SiSetProcessingOptions: Sets processing options for each spectrum type.

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SiSetProcessingOptionsR Documentation

Sets processing options for each spectrum type.


SiSetProcessingOptions sets processing options for each spectrum type.


SiSetProcessingOptions(option, value, specType)



Option to set (see below for a list of valid option strings).


Value to set the for the given option.


Spectrum type index. -1 is a wildcard for all spectrum types.



Name Description Default value
MassCalibMode Mass calibration mode in use (see MassCalibrate). 0
MassCalibParamn Mass calibration parameters n = 1..number of calibration parameters for the given mass calibration mode. c(1000, 0)
FullScale Full digitizing range of the ADC in the same units as the spectra to be analyzed (typically mV). 500
NbrBits ADC resolution (8 for AP240, 14 for ADQ114 etc.). 8
SampleInterval Sample interval in ns. 1
PreampGain Gain of external preamp. 1
PreSamples Number of samples before a threshold crosser taken into account. 0
PostSamples Number of samples after a negative threshold crosser taken into account. 0
BaselineAndThresholdFromData If >0 the baseline and threshold values will be determined based on NbrStdDevs for every processed spectrum. If >1.5 baseline noise is determined from a fit to a histogram of all data (instead of from the standard deviation of all data). This makes the noise determination more robust when real peaks are present in the spectrum. 0
NbrStdDevs Number of standard deviations of baseline noise that defines the threshold. Only relevant if BaselineAndThresholdFromData>0. 6
Baseline Baseline value used for calculation of intensities. Has no meaning if BaselineAndThresholdFromData>0. 5
Threshold Threshold value used for calculation of intensities. Has no meaning if BaselineAndThresholdFromData!=0. 8
NegativeSignal Indicates peak polarity with respect to the baseline. 0 (=FALSE)
BaselineAndThresholdInCodes Indicates whether the values in Baseline and Threshold are interpreted as ADC codes or mV. 1 (=TRUE)

pasturm/TofDaqR documentation built on July 20, 2024, 9:44 a.m.