

test_that("read vanta function output is stable", {

  vanta <- read_olympus_vanta(system.file("xrf_files/olympus_vanta_test.csv", package = "paleoxrf"))
  expect_is(vanta, "data.frame")
  expect_is(vanta$xrf_info, "character")
  expect_is(vanta$sample_id, "character")
  expect_is(vanta$date_time, "POSIXct")
  vanta %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::ends_with("_conc")) %>% purrr::map_lgl(is.numeric) %>% all() %>% expect_true()
  vanta %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::ends_with("_sd")) %>% purrr::map_lgl(is.numeric) %>% all() %>% expect_true()

    c("xrf_info", "date_time", "sample_id", "Instrument Serial Num",
      "Reading #", "Date", "Time", "Method Name", "User Factor Name",
      "Test Label", "Collimation Status", "Latitude", "Longitude",
      "Units", "Mg Compound", "Mg Compound Level", "Mg Compound Error",
      "Mg_conc", "Mg_sd", "Al Compound", "Al Compound Level", "Al Compound Error",
      "Al_conc", "Al_sd", "Si Compound", "Si Compound Level", "Si Compound Error",
      "Si_conc", "Si_sd", "P Compound", "P Compound Level", "P Compound Error",
      "P_conc", "P_sd", "S Compound", "S Compound Level", "S Compound Error",
      "S_conc", "S_sd", "K Compound", "K Compound Level", "K Compound Error",
      "K_conc", "K_sd", "Ca Compound", "Ca Compound Level", "Ca Compound Error",
      "Ca_conc", "Ca_sd", "Ti Compound", "Ti Compound Level", "Ti Compound Error",
      "Ti_conc", "Ti_sd", "V Compound", "V Compound Level", "V Compound Error",
      "V_conc", "V_sd", "Cr Compound", "Cr Compound Level", "Cr Compound Error",
      "Cr_conc", "Cr_sd", "Mn Compound", "Mn Compound Level", "Mn Compound Error",
      "Mn_conc", "Mn_sd", "Fe Compound", "Fe Compound Level", "Fe Compound Error",
      "Fe_conc", "Fe_sd", "Co Compound", "Co Compound Level", "Co Compound Error",
      "Co_conc", "Co_sd", "Ni Compound", "Ni Compound Level", "Ni Compound Error",
      "Ni_conc", "Ni_sd", "Cu Compound", "Cu Compound Level", "Cu Compound Error",
      "Cu_conc", "Cu_sd", "Zn Compound", "Zn Compound Level", "Zn Compound Error",
      "Zn_conc", "Zn_sd", "As Compound", "As Compound Level", "As Compound Error",
      "As_conc", "As_sd", "Se Compound", "Se Compound Level", "Se Compound Error",
      "Se_conc", "Se_sd", "Rb Compound", "Rb Compound Level", "Rb Compound Error",
      "Rb_conc", "Rb_sd", "Sr Compound", "Sr Compound Level", "Sr Compound Error",
      "Sr_conc", "Sr_sd", "Y Compound", "Y Compound Level", "Y Compound Error",
      "Y_conc", "Y_sd", "Zr Compound", "Zr Compound Level", "Zr Compound Error",
      "Zr_conc", "Zr_sd", "Nb Compound", "Nb Compound Level", "Nb Compound Error",
      "Nb_conc", "Nb_sd", "Mo Compound", "Mo Compound Level", "Mo Compound Error",
      "Mo_conc", "Mo_sd", "Ag Compound", "Ag Compound Level", "Ag Compound Error",
      "Ag_conc", "Ag_sd", "Cd Compound", "Cd Compound Level", "Cd Compound Error",
      "Cd_conc", "Cd_sd", "Sn Compound", "Sn Compound Level", "Sn Compound Error",
      "Sn_conc", "Sn_sd", "Sb Compound", "Sb Compound Level", "Sb Compound Error",
      "Sb_conc", "Sb_sd", "W Compound", "W Compound Level", "W Compound Error",
      "W_conc", "W_sd", "Au Compound", "Au Compound Level", "Au Compound Error",
      "Au_conc", "Au_sd", "Hg Compound", "Hg Compound Level", "Hg Compound Error",
      "Hg_conc", "Hg_sd", "Pb Compound", "Pb Compound Level", "Pb Compound Error",
      "Pb_conc", "Pb_sd", "Bi Compound", "Bi Compound Level", "Bi Compound Error",
      "Bi_conc", "Bi_sd", "Th Compound", "Th Compound Level", "Th Compound Error",
      "Th_conc", "Th_sd", "U Compound", "U Compound Level", "U Compound Error",
      "U_conc", "U_sd", "LE Compound", "LE Compound Level", "LE Compound Error",
      "LE_conc", "LE_sd", "info")

