Man pages for parksandwildlife/wastdr
WA Sea Turtle Database 'WAStD' API Wrapper

absolute_angleReturn the smallest possible angle between two compass...
add_datesAdd turtle dates to a dataframe with datetime col...
add_hatching_emergence_success_odkcAdd calculated egg count, hatching and emergence success to...
add_nest_labelsAdd labels for species and nest/track type to parsed...
add_nest_labels_odkcAdd labels for species and nest/track type to parsed...
build_authBuild token or basic authentication based on given...
datetime_as_isoweekCalculate the isoweek from a given datetime
datetime_as_seasonCalculate the "turtle season" (FY) from a given datetime
datetime_as_seasonweekCalculate the isoweek from a given datetime
datetime_as_turtle_dateCalculate the "turtle date" from a given datetime
disturbance_by_seasonTally WAStD disturbances by season, cause, and encounter type
download_minimal_wastd_turtledataDownload a minimal dataset of turtle observations from WAStD
download_odkc_turtledata_2020Download all turtle data from DBCA's ODK Central 2020
download_w2_dataDownload Turtle Tagging data from WAMTRAM2.
download_wastd_sitesDownload Areas of type Site from WAStD
download_wastd_turtledataDownload all turtle data from WAStD
download_wastd_usersDownload a minimal dataset of turtle observations from WAStD
duplicate_surveysList sites with more than one production survey on a given...
exclude_training_speciesExclude records with 'species' "corolla-corolla".
exclude_training_species_odkcExclude ODKC records with 'species' "corolla-corolla".
exclude_training_surveysExclude training surveys.
export_wastd_turtledataExport all WAStD turtledata to CSV and GeoJSON files
extract_possiblyWrap magrittr::extract to return field value or -1
fdate_as_tdateDays since fiscal year start as true date
filter_aliveFilter animal encounters to live outcomes: tagging, in water,...
filter_deadFilter animal encounters to mortalities: strandings
filter_disturbanceFilter disturbance data to disturbances
filter_missing_siteFilter records with missing 'site_id'
filter_missing_surveyFilter records with missing 'survey_id'
filter_odkc_turtledataFilter odkc_data to a given area_name.
filter_predationFilter disturbance data to predator presences
filter_surveys_missing_endFilter surveys with a missing 'end_source_id'.
filter_surveys_requiring_qaFilter surveys with "NEEDS QA" in 'start_comments' or...
filter_wastd_seasonFilter a dataframe of tracks, disturbance, incidents, or...
filter_wastd_turtledataFilter WAStD turtledata to an area_name
filter_wastd_turtledata_areaFilter WAStD turtledata to an area_name
filter_wastd_turtledata_seasonsFilter WAStD turtledata to a season range
general_disturbance_by_season_odkcTally ODKC General disturbances by season, cause, and...
get_moreDecide whether the given download limit has been reached
ggplot_disturbance_by_seasonPlot disturbance by season
ggplot_emergence_successPlot Emergence Success for excavations of hatched nests
ggplot_hatching_successPlot HS for excavations of hatched nests
ggplot_hatchling_misorientationReturn a ggplot violin plot of hatchling emergence...
ggplot_nesting_success_per_area_season_speciesReturn a stacked ggplot barchart of emergences
ggplot_nesting_success_per_area_season_species_pctReturn a ggplot of nesting success
ggplot_sighting_status_per_area_season_speciesReturn a stacked ggplot barchart of processed emergences by...
ggplot_total_emergences_per_area_season_speciesReturn a stacked ggplot barchart of emergences by processing...
ggplot_track_success_by_datePlot the track success (absolute numbers) of a given species...
ggplot_track_successrate_by_datePlot the track success rate (relative numbers) of a given...
gj_linestring_to_st_linestringConvert a GeoJSON linestring into an st_linestring
handle_http_statusEmit a specific warning messages depending on HTTP status
hatching_emergence_successSummarize HS and ES for Nest excavations
hatching_emergence_success_areaSummarize HS for excavations of hatched nests grouped by...
hatching_emergence_success_odkcSummarize HS and ES for Nest excavations
hatching_emergence_success_siteSummarize HS and ES for excavations of hatched nests grouped...
httpdate_as_gmt08Return a UTC HTTP date string as POSIXct object in GMT+08
httpdate_as_gmt08_turtle_dateCalculate the "turtle date" from a given datetime
httpdate_as_seasonCalculate the "turtle season" (FY) from a given UTC HTTP...
