Man pages for pasturm/TofDaqR
R Interface to the TOFWERK TofDaq API

AddAttributeDoubleAttaches a numeric attribute to the current HDF5 file.
AddAttributeIntAttaches an integer attribute to the current HDF5 file.
AddAttributeStringAttaches a string attribute to the current HDF5 file.
AddLogEntryAdds an entry to the acquisition log.
AddUserDataStores (asynchronous) user supplied data.
AddUserDataMultiRowStores (asynchronous) user supplied data.
API-documentationTofDaq API documentation
AutoSetupDaqDeviceAuto setup routine for the DAQ device.
ChangePeakTableChanges the PeakTable and recomputes the PeakData.
ChangePeakTableFromFileChanges the PeakTable and recomputes the PeakData.
CleanupDllDeinitializes the TofDaqDll.dll.
CloseAllCloses all open HDF5 files.
CloseH5Closes an open HDF5 file.
CloseTofDaqRecCloses the TofDaq recorder application.
ConfigureForSingleIonMeasurementConfigures TofDaq recorder for single ion measurements.
ConfigVarNbrMemoriesEnables and configures the "variable NbrMemories" feature.
ContinueAcquisitionSignals to the TofDaq recorder to continue an acquisition.
DaqActiveChecks if TofDaq recorder is currently acquiring data.
DecodeEventListDecodes an event list.
DecodeEventListThresholdDecodes an event list using thresholding.
DecomposeMassCalculates possible sum formulas from a list of fragment...
DecomposeMass2Calculates possible sum formulas from a list of fragment...
DeleteAttributeInH5Deletes an attribute.
DioStartDelayActiveChecks if TofDaq recorder has received a start signal.
EvalMultiPeakCalculates the y-axis values for a given set of multi-peak...
EvalResolutionEvaluates the fitted resolution function for given mass...
EvalSinglePeakCalculates the y-axis values for a given set of peak...
EventList2TofSpecConverts events of an event list into a spectrum.
FindTpsIpGets IP address of TPS2.
FitResolutionFits mass versus resolution values to an empirical function.
FitSinglePeakPerforms a peak fit.
FitSinglePeak2Performs a peak fit (Initial values as vector).
FitTofDataSinglePeakWrapper function for FitSinglePeak().
GetAcquisitionLogFromH5Reads a single acquisition log entry.
GetBufTimeFromH5Single buf timestamp from the data file.
GetBufTimeFromShMemTime stamp for a given buf and write.
GetBufWriteProfile2FromH5Gets a linked buf/write profile.
GetBufWriteProfileFromH5Gets a linked buf/write profile.
GetDaqParameterGets a single parameter as a string.
GetDaqParameterBoolGets a single boolean parameter.
GetDaqParameterBoolRefGets a single boolean parameter.
GetDaqParameterDoubleGets a single double parameter.
GetDaqParameterDoubleRefGets a single double parameter.
GetDaqParameterFloatGets a single float parameter.
GetDaqParameterFloatRefGets a single float parameter.
GetDaqParameterIntGets a single integer parameter.
GetDaqParameterInt64Gets a single int64 parameter as a string.
GetDaqParameterInt64RefGets a single int64 parameter as a string.
GetDaqParameterIntRefGets a single integer parameter.
GetDaqParameterStringRefGets a single string parameter.
GetDescriptorGets various information about the active acquisition.
GetDllVersionGets the version number of the TofDaq API.
GetDoubleAttributeFromH5Reads a double attribute from the HDF5 file.
GetEventListSpectrumFromH5Reads the events of a spectrum from HDF5 data file.
GetFloatAttributeFromH5Reads a float attribute from the HDF5 file.
GetH5DescriptorDescriptor structure of Tofwerk HDF5 data file.
GetInt64AttributeFromH5Reads a 64-bit integer attribute from the HDF5 file.
GetIntAttributeFromH5Reads an integer attribute from the HDF5 file.
GetIsotopePatternCalculates the isotope pattern of a molecule.
GetIsotopePattern2Calculates the isotope pattern of a molecule.
GetMassCalibReturns information about the current mass calibration.
GetMassCalib2Returns information about the current mass calibration.
GetMassCalib2ExReturns information about the current mass calibration.
GetMassCalibExReturns information about the current mass calibration.
GetMassCalibInfoGets the description and number of parameters of the...
GetMoleculeMassCalculates the mass/charge ratio of a molecule.
