
Defines functions MatchSpectra DecomposeMass2 DecomposeMass FindTpsIp SiFitRateFromPhd SiEvalPhd SiFitPhd SiCleanup SiResetHistograms SiGetSumHistogram SiGetHistogram SiProcessSpectrum SiSetProcessingOptions SiInitializeHistograms GetMassCalibInfo MassCalibrate Mass2Tof Tof2Mass GetIsotopePattern2 GetIsotopePattern EvalResolution FitResolution EvalMultiPeak MultiPeakFit GetMoleculeMass EvalSinglePeak FitSinglePeak2 FitSinglePeak ChangePeakTableFromFile ChangePeakTable H5SetMassCalibDynamic H5SetMassCalib2Ex H5SetMassCalibEx H5SetMassCalib2 H5SetMassCalib WriteNetCdfTimeSeriesFile WaitForExclusiveFileAccess DeleteAttributeInH5 H5AddUserDataMultiRow H5AddLogEntry H5GetMassCalibPar GetEventListSpectrumFromH5 GetAcquisitionLogFromH5 GetUserDataFromH5 SetStringAttributeInH5 SetDoubleAttributeInH5 SetFloatAttributeInH5 SetUint64AttributeInH5 SetInt64AttributeInH5 SetUintAttributeInH5 SetIntAttributeInH5 GetStringAttributeFromH5 GetDoubleAttributeFromH5 GetFloatAttributeFromH5 GetUint64AttributeFromH5 GetInt64AttributeFromH5 GetUintAttributeFromH5 GetIntAttributeFromH5 GetTimingData GetPeakData2 GetPeakData GetTofData2 GetTofData GetRegUserDataFromH5 GetRegUserDataSourcesFromH5 GetBufWriteProfile2FromH5 GetBufWriteProfileFromH5 GetSegmentProfile2FromH5 TpsGetModuleCodes TpsGetNbrModules TpsSetTargetValue TpsGetLastSetValue TpsGetTargetValue TpsGetMonitorValue TpsDisconnect TpsConnect2 TpsConnect KeepFileOpen GetRegUserDataDesc GetRegUserDataSources QueryRegUserDataSize ReadRegUserData UpdateUserData UnregisterUserData RegisterUserDataNoStore RegisterUserDataWrite RegisterUserDataBuf AddUserDataMultiRow AddUserData AddAttributeString AddAttributeDouble AddAttributeInt AddLogEntry GetBufTimeFromShMem GetSegmentProfileFromShMem2 GetSegmentProfileFromShMem GetStickSpectrumFromShMem2 GetStickSpectrumFromShMem GetSpecXaxisFromShMem GetTofSpectrumFromShMem2 GetTofSpectrumFromShMem GetSumSpectrumFromShMem2 GetSumSpectrumFromShMem GetMassCalib2Ex GetMassCalibEx GetMassCalib2 GetMassCalib WaitForEndOfAcquisition WaitForNewData ReleaseSharedMemory GetPeakParameters GetDescriptor ConfigureForSingleIonMeasurement SetMassCalib2Ex SetMassCalibEx SetMassCalib2 SetMassCalib ConfigVarNbrMemories SetDaqParameterDouble SetDaqParameterInt64 SetDaqParameterFloat SetDaqParameterBool SetDaqParameterInt GetSegmentProfileFromH5 GetSpecXaxisFromH5 GetBufTimeFromH5 GetPeakParametersFromH5 GetStickSpectrum2FromH5 GetStickSpectrumFromH5 GetTofSpectrum2FromH5 GetTofSpectrumFromH5 GetSumSpectrumFromH5 CloseAll CloseH5 GetH5Descriptor TpsGetModuleProperties TpsSetNmtCmd TpsGetNmtState TpsChangeIonMode TpsGetModuleLimits TpsSetActiveFilament TpsGetActiveFilament TpsSaveSetFileRc TpsSaveSetFile TpsLoadSetFile2 TpsLoadSetFile TpsGetStatus TpsShutdown TpsSetAllVoltages TpsInitialize SetDaqParameter GetDaqParameterStringRef GetDaqParameterDoubleRef GetDaqParameterInt64Ref GetDaqParameterFloatRef GetDaqParameterBoolRef GetDaqParameterIntRef GetDaqParameterDouble GetDaqParameterInt64 GetDaqParameterFloat GetDaqParameterBool GetDaqParameterInt GetDaqParameter SaveIniFile LoadIniFile ShowConfigWindow SaturationWarning WaitingForDioStartSignal SendDioStartSignal DioStartDelayActive OnDemandMassCalibration AutoSetupDaqDevice GetTimeout SetTimeout InitializeDaqDevice SetDio4State IssueDio4Pulse CloseTofDaqRec ManualContinueNeeded ContinueAcquisition StopAcquisition StartAcquisition DaqActive TofDaqRunning GetDllVersion CleanupDll InitializeDll KeepSharedMemMapped SiProcessSpectrumFromShMem DecodeEventListThreshold DecodeEventList EventList2TofSpec

