
#' Retrieve status of the Overpass API
#' @param quiet if `FALSE` display a status message
#' @return an invisible list of whether the API is available along with the
#'         text of the message from Overpass and the timestamp of the
#'         next available slot
#' @family queries
#' @export
overpass_status <- function (quiet = FALSE) {

    available <- FALSE
    slot_time <- status <- st_type <- NULL

    overpass_url <- get_overpass_url ()
    st_type <- "status"
    if (grepl ("vi-di", overpass_url) | grepl ("rambler", overpass_url)) {
        st_type <- "timestamp"

    status_url <- gsub ("interpreter", st_type, overpass_url)

    if (!curl::has_internet ()) {

        status <- "No internet connection"
        if (!quiet) {
            message (status)

    } else {

        req <- httr2::request (status_url)
        req <- httr2::req_retry (req, max_tries = 10L)
        status <- httr2::req_perform (req)

        if (!is.null (status)) {

            status <- httr2::resp_body_string (status)
            if (st_type == "status") {
                slt <- get_slot_time (status = status, quiet = quiet)
            } else if (st_type == "timestamp") {
                slt <- get_slot_timestamp (status = status)

            available <- slt$available
            slot_time <- slt$slot_time
        } else {

            # status not even returned so pause the whole shebang for 10 seconds
            slot_time <- lubridate::ymd_hms (lubridate::now () + 10)
            slot_time <- lubridate::force_tz (slot_time, tz = Sys.timezone ())

    return (invisible (list (
        available = available, next_slot = slot_time,
        msg = status


# for APIs with status messages
get_slot_time <- function (status, quiet) {

    status_now <- strsplit (status, "\n") [[1]] [3]
    if (!quiet) message (status_now)

    if (grepl ("after", status_now)) {
        available <- FALSE
        slot_time <- lubridate::ymd_hms (gsub (
            "Slot available after: ",
            "", status_now
        slot_time <- lubridate::force_tz (slot_time,
            tz = Sys.timezone ()
    } else {
        available <- TRUE
        slot_time <- Sys.time ()

    list ("available" = available, "slot_time" = slot_time)

# For APIs with only timestamps but no status
get_slot_timestamp <- function (status) {

    slot_time <- NA
    available <- FALSE
    if (nchar (status) > 1) {
        available <- TRUE

    list ("available" = available, "slot_time" = slot_time)

#' Check for error issued by overpass server, even though status = 200
#' @param doc Character string returned by call in following `overpass_query`
#' function.
#' @param return Nothing; stops execution if error encountered.
#' @noRd
check_for_error <- function (doc) {

    # the nchar check uses an arbitrary value to avoid trying to `read_xml()`
    # read data, which would take forever.
    if (grepl ("error: ", doc, ignore.case = TRUE) &
        nchar (doc) < 10000) {

        docx <- xml2::read_xml (doc)

        if (xml2::xml_length (docx) < 10) { # arbitrarily low value

            remark <- xml2::xml_text (xml2::xml_find_all (docx, "remark"))
            if (length (remark) > 1) {
                stop (paste0 ("overpass", remark))
            } else {
                stop (
                    "General overpass server error; returned:\n",
                    xml2::xml_text (docx)

#' Issue OSM Overpass Query
#' @param query OSM Overpass query. Please note that the function is in ALPHA
#'        dev stage and needs YOU to specify that the output type is XML.
#'        However, you can use Overpass XML or Overpass QL formats.
#' @param quiet suppress status messages. OSM Overpass queries may not return
#'        quickly. The package will display status messages by default showing
#'        when the query started/completed.  You can disable these messages by
#'        setting this value to `TRUE`.
#' @param wait if `TRUE` and if there is a queue at the Overpass API
#'        server, should this function wait and try again at the next available
#'        slot time or should it throw a an exception?
#' @param pad_wait if there is a queue and `wait` is `TRUE`, pad the
#'        next query start time by `pad_wait` seconds (default = 5 seconds).
#' @param encoding Unless otherwise specified XML documents are assumed to be
#'        encoded as UTF-8 or UTF-16. If the document is not UTF-8/16, and lacks
#'        an explicit encoding directive, this allows you to supply a default.
#' @noRd
overpass_query <- function (query, quiet = FALSE, wait = TRUE, pad_wait = 5,
                            encoding = "UTF-8") {

    if (missing (query)) {
        stop ("query must be supplied", call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.character (query) | length (query) > 1) {
        stop ("query must be a single character string")

    if (!is.logical (quiet)) {
        quiet <- FALSE
    if (!is.logical (wait)) {
        wait <- TRUE
    if (!is.numeric (pad_wait)) {

        message ("pad_wait must be numeric; setting to 5s")
        pad_wait <- 5
    if (pad_wait < 0) {

        warning ("pad_wait must be positive; setting to 5s")
        pad_wait <- 5

    if (!curl::has_internet ()) {
        stop ("Overpass query unavailable without internet",
            call. = FALSE

    if (!quiet) message ("Issuing query to Overpass API ...")

    o_stat <- overpass_status (quiet)

    overpass_url <- get_overpass_url ()

    if (o_stat$available) {

        req <- httr2::request (overpass_url)
        req <- httr2::req_method (req, "POST")
        req <- httr2::req_retry (req, max_tries = 10L)
        req <- httr2::req_body_raw (req, body = query)

        resp <- httr2::req_perform (req)

    } else {

        if (wait) {

            wait <- max (
                as.numeric (difftime (
                    Sys.time (),
                    units = "secs"
            ) + pad_wait
            message (sprintf ("Waiting %s seconds", wait))
            Sys.sleep (wait)

            req <- httr2::request (overpass_url)
            req <- httr2::req_method (req, "POST")
            req <- httr2::req_retry (req, max_tries = 10L)
            req <- httr2::req_body_raw (req, body = query)

            resp <- httr2::req_perform (req)

        } else {

            stop ("Overpass query unavailable", call. = FALSE)

    if (!quiet) {
        message ("Query complete!")

    httr2::resp_check_status (resp)

    # TODO: Just return the direct httr::POST result here and convert in the
    # subsequent functions (`osmdata_xml/csv/sp/sf`)?
    if (resp$headers$`Content-Type` == "application/osm3s+xml") {
        doc <- httr2::resp_body_xml (resp)
        check_for_error (paste0 (doc))
    } else if (resp$headers$`Content-Type` == "text/csv") {
        doc <- httr2::resp_body_string (resp)

    return (doc)
osmdatar/osmdata documentation built on April 14, 2024, 5:28 p.m.