TofDaqR: TofDaqR: R Interface to the TOFWERK TofDaq API.

TofDaqRR Documentation

TofDaqR: R Interface to the TOFWERK TofDaq API.


The TofDaqR package provides a R interface to the TOFWERK TofDaq API, which consists of libraries for communication with the TofDAQ recorder application, data file access and general (time-of-flight) mass spectrometry related utility functions.



  • Acquisition setup and control

  • Real-time data access

  • Adding (structured) custom data to the data file alongside the TOF data

  • Control of the TOF Power Supply

  • Quick access to TOFWERK HDF5 data files without the need to study the file format details

  • Add additional data to existing data files (e.g. post-processing results)

  • Peak fitting functions

  • Mass calibration

  • Chemistry functions (molecular mass and isotope pattern calculation)

  • Single ion analysis functions


Patrick Sturm <>

See Also

TofDaq API documentation.

pasturm/TofDaqR documentation built on July 20, 2024, 9:44 a.m.