Documented in AddAttributeDouble AddAttributeInt AddAttributeString AddLogEntry AddUserData AddUserDataMultiRow AutoSetupDaqDevice ChangePeakTable ChangePeakTableFromFile CleanupDll CloseAll CloseH5 CloseTofDaqRec ConfigureForSingleIonMeasurement ConfigVarNbrMemories ContinueAcquisition DaqActive DecodeEventList DecodeEventListThreshold DecomposeMass DecomposeMass2 DeleteAttributeInH5 DioStartDelayActive EvalMultiPeak EvalResolution EvalSinglePeak EventList2TofSpec FindTpsIp FitResolution FitSinglePeak FitSinglePeak2 GetAcquisitionLogFromH5 GetBufTimeFromH5 GetBufTimeFromShMem GetBufWriteProfile2FromH5 GetBufWriteProfileFromH5 GetDaqParameter GetDaqParameterBool GetDaqParameterBoolRef GetDaqParameterDouble GetDaqParameterDoubleRef GetDaqParameterFloat GetDaqParameterFloatRef GetDaqParameterInt GetDaqParameterInt64 GetDaqParameterInt64Ref GetDaqParameterIntRef GetDaqParameterStringRef GetDescriptor GetDllVersion GetDoubleAttributeFromH5 GetEventListSpectrumFromH5 GetFloatAttributeFromH5 GetH5Descriptor GetInt64AttributeFromH5 GetIntAttributeFromH5 GetIsotopePattern GetIsotopePattern2 GetMassCalib GetMassCalib2 GetMassCalib2Ex GetMassCalibEx GetMassCalibInfo GetMoleculeMass GetPeakData GetPeakData2 GetPeakParameters GetPeakParametersFromH5 GetRegUserDataDesc GetRegUserDataFromH5 GetRegUserDataSources GetRegUserDataSourcesFromH5 GetSegmentProfile2FromH5 GetSegmentProfileFromH5 GetSegmentProfileFromShMem GetSegmentProfileFromShMem2 GetSpecXaxisFromH5 GetSpecXaxisFromShMem GetStickSpectrum2FromH5 GetStickSpectrumFromH5 GetStickSpectrumFromShMem GetStickSpectrumFromShMem2 GetStringAttributeFromH5 GetSumSpectrumFromH5 GetSumSpectrumFromShMem GetSumSpectrumFromShMem2 GetTimeout GetTimingData GetTofData GetTofData2 GetTofSpectrum2FromH5 GetTofSpectrumFromH5 GetTofSpectrumFromShMem GetTofSpectrumFromShMem2 GetUint64AttributeFromH5 GetUintAttributeFromH5 GetUserDataFromH5 H5AddLogEntry H5AddUserDataMultiRow H5GetMassCalibPar H5SetMassCalib H5SetMassCalib2 H5SetMassCalib2Ex H5SetMassCalibDynamic H5SetMassCalibEx InitializeDaqDevice InitializeDll IssueDio4Pulse KeepFileOpen KeepSharedMemMapped LoadIniFile ManualContinueNeeded Mass2Tof MassCalibrate MatchSpectra MultiPeakFit OnDemandMassCalibration QueryRegUserDataSize ReadRegUserData RegisterUserDataBuf RegisterUserDataNoStore RegisterUserDataWrite ReleaseSharedMemory SaturationWarning SaveIniFile SendDioStartSignal SetDaqParameter SetDaqParameterBool SetDaqParameterDouble SetDaqParameterFloat SetDaqParameterInt SetDaqParameterInt64 SetDio4State SetDoubleAttributeInH5 SetFloatAttributeInH5 SetInt64AttributeInH5 SetIntAttributeInH5 SetMassCalib SetMassCalib2 SetMassCalib2Ex SetMassCalibEx SetStringAttributeInH5 SetTimeout SetUint64AttributeInH5 SetUintAttributeInH5 ShowConfigWindow SiCleanup SiEvalPhd SiFitPhd SiFitRateFromPhd SiGetHistogram SiGetSumHistogram SiInitializeHistograms SiProcessSpectrum SiProcessSpectrumFromShMem SiResetHistograms SiSetProcessingOptions StartAcquisition StopAcquisition Tof2Mass TofDaqRunning TpsChangeIonMode TpsConnect TpsConnect2 TpsDisconnect TpsGetActiveFilament TpsGetLastSetValue TpsGetModuleCodes TpsGetModuleLimits TpsGetModuleProperties TpsGetMonitorValue TpsGetNbrModules TpsGetNmtState TpsGetStatus TpsGetTargetValue TpsInitialize TpsLoadSetFile TpsLoadSetFile2 TpsSaveSetFile TpsSaveSetFileRc TpsSetActiveFilament TpsSetAllVoltages TpsSetNmtCmd TpsSetTargetValue TpsShutdown UnregisterUserData UpdateUserData WaitForEndOfAcquisition WaitForExclusiveFileAccess WaitForNewData WaitingForDioStartSignal WriteNetCdfTimeSeriesFile

