
### library(poolr); library(testthat); Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN="true")


context("Checking mvnconv() function")

test_that("mvnconv() works correctly.", {

  mvnconv_vec_ex1 <- mvnconv(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), target = "m2lp")
  mvnconv_vec_ex2 <- mvnconv(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), target = "m2lp", cov2cor = TRUE)

  expect_equivalent(mvnconv_vec_ex1, c(0.0390, 0.1563, 0.3519), tolerance = stat_tol)
  expect_equivalent(mvnconv_vec_ex2, c(0.00975, 0.039075, 0.087975), tolerance = stat_tol)


test_that("The arguments of mvnconv() are checked correctly.", {

  expect_error(mvnconv(target = "m2lp"), "Argument 'R' must be specified.")
  expect_error(mvnconv(grid2ip.ld), "Argument 'target' must be specified.")

  # skipped now, since mvnconv() does not check or require that 'R' is PD
  # R <- matrix(c(   1,  0.8,  0.5, -0.3,
  #                0.8,    1,  0.2,  0.4,
  #                0.5,  0.2,    1, -0.7,
  #               -0.3,  0.4, -0.7,    1), nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
  # expect_error(mvnconv(R, side = 2, target = "m2lp"), "Matrix 'R' cannot be negative definite.")

ozancinar/poolR documentation built on Feb. 1, 2022, 10:30 p.m.