NA, nrow (resj))
                indx1 <- which (names (resj) %in% core_names)
                indx2 <- which (!seq (ncol (resj)) %in% indx1)
                indx <- c (
                    which (names (resj) == "osm_id"),
                    which (names (resj) == "name"),
                    indx2 [order (names (resj) [indx2])],
                    which (names (resj) == "geometry")
                resj <- resj [, indx]
                resi <- rbind (resi, resj)
            } # end for j in x

            res [[i]] <- resi

            attr (res [[i]], "sf_column") <- attr (resi, "sf_column")
            attr (res [[i]], "agr") <- attr (resi, "agr")

        } # end if length (xi) > 0
    } # end for i in osm_names

    class (res) <- c (class (res), "osmdata_sf")

    return (res)
osmdatar/osmdata documentation built on July 29, 2024, 10:23 p.m.