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' Converts events of an event list into a spectrum.
#' \code{EventList2TofSpec} converts events of an event list (read with
#' \code{GetEventList...FromH5} functions) into a spectrum.
#' Note: this function is not part of the TofDaq API, but is included in the
#' package for convenience.
#' @param events Event data, e.g. from \code{GetEventList...FromH5}.
#' @param clockPeriod Clock period (in s or ns), e.g. from
#' \code{GetFloatAttributeFromH5(filename, "FullSpectra", "ClockPeriod")}.
#' @param sampleInterval Sampling interval (in same units as \code{clockPeriod}),
#'  e.g. from \code{\link{GetH5Descriptor}}.
#' @param nbrSamples Number of samples, e.g. from \code{\link{GetH5Descriptor}}.
#' @return A vector containing the spectrum.
#' @export
EventList2TofSpec <- function(events, clockPeriod, sampleInterval, nbrSamples) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_EventList2TofSpec`, events, clockPeriod, sampleInterval, nbrSamples)

#' Decodes an event list.
#' \code{DecodeEventList} decodes an event list read with \code{GetEventList...FromH5}
#' functions into a time stamp vector and a data vector.
#' Note: this function is not part of the TofDaq API, but is included in the
#' package for convenience.
#' @param events Event data, e.g. from \code{GetEventList...FromH5}.
#' @param clockPeriod Clock period (in s or ns), e.g. from
#' \code{GetFloatAttributeFromH5(filename, "FullSpectra", "ClockPeriod")}.
#' @param sampleInterval Sampling interval (in same units as \code{clockPeriod}),
#'  e.g. from \code{\link{GetH5Descriptor}}.
#' @return A list with sample indices and data values (in mV).
#' @export
DecodeEventList <- function(events, clockPeriod, sampleInterval) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_DecodeEventList`, events, clockPeriod, sampleInterval)

#' Decodes an event list using thresholding.
#' \code{DecodeEventListThreshold} decodes an event list read with \code{GetEventList...FromH5}
#' functions into a time stamp vector and a data vector. Only event data which is
#' above the threshold (plus pre-trigger and post-trigger samples) are returned.
#' Note: this function is not part of the TofDaq API, but is included in the
#' package for convenience.
#' @param events Event data, e.g. from \code{GetEventList...FromH5}.
#' @param clockPeriod Clock period (in s or ns), e.g. from
#' \code{GetFloatAttributeFromH5(filename, "FullSpectra", "ClockPeriod")}.
#' @param sampleInterval Sampling interval (in same units as \code{clockPeriod}),
#'  e.g. from \code{\link{GetH5Descriptor}}.
#' @param threshold Threshold value (mV).
#' @param presamples Number of pre-trigger samples.
#' @param postsamples Number of post-trigger samples.
#' @return A list with sample indices and data values (in mV).
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
DecodeEventListThreshold <- function(events, clockPeriod, sampleInterval, threshold, presamples, postsamples) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_DecodeEventListThreshold`, events, clockPeriod, sampleInterval, threshold, presamples, postsamples)

#' Processes a spectrum taken from shared memory.
#' \code{SiProcessSpectrumFromShMem} processes a spectrum taken from shared
#' memory according to the options set for it's spectrum type.
#' This function is a variant of the original TwToolDll function \code{\link{SiProcessSpectrum}}.
#' @param specType Spectrum type index (non-negative integer).
#' @param BufIndex Buf index of data to fetch.
#' @return A list with the baseline and threshold value.
#' @export
SiProcessSpectrumFromShMem <- function(specType, BufIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_SiProcessSpectrumFromShMem`, specType, BufIndex)

