
#' Score the apartments according to the densities of restaurants,commerce,cinema,schools and stations
#' @param commerce dataframe
#' @param restaurants dataframe
#' @param cinema dataframe
#' @param schools dataframe
#' @param stations dataframe
#' @return dataframe with 1 column for the index of the good, and columns scoring the apartments among categories
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
join_dataframe <- function(commerce,restaurants,cinema,schools,stations){

  df_commerce <- get_rank(commerce,200)
  df_restaurant <- get_rank(restaurants,500)
  df_cinema <- get_rank(cinema,500)
  df_schools <- get_rank(schools,500)
  df_stations <- get_rank(stations,500)
  df <- list(df_restaurant,df_commerce,df_cinema,df_schools,df_stations)

  df_scoring <- inner_join(df[1:5], by ="apartment_index")

  df_scoring <- df_scoring %>%
    mutate(anime_resto_cine = restaurant + cinema) %>%
    select(-cinema,-restaurant) %>%
    mutate(apartment_index = as.character(apartment_index)) %>%
    mutate_if(is.integer,funs(qt = decile)) %>%
    mutate(score = anime_resto_cine_qt + commerce_qt + schools_qt + stations_qt) %>%

paris-appartemnt-project/apartment_project documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:33 p.m.