GetPeakDataGets data stored in /PeakData/PeakData from HDF5 data file.
GetPeakData2Gets data stored in /PeakData2/PeakData from HDF5 data file.
GetPeakParametersGets parameters for a given peak.
GetPeakParametersFromH5Peak parameters from HDF5 data file.
GetRegUserDataDescReads the element descriptions of a registered data source.
GetRegUserDataFromH5Reads entries from a registered data source dataset.
GetRegUserDataSourcesQueries names, dimensions and types of all registered data...
GetRegUserDataSourcesFromH5Lists all registered user datasets available in the data...
GetSegmentProfile2FromH5Segment profile from HDF5 data file.
GetSegmentProfileFromH5Segment profile from HDF5 data file.
GetSegmentProfileFromShMemSegment profile for a given peak and buf index from shared...
GetSegmentProfileFromShMem2Segment profile for a given peak and buf index from shared...
GetSpecXaxisFromH5x-axis values of mass spectrum.
GetSpecXaxisFromShMemX-axis values of mass spectrum.
GetStickSpectrum2FromH5Single (averaged) stick spectrum from HDF5 data file.
GetStickSpectrumFromH5Single (averaged) stick spectrum from HDF5 data file.
GetStickSpectrumFromShMemSingle stick spectrum from shared memory.
GetStickSpectrumFromShMem2Single stick spectrum from shared memory.
GetStringAttributeFromH5Reads a string attribute from the HDF5 file.
GetSumSpectrumFromH5Sum spectrum from HDF5 data file.
GetSumSpectrumFromShMemSum spectrum from shared memory.
GetSumSpectrumFromShMem2Sum spectrum from shared memory.
GetTimeoutGets the timeout.
GetTimingDataGets data stored in /Timing/BufTimes from HDF5 data file.
GetTofDataGets data stored in /FullSpectra/TofData from HDF5 data file.
GetTofData2Gets data stored in /FullSpectra2/TofData from HDF5 data...
GetTofDataSinglePeakGets TofData of a single peak from a HDF5 data file.
GetTofSpectrum2FromH5Single (averaged) TOF spectrum from HDF5 data file.
GetTofSpectrumFromH5Single (averaged) TOF spectrum from HDF5 data file.
GetTofSpectrumFromShMemSingle TOF spectrum from shared memory.
GetTofSpectrumFromShMem2Single TOF spectrum from shared memory.
GetUint64AttributeFromH5Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer attribute from the HDF5...
GetUintAttributeFromH5Reads an unsigned integer attribute from the HDF5 file.
GetUserDataFromH5Reads user data from the HDF5 file.
H5AddLogEntryAdds an entry to an existing data file.
H5AddUserDataMultiRowAdds user data to a data file.
H5GetMassCalibParGets mass calibration parameters from the data file.
H5SetMassCalibChanges the global mass calibration in the data file.
H5SetMassCalib2Changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
H5SetMassCalib2ExChanges the global mass calibration in the data file.
H5SetMassCalibDynamicStores dynamic mass calibration for a given spectrum in the...
H5SetMassCalibExChanges the global mass calibration in the data file.
InitializeDaqDeviceInitializes the DAQ board.
InitializeDllInitializes the TofDaqDll.dll.
IssueDio4PulseIssues a TTL pulse on the digital output line 4.
KeepFileOpenAllows to keep the data file open at the end of an...
KeepSharedMemMappedKeeps the shared memory acquisition buffers mapped.
LoadIniFileLoads a configuration file.
ManualContinueNeededIndicates if the TofDaq recorder expects a continue event.
Mass2TofConverts from mass/charge to sample index.
MassCalibratePerforms a mass calibration.
MatchSpectraChecks two spectra for similarity.
MultiPeakFitPerforms a multi-peak fit.
OnDemandMassCalibrationArms/executes on demand mass calibration.
QueryRegUserDataSizeQueries the size of a registered data source.
ReadRegUserDataReads the current values of a registered data source.
RegisterUserDataBufRegisters a data source to store (synchronous) user supplied...
RegisterUserDataNoStoreRegisters a data source for (synchronous) user supplied data.
RegisterUserDataWriteRegisters a data source to store (synchronous) user supplied...
ReleaseSharedMemoryManually releases the shared memory acquisition buffers.
SaturationWarningChecks if the signal is saturating the DAQ system.
SaveIniFileSaves the current configuration (*.ini) to disk.
SaveMassTableToFileSaves the current peak parameters to a file.