#' Keeps the shared memory acquisition buffers mapped.
#' \code{KeepSharedMemMapped} Keeps the shared memory acquisition buffers mapped.
#' The DLL periodically unmaps the shared memory to give the recorder
#' application the possibility to (re)allocate the shared buffers. Call this
#' function if you want to make sure that the shared memory pointers stay
#' valid while you work with them. In this case you must call
#' \code{\link{ReleaseSharedMemory}} explicitly when finished with your
#' processing operation.
#' @export
KeepSharedMemMapped <- function() {

#' Initializes the TofDaqDll.dll.
#' \code{InitializeDll} initializes the TofDaqDll.dll. It is usually not necessary
#' to call \code{InitializeDll} explicitly, as it is called automatically by
#' functions that need the DLL to be in an initialized state.
#' @export
InitializeDll <- function() {

#' Deinitializes the TofDaqDll.dll.
#' \code{CleanupDll} deinitializes the TofDaqDll.dll (frees allocated memory,
#' releases mapped shared memory and closes open files). This function is
#' automatically called when the TofDaqR package is unloaded.
#' @export
CleanupDll <- function() {

#' Gets the version number of the TofDaq API.
#' \code{GetDllVersion} gets the version number of the TofDaq API.
#' @export
GetDllVersion <- function() {

#' Checks if TofDaq recorder application is running.
#' \code{TofDaqRunning} checks if TofDaq recorder application is running.
#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
TofDaqRunning <- function() {

#' Checks if TofDaq recorder is currently acquiring data.
#' \code{DaqActive} checks if TofDaq recorder is currently acquiring data.
#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
DaqActive <- function() {

#' Starts an acquisition.
#' \code{StartAcquisition} starts an acquisition.
#' @export
StartAcquisition <- function() {

#' Stops the current acquisition.
#' \code{StopAcquisition} stops the current acquisition.
#' @export
StopAcquisition <- function() {

#' Signals to the TofDaq recorder to continue an acquisition.
#' \code{ContinueAcquisition} signals to the TofDaq recorder to continue an
#' acquisition.
#' This is a legacy function that was used with some Acqiris DAQ cards,
#' where every block was armed by software. The feature is enabled by setting
#' the parameter ManualContinueEveryNMemories to a value > 0. All latest DAQ
#' devices operate in a streaming mode in order to achieve 100 \% duty cycle and
#' TofDaq recorder no longer has per block control of the DAQ progress.
#' @export
ContinueAcquisition <- function() {

#' Indicates if the TofDaq recorder expects a continue event.
#' \code{ManualContinueNeeded} indicates if the TofDaq recorder expects a
#' continue event (see \code{\link{ContinueAcquisition}}).
#' This is a legacy function that was used with some Acqiris DAQ cards,
#' where every block was armed by software. The feature is enabled by setting
#' the parameter ManualContinueEveryNMemories to a value > 0. All latest DAQ
#' devices operate in a streaming mode in order to achieve 100 \% duty cycle and
#' TofDaq recorder no longer has per block control of the DAQ progress.
#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
ManualContinueNeeded <- function() {

#' Closes the TofDaq recorder application.
#' \code{CloseTofDaqRec} closes the TofDaq recorder application.
#' @export
CloseTofDaqRec <- function() {

#' Issues a TTL pulse on the digital output line 4.
#' \code{IssueDio4Pulse} issues a TTL pulse on the digital output line 4
#' specified by a delay and a pulse width.
#' Note that in order for this command to work the Dio4Mode parameter must be
#' set to 2 (pulsed) or 3 (manual).
#' @param delay Delay before issuing pulse in ms.
#' @param width Pulse width in ms.
#' @export
IssueDio4Pulse <- function(delay, width) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_IssueDio4Pulse`, delay, width))

#' Switches the digital output line 4 between states.
#' \code{SetDio4State} switches the digital output line 4 between states.
#' Note that in order for this command to work the Dio4Mode parameter must be
#' set to 2 (pulsed) or 3 (manual).
#' @param state 0: idle state, 1 (or any value other than 0) active state.
#' @export
SetDio4State <- function(state) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetDio4State`, state))

