
#' @title Example dataset
#' @description Geometric morphometrics shape data regarding felids' mandible
#'   and phylogentic tree (\cite{Piras et al., 2018}).
#' @name DataFelids
#' @format A list containing: \describe{ \item{\strong{$PCscoresfel}}{A data
#'   frame containing 83 shape variables for felids' mandible}.
#'   \item{\strong{$treefel}}{Phylogenetic tree of felids}. }
#' @docType data
#' @author Pasquale Raia, Silvia Castiglione, Carmela Serio, Alessandro
#'   Mondanaro, Marina Melchionna, Mirko Di Febbraro, Antonio Profico, Francesco
#'   Carotenuto
#' @keywords RRphylo
#' @usage data(DataFelids)
#' @references Piras, P., Silvestro, D., Carotenuto, F., Castiglione, S.,
#'   Kotsakis, A., Maiorino, L., Melchionna, M.,Mondanaro, A., Sansalone, G.,
#'   Serio, C., Vero, V. A., & Raia, P. (2018). Evolution of the sabertooth
#'   mandible: A deadly ecomorphological specialization. \emph{Palaeogeography,
#'   Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology}, 496, 166-174.
pasraia/RRphylo documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 8:32 a.m.