SendDioStartSignalSends a digital start signal.
SetDaqParameterSets a single parameter.
SetDaqParameterBoolSets a single parameter with a boolean value.
SetDaqParameterDoubleSets a single parameter with a double value.
SetDaqParameterFloatSets a single parameter with a float value.
SetDaqParameterIntSets a single parameter with an integer value.
SetDaqParameterInt64Sets a single parameter with an int64 value.
SetDio4StateSwitches the digital output line 4 between states.
SetDoubleAttributeInH5Writes a double attribute to the HDF5 file.
SetFloatAttributeInH5Writes a float attribute to the HDF5 file.
SetInt64AttributeInH5Writes an int64 attribute to the HDF5 file.
SetIntAttributeInH5Writes an integer attribute to the HDF5 file.
SetMassCalibConfigures the mass calibration that will be used for the...
SetMassCalib2Configures the mass calibration that will be used for the...
SetMassCalib2ExConfigures the mass calibration that will be used for the...
SetMassCalibExConfigures the mass calibration that will be used for the...
SetStringAttributeInH5Writes a string attribute to the HDF5 file.
SetTimeoutSets the timeout.
SetUint64AttributeInH5Writes an unsigned int64 attribute to the HDF5 file.
SetUintAttributeInH5Writes an unsigned integer attribute to the HDF5 file.
ShowConfigWindowShows the TofDaq recorder configuration windows.
SiCleanupCleans up the state in the DLL.
SiEvalPhdEvaluates the fitted single ion distribution.
SiFitPhdFits a (slightly modified) log-normal distribution to the...
SiFitRateFromPhdFits an event rate to a multi-ion histogram.
SiGetHistogramGets a histogram of the single ion intensities.
SiGetSumHistogramGets a sum histogram of the single ion intensities.
SiInitializeHistogramsInitializes the single ion histogramming.
SiProcessSpectrumProcesses a spectrum.
SiProcessSpectrumFromShMemProcesses a spectrum taken from shared memory.
SiResetHistogramsResets all histograms and spectrum counters to zero.
SiSetProcessingOptionsSets processing options for each spectrum type.
StartAcquisitionStarts an acquisition.
StopAcquisitionStops the current acquisition.
Tof2MassConverts from sample index to mass/charge.
TofDaqRTofDaqR: R Interface to the TOFWERK TofDaq API.
TofDaqRunningChecks if TofDaq recorder application is running.
Tps1rcTPS1 RC codes and names.
TpsChangeIonModeChanges ion mode and sets target values to 0.
TpsConnectConnects to a remote control enabled TPSController software.
TpsConnect2Connects to a local or remote TPS.
TpsDisconnectDisconnects from a remote control enabled TPSController...
TpsGetActiveFilamentGets the currently active filament.
TpsGetLastSetValueGets the last reported "last set" value for a given module.
TpsGetModuleCodesGets the module codes of all controllable TPS modules.
TpsGetModuleLimitsGets the limits for a given TPS module.
TpsGetModulePropertiesGets capabilities and label for a given RC code.
TpsGetMonitorValueGets the last reported monitor value for a given module.
TpsGetNbrModulesGets the number of controllable modules.
TpsGetNmtStateQueries the NMT state of a CANopen node.
TpsGetStatusGets the status of the TPS.
TpsGetTargetValueGets the last reported target value for a given module.
TpsInitializeInitializes TPS.
TpsLoadSetFileLoads a TPS set file and sets all values.
TpsLoadSetFile2Loads a TPS set file and sets some values.
TpsSaveSetFileSaves the current TPS settings to a file.
TpsSaveSetFileRcSaves TPS set values with a RC code to a file.
TpsSetActiveFilamentSets the active filament.
TpsSetAllVoltagesSets all voltages.
TpsSetNmtCmdSets the NMT state of a CANopen node.
TpsSetTargetValueSets the target value for a given module.
TpsShutdownShuts down TPS.
UnregisterUserDataUnregisters a data source.
UpdateUserDataUpdates the values for a registered data source.
WaitForEndOfAcquisitionWaits for the end of the current acquisition.
WaitForExclusiveFileAccessChecks whether a file can be opened with exclusive access...
WaitForNewDataWaits for new data.
WaitingForDioStartSignalChecks if TofDaq recorder is waiting for a start signal.
WriteNetCdfTimeSeriesFileWrites a ANDI chromatography file.
pasturm/TofDaqR documentation built on March 29, 2024, 12:10 a.m.