humanizeConvert between url-safe dash-separated-strings and Human...
join_tsc_sitesJoin a dataframe with lat/lon to sf objects of sites and...
leaflet_basemapCreate a Leaflet basemap for Western Australia
lifecycle_shimShim to allow Import of lifecycle, required for building...
list_survey_countCreate a table of survey counts from the output of...
list_survey_effortCreate a table from the surveyed hours from the output of...
map_chr_hackMap given function, handle null as NA and flatten_chr()
map_distMap nest and general disturbance observations interactively.
map_dist_odkcMap Disturbance observations interactively from ODK Central...
map_fananglesMap turtle hatchling emergence orientation from wastd_data
map_mwiMap Marine Wildlife Incident 0.6
map_mwi_odkcMap Marine Wildlife Incident 0.6 parsed with ruODK from ODK...
map_nestsMap tagged Turtle Nests interactively.
map_sv_odkcMap Site Visit Start and End from ODK Central data over WAStD...
map_tracksMap TurtleNestEncounters interactively.
map_tracks_odkcMap tracks directly from ODK data
map_tt_odkcMap Turtle Tagging 3.0 parsed with ruODK from ODK Central.
map_wamtramMap WAMTRAM data
map_wastdMap Marine Wildlife Incident 0.6
map_wastd_wamtram_sitesMap WAStD and WAMTRAM sites
mean_bearingCalculate the mean bearing of two bearings (from, to)
mis_bearingReturn the smallest possible angle for a sector's mean...
nest_disturbance_by_season_odkcTally ODKC Nest disturbances by season, cause, and encounter...
nesting_success_per_area_day_speciesCalculate nesting success for emergences per area, day...
nesting_success_per_area_season_speciesCalculate nesting success for emergences per area, season,...
nesting_type_by_area_season_age_speciesPivot table of nesting type by area, season, track age, and...
nesting_type_by_area_season_age_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by area, season, track age, and...
nesting_type_by_area_season_speciesPivot table of nesting type by area, season, and species
nesting_type_by_area_season_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by area, season, and species for...
nesting_type_by_season_age_speciesPivot table of nesting type by season, track age and species
nesting_type_by_season_age_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by season, track age and species...
nesting_type_by_season_calendarday_age_speciesPivot table of nesting type by season, calendardate, and...
nesting_type_by_season_calendarday_age_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by season, calendardate, and...
nesting_type_by_season_calendarday_speciesPivot table of nesting type by season, calendardate, and...
nesting_type_by_season_calendarday_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by season, calendardate, and...
nesting_type_by_season_day_speciesPivot table of nesting type by season, turtle date. and...
nesting_type_by_season_day_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by season, turtle date. and...
nesting_type_by_season_speciesPivot table of nesting type by season and species
nesting_type_by_season_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by season and species for ODKC...
nesting_type_by_season_week_age_speciesPivot table of nesting type by season, season_week, iso_week,...
nesting_type_by_season_week_age_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by season, season_week, iso_week,...
nesting_type_by_season_week_site_speciesPivot table of nesting type by season, season_week, iso_week,...
nesting_type_by_season_week_site_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by season, season_week, iso_week,...
nesting_type_by_season_week_speciesPivot table of nesting type by season, season_week, iso_week,...
nesting_type_by_season_week_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by season, season_week, iso_week,...
nesting_type_by_site_season_age_speciesPivot table of nesting type by site, season, track age, and...
nesting_type_by_site_season_age_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by site, season, track age, and...
nesting_type_by_site_season_speciesPivot table of nesting type by site, season, and species
nesting_type_by_site_season_species_odkcPivot table of nesting type by site, season, and species for...
odkc_dataTurtle Nesting Census data from ODK Central.
odkc_worksCheck whether ODKC is online
parse_animal_encountersParse a 'wastd_api_response' of 'animal-encounters' to tbl_df
parse_areaParse a 'wastd_api_response' of 'area' to tbl_df
parse_area_sfParse a 'wastd_api_response' of 'area' to tbl_df and sf
parse_encounterobservationsParse a 'wastd_api_response' of Encounter observations to...
parse_surveysParse a 'wastd_api_response' of 'surveys' to tbl_df
parse_turtle_nest_encountersParse a 'wastd_api_response' of 'turtle-nest-encounters' to...