#' Initializes the DAQ board.
#' \code{InitializeDaqDevice} initializes the DAQ board (this is also done at
#' startup of TofDaqRec.exe). This can take up to 8 seconds depending on the
#' actual DAQ hardware.
#' @export
InitializeDaqDevice <- function() {

#' Sets the timeout.
#' \code{SetTimeout} sets the global timeout for all functions that can time
#' out. Default is 500 ms.
#' @param timeout Timeout in ms. Default is 500 ms.
#' @export
SetTimeout <- function(timeout) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetTimeout`, timeout))

#' Gets the timeout.
#' \code{GetTimeout} gets the current timeout value (in ms).
#' @export
GetTimeout <- function() {

#' Auto setup routine for the DAQ device.
#' \code{AutoSetupDaqDevice} sets up AP240 or Ndigo5G DAQ device.
#' This function is only functional for AP240 and Ndigo5G hardware. For all
#' other setups it returns success immediately but does not do anything.
#' @export
AutoSetupDaqDevice <- function() {

#' Arms/executes on demand mass calibration.
#' \code{OnDemandMassCalibration} arms/executes on demand mass calibration.
#' Requires that parameter \code{ReCalibFreq} is set to 3 (on demand) in order to work.
#' @param action 0: arms mass calibration, 1: updates mass calibration using
#' data acquired since previous arm.
#' @export
OnDemandMassCalibration <- function(action) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_OnDemandMassCalibration`, action))

#' Checks if TofDaq recorder has received a start signal.
#' \code{DioStartDelayActive} checks if TofDaq recorder has received a start
#' signal and is waiting for DioStartDelay to pass.
#' Signals \code{TRUE} when a start signal was received and "DioStartDelay" is
#' active. Goes \code{FALSE} when start delay has expired. In combination with
#' "TwWaitingForDioStartSignal" can be used to indicate to the user what the
#' current experiment state is when digital start signal (and delay) is used.
#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
DioStartDelayActive <- function() {

#' Sends a digital start signal.
#' \code{SendDioStartSignal} sends a digital start signal.
#' Software override of digital start signal as configured with DioStart...
#' TofDaq recorder parameters. See also \code{\link{WaitingForDioStartSignal}}
#' for finding out when this function can be called successfully.
#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
SendDioStartSignal <- function() {

#' Checks if TofDaq recorder is waiting for a start signal.
#' \code{WaitingForDioStartSignal} checks if TofDaq recorder is waiting for a
#' start signal.
#' Allows to query whether TofDaq recorder is currently waiting for a digital
#' start signal (or the SW override signal, see \code{\link{SendDioStartSignal}}). Note
#' that a \code{\link{StartAcquisition}} needs to be issued before this function can return
#' \code{TRUE}. It can take several seconds from the moment \code{\link{StartAcquisition}} is
#' called until this function returns \code{TRUE}.
#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
WaitingForDioStartSignal <- function() {

#' Checks if the signal is saturating the DAQ system.
#' \code{SaturationWarning} checks if the signal is saturating the analog input
#' of the DAQ system.
#' Signals saturation of the input signal (saturation due to analog input
#' limitations, not MCP limit or non-linearity in signal which may happen at
#' significantly lower signal values).
#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
SaturationWarning <- function() {

#' Shows the TofDaq recorder configuration windows.
#' \code{ShowConfigWindow} shows the different tabs of the TofDaq recorder
#' configuration window.
#' @param ConfigWindowIndex Index of configuration tab to show (valid range: 0-6)
#' @export
ShowConfigWindow <- function(ConfigWindowIndex) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_ShowConfigWindow`, ConfigWindowIndex))

#' Loads a configuration file.
#' \code{LoadIniFile} loads a configuration file (*.ini) from disk.
#' @param IniFile Path/filename of the configuration file. If no path is
#' specified, the TofDaq recorder directory will be used. If \code{IniFile} is
#' an empty string or \code{NULL}, "TwApiTmpIni.ini" will be loaded.
#' @export
LoadIniFile <- function(IniFile = NULL) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_LoadIniFile`, IniFile))

#' Saves the current configuration (*.ini) to disk.
#' \code{SaveIniFile} saves the current configuration (*.ini) to disk.
#' @param IniFile Path/filename of the configuration file. If no path is
#' specified, the file will be saved in the TofDaq recorder directory.
#' If \code{IniFile} is an empty string or \code{NULL}, "TwApiTmpIni.ini"
#' will be used. If a path is specified, existing files cannot be overwritten.
#' @export
SaveIniFile <- function(IniFile = NULL) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SaveIniFile`, IniFile))

