
Defines functions rankGenes

Documented in rankGenes

#' Potential disease gene ranking
#' Ranks genes in a coexpression matrix according to their coexpression
#' with known disease-related "seed" genes. Takes as input a correlation
#' matrix with shape (nGenes, nSeed) and computes column-wise ranks according
#' to decreasing coexpression, such that each seed gene has a separate ranked
#' coexpression list and highest coexpression corresponds to rank 1. Note that
#' the coexpression between each seed and itself is set to NA, so all other
#' genes but the seed are ranked.
#' Used alternatively to
#' \code{\link{prioritizeCandidates}}, after \code{\link{findCoexpression}} as
#' part of \code{\link{genePrioritization}} workflow.
#' @usage rankGenes(corrMatrix, antiCorrelation=FALSE)
#' @param corrMatrix A correlation matrix with the seed genes as the columns
#' and all genes as the rows. Both rows and columns have to be named with
#' gene symbols or IDs.
#' @param antiCorrelation A logical value (default FALSE). If TRUE,
#' anti-correlation will be considered as a significant correlation, thus
#' strongly anti-correlated genes will have a high rank.
#' @return A named matrix of shape (nGenes, nSeed) with the rank of each gene
#' in each seed gene coexpression list. Genes are ranked according to their
#' decreasing coexpression. Rank(seed, seed) is set to NA.
#' @author Chiara Paleni\cr Politecnico di Milano\cr Maintainer: Chiara Paleni
#' \cr E-Mail: <chiara.paleni@@polimi.it>
#' @references \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2935433/}\cr
#' Piro, Rosario M et al. “Candidate gene prioritization based on spatially
#' mapped gene expression: an application to XLMR.” Bioinformatics (Oxford,
#' England) vol. 26,18 (2010): i618-24. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq396
#' @seealso \code{\link{prioritizeCandidates}}, \code{\link{findCoexpression}},
#' \code{\link{candidateScoring}}\cr
#' @examples
#' a <- matrix(c(1,2,3,2,4,6,8,6,4,5,2,8,7,1,5),
#' nrow=5, ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
#' colnames(a) <- c('sample1','sample2','sample3')
#' rownames(a) <- c('gene1','gene2','gene3','gene4','gene5')
#' seed <- c('gene1')
#' candidates <- c('gene2','gene4')
#' x <- findCoexpression(counts=a, seedGenes=seed)
#' y <- rankGenes(x)
#' z <- candidateScoring(y, candidates)
#' @export

rankGenes <- function(corrMatrix, antiCorrelation=FALSE){
    ## input validation
    checkMatrix(corrMatrix, "correlation")
        stop("antiCorrelation parameter is not a logical value")
    seedGenes <- colnames(corrMatrix)
    ## removing seed genes
    for (s in seedGenes)
        corrMatrix[s,s] <- NA
    ## ranking the corr values according to antiCorrelation parameter
    if(antiCorrelation == TRUE){
        rankMatrix <- apply(X=-abs(corrMatrix),FUN=rank,MARGIN=2,na.last="keep")
        rankMatrix <- apply(X=-corrMatrix,FUN=rank,MARGIN=2,na.last="keep")
    rankMatrix <- rankMatrix
palenic/genePrioritization documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 12:16 a.m.