pipePipe operator
plot_survey_countPlot the surveyed hours from the output of 'parse_surveys'
plot_survey_effortPlot the surveyed hours from the output of 'parse_surveys'
print.odkc_turtledataS3 print method for 'odkc_turtledata'.
print.wamtram_dataS3 print method for 'wamtram_data'.
print.wastd_api_responseS3 print method for 'wastd_api_response'.
print.wastd_dataS3 print method for 'wastd_data'.
read_tableRead a table from a SQL connection using either RODBC or DBI
sentencecaseConvert between url-safe dash-separated-strings and Human...
sf_as_tblConvert a SimpleFeatures object to a non-spatial dataframe
sfdepssf dependency
sighting_status_per_area_season_speciesCalculate sighting status for emergences per area, season,...
sighting_status_per_site_season_speciesCalculate sighting status for emergences per site, season,...
summarise_wastd_data_per_day_siteSummarise WAStD data per day and site
survey_countReturn the number of surveys for a given site_id and season
survey_count_heatmapPlot the survey count from the output of 'parse_surveys' as...
survey_ground_coveredReturn the number of surveys for a given site_id and season
survey_hours_heatmapPlot the surveyed hours from the output of 'parse_surveys' as...
survey_hours_per_personSum the hours surveyed per person by season from the output...
survey_hours_per_site_name_and_dateSum the hours surveyed per site_name and turtle date from the...
survey_season_site_statsGenerate a season by site summary from the output of...
survey_season_statsGenerate a season summary from the output of 'parse_surveys'
survey_show_detailSelect main survey attributes
surveys_per_site_name_and_dateCount number of surveys per season, turtle date and site_name...
tdate_as_fdateTrue date as days since fiscal year start
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
total_emergences_per_area_season_speciesCalculate processing success for emergences per area, season,...
total_emergences_per_site_season_speciesCalculate processing success for emergences per site, season,...
tracks_as_geojsonConvert tracks to a GeoJSON string
tracks_tsPlot of nesting_type_by_season_day_species over time
track_successCalculate nesting success as number of tracks with nests vs...
track_success_by_speciesThe nesting success grouped by season and species
tsc_dataTSC data, parsed, first ten records each
tunA wrapper for 'tidyr::unnest_wider'
urlizeConvert between url-safe dash-separated-names and Human...
verify_odkc_turtledataAbort if the parameter x is not of class 'wastd_data'
verify_wamtram_dataAbort if the parameter x is not of class 'wastd_data'
verify_wastd_dataAbort if the parameter x is not of class 'wastd_data'
w2_onlineTest whether the Turtle Tagging Database WAMTRAM2 is...
wastd_aeWAStD AnimalEncounters, parsed, test data captured by author
wastd_ae_rawWAStD AnimalEncounters, unparsed, test data captured by...
wastd_area_rawWAStD Areas, unparsed
wastd_bulk_postPost a list of records to a WAStD or TSC API endpoint
wastd_chunk_postPOST data to a WAStD API serializer in chunks
wastd_create_update_skipCreate, update, skip records to a WAStD serializer.
wastd_dataTurtle Nesting Census data from WAStD
wastd_GETReturn GeoJSON features from a WAStD API endpoint
wastd_parseParse a 'wastd_api_response' into a tibble
wastd_POSTSend a POST request to WAStD's API
wastd_post_onePost a one record to a WAStD / TSC API endpoint
wastdr_msg_abortrlang::abort() with a red error message with a cross symbol.
wastdr_msg_infoPrint a blue info message with an info symbol if verbose.
wastdr_msg_noopPrint a green noop message with a filled circle symbol if...
wastdr_msg_successPrint a green success message with a tick symbol if verbose.
wastdr_msg_warnrlang::warn() with a yellow warning message with a warning...
wastdr-packagewastdr: WA Sea Turtle Database 'WAStD' API Wrapper
wastdr_settingsGet or set wastdr WAStD settings
wastdr_setupConfigure default WAStD settings
wastd_surveys_rawWAStD Surveys, unparsed, test data captured by author
wastd_tneWAStD TurtleNestEncounters, parsed, test data captured by...
wastd_tne_rawWAStD TurtleNestEncounters, unparsed, test data captured by...
wastd_worksCheck whether API token is set and WAStD is online
parksandwildlife/wastdr documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 4:52 p.m.