This package will help you to analyze the output of the Fluidigm digital real time qPCR machine to inspect gene expression. You can do this with a simple workflow, that will be explained in detail further down this document.



Simple Workflow

Record the path to your fluidigm CSV data and the name of your reference normalizers.

path_to_data <- system.file("extdata", "sample-fluidigm-run.csv",
                            package = "fluidgr",
                            mustWork = TRUE)

normalizers <- c("normalizer1",

Parse them, normalize them and scale them in a magrittr pipe.

fluidigm_data <- 
  path_to_data %>%
  read_fluidigm() %>%
  normalize() %>%

And your data are ready to be saved on disk or plotted with ggplot2.

In the next paragraphs you'll find this same workflow explained in details.

Load your data into R

You can start by loading the output of the Fluidigm digital real time qPCR machine into R. This output is in a standard CSV format with a 10 lines header and triple column names, you can find an example of such file here.

Access the path to that sample CSV file in R with:

path_to_data <- system.file("extdata", "sample-fluidigm-run.csv",
                            package = "fluidgr",
                            mustWork = TRUE)

And load it with the funciton read_fluidigm(). Use simplify = TRUE if you want to keep only the columns that are strictly necessary.

dat <- read_fluidigm(path = path_to_data,
                     simplify = TRUE)

Tidy your Data

After you have parsed the data, you can modify them as you wish using dplyr.

Remove samples

For example, you might want to remove selected samples:

Our example dataset contains samples that are dilution used for calibration curves.

dat$sample_name %>% unique()

Those samples, all have the word "Mix" in their name, and can be removed with:

dat <- 
  dat %>%
  filter(!sample_name %>% str_detect("Mix"))

One sample "H2O" is a negative control, it also can be removed:

dat <- 
  dat %>%
  filter(sample_name != "H20")

Check measurements per sample

You can check that each sample has been measured the same number of times:

dat$sample_name %>% table()
dat$sample_name %>% table() %>% unique()

Check for duplicated targets

Also, one of the target is a duplicated normalizer. You can remove it with:

dat$target_name %>% unique()

dat <- 
  dat %>%
  filter(target_name != "normalizer1bis")

Load data manually

You can load the digital qPCR gene expression data manually with your favourite functions, and store them as a tibble or a data.frame in R.

For the analysis downstream, three columns are essential:


You must provide the names of the normalizers exactly as they are stored in the target_name column. In this case the name of the normalizers is: normalizer1, normalizer2 and normalizer3.

normalizers <- c("normalizer1",

norm_dat <- 
  dat %>% 
  normalize(normalizers = normalizers) 

The normalize() function takes the data parsed by read_fluidigm() as object and returns the same data with two additional columns:

Expression values are normalized with the formula:

$$expression = 2^{-(C_T - C_Tnorm)}$$

Where, for each well, $C_T$ is the recorded threshold cycle (ct_value) and $C_Tnorm$ is the geometric mean of the normalizers C~T~ values.

This formula is a simplification of the common $2^{ - \Delta \Delta Ct}$ formula that skips calibration.

This is how your data should look after normalization:

norm_dat %>% head() %>% knitr::kable()

Session Info


othomantegazza/fluidigr documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:21 p.m.