  # row order and column alignment
    c(NA, 192, 0, 25, 0, 0, 14, 29, 12, 0, 11, 11, 35, 23, 22, 26)


test_that("read panalytical function output is stable", {

  pan <- read_panalytical_txt(system.file("xrf_files/panalytical_test.txt", package = "paleoxrf"))
  expect_is(pan, "tbl_df")
  expect_is(pan$xrf_info, "character")
  expect_is(pan$sample_id, "character")
  expect_is(pan$date_time, "POSIXct")
  pan %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::ends_with("_conc")) %>% purrr::map_lgl(is.numeric) %>% all() %>% expect_true()
  pan %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::ends_with("_Inet")) %>% purrr::map_lgl(is.numeric) %>% all() %>% expect_true()
  pan %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::ends_with("_Iraw")) %>% purrr::map_lgl(is.numeric) %>% all() %>% expect_true()

    c("xrf_info", "date_time", "sample_id", "Nr", "Ident", "Seq",
      "Time", "Pos", "Na_Iraw", "Na_Inet", "Na_conc", "Na_unit", "Mg_Iraw",
      "Mg_Inet", "Mg_conc", "Mg_unit", "Al_Iraw", "Al_Inet", "Al_conc",
      "Al_unit", "Si_Iraw", "Si_Inet", "Si_conc", "Si_unit", "P_Iraw",
      "P_Inet", "P_conc", "P_unit", "S_Iraw", "S_Inet", "S_conc", "S_unit",
      "Cl_Iraw", "Cl_Inet", "Cl_conc", "Cl_unit", "K_Iraw", "K_Inet",
      "K_conc", "K_unit", "Ca_Iraw", "Ca_Inet", "Ca_conc", "Ca_unit",
      "Sc_Iraw", "Sc_Inet", "Sc_conc", "Sc_unit", "Ti_Iraw", "Ti_Inet",
      "Ti_conc", "Ti_unit", "V_Iraw", "V_Inet", "V_conc", "V_unit",
      "Cr_Iraw", "Cr_Inet", "Cr_conc", "Cr_unit", "Mn_Iraw", "Mn_Inet",
      "Mn_conc", "Mn_unit", "Fe_Iraw", "Fe_Inet", "Fe_conc", "Fe_unit",
      "Co_Iraw", "Co_Inet", "Co_conc", "Co_unit", "Ni_Iraw", "Ni_Inet",
      "Ni_conc", "Ni_unit", "Cu_Iraw", "Cu_Inet", "Cu_conc", "Cu_unit",
      "Zn_Iraw", "Zn_Inet", "Zn_conc", "Zn_unit", "Ga_Iraw", "Ga_Inet",
      "Ga_conc", "Ga_unit", "As_Iraw", "As_Inet", "As_conc", "As_unit",
      "Rb_Iraw", "Rb_Inet", "Rb_conc", "Rb_unit", "Sr_Iraw", "Sr_Inet",
      "Sr_conc", "Sr_unit", "Y_Iraw", "Y_Inet", "Y_conc", "Y_unit",
      "Zr_Iraw", "Zr_Inet", "Zr_conc", "Zr_unit", "Nb_Iraw", "Nb_Inet",
      "Nb_conc", "Nb_unit", "Mo_Iraw", "Mo_Inet", "Mo_conc", "Mo_unit",
      "Cd_Iraw", "Cd_Inet", "Cd_conc", "Cd_unit", "In_Iraw", "In_Inet",
      "In_conc", "In_unit", "Sn_Iraw", "Sn_Inet", "Sn_conc", "Sn_unit",
      "Sb_Iraw", "Sb_Inet", "Sb_conc", "Sb_unit", "Te_Iraw", "Te_Inet",
      "Te_conc", "Te_unit", "Ba_Iraw", "Ba_Inet", "Ba_conc", "Ba_unit",
      "La_Iraw", "La_Inet", "La_conc", "La_unit", "Ce_Iraw", "Ce_Inet",
      "Ce_conc", "Ce_unit", "Ta_Iraw", "Ta_Inet", "Ta_conc", "Ta_unit",
      "W_Iraw", "W_Inet", "W_conc", "W_unit", "Pb_Iraw", "Pb_Inet",
      "Pb_conc", "Pb_unit", "Bi_Iraw", "Bi_Inet", "Bi_conc", "Bi_unit",
      "Th_Iraw", "Th_Inet", "Th_conc", "Th_unit", "U_Iraw", "U_Inet",
      "U_conc", "U_unit")

  # checks row ordering and column alignment
    c(73.875, 61.952, 82.966, 55.606, 94.041, 43.551, 80.548, 85.885,
      44.492, 36.459, 45.371, 102.599, 60.61, 67.475, 49.301, 43.999,
      56.302, 40.48, 20.399, 42.088, 57.161, 86.223, 98.057, 78.651
paleolimbot/paleoxrf documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:18 p.m.