Format data based on pre-defined information

View source: R/formating.R

myformat.dataR Documentation

Format data based on pre-defined information


A function to format each variable in data frame based on pre-defined information.

Usage, info)



a data frame contains variables to be formatted


a data frame specifies how variables will be formatted. This data frame should have the following columns: varname (character variable specifies name of each variable), label (character variable specifies label of each variables), type (character variable specifies type of each variable [numeric, factor, character, datetime], unit (character variable specifies units of each continuous variable), value (character variable specifies values of each variable [format of datetime variables/values of categorical variables], levels (character variable specifies order of levels of each categorical variable), missing (character variable specifies coding for missing values for each variable).


a data frame with variables are formatted according information specified in info

oucru-biostats/C306 documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 10:04 a.m.