#' Gets a single parameter as a string.
#' \code{GetDaqParameter} gets a single parameter as a string.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameter <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameter`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single integer parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterInt} gets a single integer parameter.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterInt <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterInt`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single boolean parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterBool} gets a single boolean parameter.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterBool <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterBool`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single float parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterFloat} gets a single float parameter.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterFloat <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterFloat`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single int64 parameter as a string.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterInt64} gets a single int64 parameter as a string.
#' The return string can be converted to integer64 using
#' \code{\link[bit64:as.integer64.character]{bit64::as.integer64()}}.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterInt64 <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterInt64`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single double parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterDouble} gets a single double parameter.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterDouble <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterDouble`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single integer parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterIntRef} gets a single integer parameter.
#' This is the same as \code{GetDaqParameterInt}, but additionally it checks
#' for success and a TwRetVal string is returned if it is not sucessful.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterIntRef <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterIntRef`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single boolean parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterBoolRef} gets a single boolean parameter.
#' This is the same as \code{GetDaqParameterBool}, but additionally it checks
#' for success and a TwRetVal string is returned if it is not sucessful.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterBoolRef <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterBoolRef`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single float parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterFloatRef} gets a single float parameter.
#' This is the same as \code{GetDaqParameterFloat}, but additionally it checks
#' for success and a TwRetVal string is returned if it is not sucessful.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterFloatRef <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterFloatRef`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single int64 parameter as a string.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterInt64Ref} gets a single int64 parameter as a string.
#' This is the same as \code{GetDaqParameterInt64}, but additionally it checks
#' for success and a TwRetVal string is returned if it is not sucessful.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterInt64Ref <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterInt64Ref`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single double parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterDoubleRef} gets a single double parameter.
#' This is the same as \code{GetDaqParameterDouble}, but additionally it checks
#' for success and a TwRetVal string is returned if it is not sucessful.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterDoubleRef <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterDoubleRef`, Parameter)

#' Gets a single string parameter.
#' \code{GetDaqParameterStringRef} gets a single string parameter.
#' This is the same as \code{GetDaqParameter}, but returns \code{"TwInvalidValue"}
#' if the type of the parameter is not a string.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @export
GetDaqParameterStringRef <- function(Parameter) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDaqParameterStringRef`, Parameter)

#' Sets a single parameter.
#' \code{SetDaqParameter} sets a single parameter.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @param ValueString Value as a string.
#' @export
SetDaqParameter <- function(Parameter, ValueString) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetDaqParameter`, Parameter, ValueString))

#' Sets a single parameter with an integer value.
#' \code{SetDaqParameterInt} sets a single parameter with an integer value.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @param Value Integer value.
#' @export
SetDaqParameterInt <- function(Parameter, Value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetDaqParameterInt`, Parameter, Value))

#' Sets a single parameter with a boolean value.
#' \code{SetDaqParameterBool} sets a single parameter with a boolean value.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @param Value \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
SetDaqParameterBool <- function(Parameter, Value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetDaqParameterBool`, Parameter, Value))

#' Sets a single parameter with a float value.
#' \code{SetDaqParameterFloat} sets a single parameter with a float value.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @param Value Numeric value.
#' @export
SetDaqParameterFloat <- function(Parameter, Value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetDaqParameterFloat`, Parameter, Value))

#' Sets a single parameter with an int64 value.
#' \code{SetDaqParameterInt64} sets a single parameter with an int64 value
#' (passed as a string).
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @param Value int64 value passed as a string.
#' @export
SetDaqParameterInt64 <- function(Parameter, Value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetDaqParameterInt64`, Parameter, Value))

#' Sets a single parameter with a double value.
#' \code{SetDaqParameterDouble} sets a single parameter with a double value.
#' @param Parameter Parameter name as a string. See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm#parameter_list}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for a list of all available parameters.
#' @param Value Numeric value.
#' @export
SetDaqParameterDouble <- function(Parameter, Value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetDaqParameterDouble`, Parameter, Value))

#' Enables and configures the "variable NbrMemories" feature.
#' \code{ConfigVarNbrMemories} enables and configures the "variable NbrMemories"
#' feature.
#' @param Enable \code{TRUE} to enable or \code{FALSE} to disable "variable NbrMemories"
#' feature.
#' @param StepAtBuf Buf indices for each step.
#' @param NbrMemoriesForStep NbrMemories value for each step.
#' @export
ConfigVarNbrMemories <- function(Enable, StepAtBuf, NbrMemoriesForStep) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_ConfigVarNbrMemories`, Enable, StepAtBuf, NbrMemoriesForStep))

