R package: SIMIONtuneR

R build status Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

SIMION Parameter Tuning using Response Surface Methodology


The R package provides an interface to the ion optics simulation program SIMION for parameter optimization using design of experiments (DoE) and response surface methodology (RSM). This is an alternative way to optimize parameters in SIMION and might be more efficient than SIMION's simplex optimization or genetic algorithms.

A typical RSM optimization workflow includes:

The optimization closely follows the approach of the TOFWERK Thuner and underlying Umetrics MODDE-Q software. See the Thuner and MODDE manuals for a detailed overview of the tuning methods. Notable differences to Thuner/MODDE are:

Getting Started

Package Installation

if (!require("remotes")) { install.packages("remotes") }

Required SIMION files

  1. Copy singlelib_pst.lua to your SIMION workbench directory.
  2. Edit your workbench user program with the code from example.lua:
    • Add the -- SIMIONtuneR variables to your workbench user program.
    • Add the segment.flym() code to your workbench user program.
    • Adjust the runner.jobrun(i, ...) function.
    • Define the response variables resolution and sensitivity (the variables you want to optimize) in the segment.terminate_run() function of your workbench user program.

Configuration file

The parameters for tuning and for communicating between SIMION and R are configured in a configuration file. For example, open SIMIONtuneR_config.toml and adjust the parameters according to your needs. In particular, the name of the SIMION workbench file, and the factors and controls sections needs to be adjusted. The names of the controls need to be the same as the parameters of the runner.jobrun(i, ...) function in the lua workbench user program.



The tuning results are plotted using plotly and the experiment and result files are written to disk.

With nogui = FALSE SIMION log messages are shown and with write = FALSE no output files are written. This can be helpful for debugging.

Usually, the starting values are taken from the configuration file. But you can also start from a previous best point. To do so, set resume = TRUE and the starting values from the bestpoint.txt file in the tuneR directory will be used.

Parallel Processing

Parallel computing can be used to speed up the optimization. This is based on the ZeroMQ library.

  1. Add the ZeroMQ library to your SIMION installation. Download from the SIMION update webpage, and replace the c:\Program Files\SIMION-8.x\lib folder with the lib folder corresponding to your platform in that ZIP file. Also download from the SIMION update webpage and copy vcomp140.dll to your lib folder. Restart SIMION. If successful, entering require "zmq" into the SIMION command bar should execute without error (status OK).
  2. Copy the following files to your SIMION workbench directory:
  3. Adjust the np parameter in the configuration file. It defines the number of SIMION processes that will be run in parallel. Note that the number of processes which make sense to run is often limited by the available RAM rather by the number of available cores.
  4. The script load_remote_workers.R shows how additional SIMION instances can be used on remote computers (optional).
  5. SIMIONtuneR can then be run in parallel processing mode using run_SIMIONtuneR(..., zmq = TRUE).

Note that if only relatively few ions are flown and if small potential arrays are used then zmq = FALSE might still be faster over all.

Release notes

See the NEWS file for the latest release notes.


Patrick Sturm, TOFWERK



pasturm/SIMIONtuneR documentation built on Dec. 29, 2020, 2:41 a.m.