calc_yoob: Calculate the data outside the range of the y limits and...

View source: R/utils-calc-yoob.R

calc_yoobR Documentation

Calculate the data outside the range of the y limits and change the lo_col and hi_col in the data frame to be equal to the limits for those points below or above. YOOB means Y-axis Out-Of-Bounds


Calculate the data outside the range of the y limits and change the lo_col and hi_col in the data frame to be equal to the limits for those points below or above. YOOB means Y-axis Out-Of-Bounds


calc_yoob(d, ylim, lo_col, med_col, hi_col, show_arrows = TRUE)



A data frame containing lo_col, med_col, and hi_col


A vector of two values, a lower limit and an upper limits


The name of the column representing the lower values


The name of the column representing the median values


The name of the column representing the upper values


A list of length up to three,, containing the modified data frame d, the data frame containing data below the lower ylim value (d_outside_lo), and the data frame containing data above the higher ylim value (d_outside_hi). If no data are below or above the ylim values, d_outside_lo and/or d_outside_hi may not be present

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