#' Configures the mass calibration that will be used for the next acquisition.
#' \code{SetMassCalib} configures the mass calibration that will be used for
#' the next acquisition(s). If \code{nbrParams} is 0, the calibration parameters are
#' determined by the TofDaq recorder based on the mass, tof and weight arrays.
#' If calibration parameters and calibration point information is supplied the
#' calibration parameters define the calibration (no "sanity" check is
#' performed whether the point information yields the same mass calibration
#' parameters).
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' mode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param mode Mass calibration function to use.
#' @param nbrParams Number of mass calibration parameters.
#' @param p Vector with mass calibration parameters.
#' @param mass Vector with mass of the calibration points.
#' @param tof Vector with TOF sample index of the calibration points.
#' @param weight Vector with weight of the calibration points.
#' @export
SetMassCalib <- function(mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetMassCalib`, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight))

#' Configures the mass calibration that will be used for the next acquisition.
#' \code{SetMassCalib2} configures the mass calibration that will be used for
#' the next acquisition(s). If \code{nbrParams} is 0, the calibration parameters are
#' determined by the TofDaq recorder based on the mass, tof and weight arrays.
#' If calibration parameters and calibration point information is supplied the
#' calibration parameters define the calibration (no "sanity" check is
#' performed whether the point information yields the same mass calibration
#' parameters).
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' mode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param mode Mass calibration function to use.
#' @param nbrParams Number of mass calibration parameters.
#' @param p Vector with mass calibration parameters.
#' @param mass Vector with mass of the calibration points.
#' @param tof Vector with TOF sample index of the calibration points.
#' @param weight Vector with weight of the calibration points.
#' @export
SetMassCalib2 <- function(mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetMassCalib2`, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight))

#' Configures the mass calibration that will be used for the next acquisition.
#' \code{SetMassCalibEx} configures the mass calibration that will be used for
#' the next acquisition(s). If \code{nbrParams} is 0, the calibration parameters are
#' determined by the TofDaq recorder based on the mass, tof and weight arrays.
#' If calibration parameters and calibration point information is supplied the
#' calibration parameters define the calibration (no "sanity" check is
#' performed whether the point information yields the same mass calibration
#' parameters). Labels to identify compound names/formulas used for
#' calibration have a maximum length of 255 characters.
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' mode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param mode Mass calibration function to use.
#' @param nbrParams Number of mass calibration parameters.
#' @param p Vector with mass calibration parameters.
#' @param mass Vector with mass of the calibration points.
#' @param tof Vector with TOF sample index of the calibration points.
#' @param weight Vector with weight of the calibration points.
#' @param label Vector with labels of the calibration points.
#' @export
SetMassCalibEx <- function(mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight, label) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetMassCalibEx`, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight, label))

#' Configures the mass calibration that will be used for the next acquisition.
#' \code{SetMassCalib2Ex} configures the mass calibration that will be used for
#' the next acquisition(s). If \code{nbrParams} is 0, the calibration parameters are
#' determined by the TofDaq recorder based on the mass, tof and weight arrays.
#' If calibration parameters and calibration point information is supplied the
#' calibration parameters define the calibration (no "sanity" check is
#' performed whether the point information yields the same mass calibration
#' parameters). Labels to identify compound names/formulas used for
#' calibration have a maximum length of 255 characters.
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' mode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param mode Mass calibration function to use.
#' @param nbrParams Number of mass calibration parameters.
#' @param p Vector with mass calibration parameters.
#' @param mass Vector with mass of the calibration points.
#' @param tof Vector with TOF sample index of the calibration points.
#' @param weight Vector with weight of the calibration points.
#' @param label Vector with labels of the calibration points.
#' @export
SetMassCalib2Ex <- function(mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight, label) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetMassCalib2Ex`, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight, label))

#' Configures TofDaq recorder for single ion measurements.
#' \code{ConfigureForSingleIonMeasurement} configures TofDaq recorder for single
#' ion measurements.
#' The function returns \code{nbrBits} and \code{negativeSignal} that need to be passed to
#' the single ion setup function in the tool library (all other parameters can
#' be read directly from TofDaq). Note that it is the user's responsibility to
#' backup current recorder settings before calling this function (and to revert
#' to this sertting after the SI run).
#' @return List with \code{nbrBits} and \code{negativeSignal} to pass to SI config function.
#' @export
ConfigureForSingleIonMeasurement <- function() {

