Man pages for ousuga/reldist
Reliability and survival distributions

EWThe Exponentiated Weibull Distribution
FWEThe Flexible Weibull Extension Distribution
GMWThe Generalized modified Weibull Distribution
GPWThe Generalized Power Weibull Distribution
IWThe Inverse Weibull Distribution
KMWThe Kumaraswamy modified Weibull distribution
KWThe Kumaraswamy Weibull Distribution
LWThe Log-Weibull Distribution
MWThe Modified Weibull Distribution
MWExThe Modified Weibull Extension Distribution
NMWThe Almaki and Yuan's modified Weibull distribution
OWThe Odd Weibull Distribution
PLThe Power Lindley Distribution
RWThe Reflected Weibull Distribution
SZMWThe Sarhan and Zaindins Modified Weibull Distribution
WGThe Weibull Geometric Distribution
ousuga/reldist documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:54 p.m.