calc_risk: Calculate the probabilities of being under several reference...

View source: R/utils-calc-risk.R

calc_riskR Documentation

Calculate the probabilities of being under several reference points from one forecast year to the next


Calculate the probabilities of being under several reference points from one forecast year to the next


calc_risk(model, ...)



The SS model output as loaded by create_rds_file()


Absorbs arguments intended for other functions


A list of length 1 less than the number of forecast years. Each element is a data.frame of catch levels holding the probabilities. For example, list element 1 will hold the probabilities for each catch.level of being under several reference points for the first two years in the forecast_yrs vector. If forecast.outputs is NA, NA will be returned, otherwise the risk.list will be returned

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 9:49 p.m.