#' Gets various information about the active acquisition.
#' \code{GetDescriptor} retrieves the current TSharedMemoryDesc structure.
#' TSharedMemoryDesc contains various static information about the active
#' acquisition that can be retrieved by \code{GetDaqParameter} functions but
#' also information of DAQ progress.
#' See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TofDaqDll.htm}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for more details.
#' int64 and unsigned int64 parameters are returned as string. They can be
#' converted to integer64 using \code{\link[bit64:as.integer64.character]{bit64::as.integer64()}}.
#' @return A list containing the TSharedMemoryDesc structure
#' @export
GetDescriptor <- function() {

#' Gets parameters for a given peak.
#' \code{GetPeakParameters} gets parameters for a given peak.
#' @param PeakIndex Index of peak (zero-based numbering).
#' @return A list with the peak paramters \emph{label}, \emph{mass}, \emph{loMass} and \emph{hiMass}.
#' @export
GetPeakParameters <- function(PeakIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetPeakParameters`, PeakIndex)

#' Manually releases the shared memory acquisition buffers.
#' \code{ReleaseSharedMemory} manually releases the shared memory acquisition
#' buffers. This is needed if \code{\link{KeepSharedMemMapped}} has been set to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @export
ReleaseSharedMemory <- function() {

#' Waits for new data.
#' \code{WaitForNewData} waits for new data. Returns when new data is
#' available or when timed out.
#' @param timeout Timeout in ms.
#' @param WaitForEventReset If \code{TRUE} (default) waits for application to
#' reset data available event before returning.
#' @export
WaitForNewData <- function(timeout, WaitForEventReset = TRUE) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_WaitForNewData`, timeout, WaitForEventReset))

#' Waits for the end of the current acquisition.
#' \code{WaitForEndOfAcquisition} waits for the end of the current acquisition.
#' If \code{NbrRuns > 1} this function waits for the end of the last acquisition.
#' @param timeout Timeout in ms.
#' @export
WaitForEndOfAcquisition <- function(timeout) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_WaitForEndOfAcquisition`, timeout))

#' Returns information about the current mass calibration.
#' \code{GetMassCalib} returns information about the mass calibration currently
#' used in TofDaq recorder.
#' @return List with calibration parameters and calibration points.
#' @export
GetMassCalib <- function() {

#' Returns information about the current mass calibration.
#' \code{GetMassCalib2} returns information about the mass calibration currently
#' used in TofDaq recorder.
#' @return List with calibration parameters and calibration points.
#' @export
GetMassCalib2 <- function() {

#' Returns information about the current mass calibration.
#' \code{GetMassCalibEx} returns information about the mass calibration currently
#' used in TofDaq recorder.
#' This is the same as \code{\link{GetMassCalib}}, but additionally also returns
#' the labels of the calibration points.
#' @return List with calibration parameters, calibration points and labels.
#' @export
GetMassCalibEx <- function() {

#' Returns information about the current mass calibration.
#' \code{GetMassCalib2Ex} returns information about the mass calibration currently
#' used in TofDaq recorder.
#' This is the same as \code{\link{GetMassCalib2}}, but additionally also returns
#' the labels of the calibration points.
#' @return List with calibration parameters, calibration points and labels.
#' @export
GetMassCalib2Ex <- function() {

#' Sum spectrum from shared memory.
#' \code{GetSumSpectrumFromShMem} gets the sum spectrum from shared memory.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} (default) the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction.
#' @export
GetSumSpectrumFromShMem <- function(Normalize = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSumSpectrumFromShMem`, Normalize)

#' Sum spectrum from shared memory.
#' \code{GetSumSpectrumFromShMem2} gets the sum spectrum from shared memory.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} (default) the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction.
#' @export
GetSumSpectrumFromShMem2 <- function(Normalize = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSumSpectrumFromShMem2`, Normalize)

#' Single TOF spectrum from shared memory.
#' \code{GetTofSpectrumFromShMem} reads a single TOF spectrum (possibly
#' averaged/summed over segment dimension) from shared memory. If
#' \code{SegmentIndex = SegmentEndIndex = -1} the complete block of data is
#' copied and the \code{Normalize} flag is ignored.
#' @param SegmentIndex Segment start index of data to fetch (or -1 for complete
#' block copy).
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch (or -1 for complete
#' block copy).
#' @param BufIndex Buf index of data to fetch.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} (default) the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction
#' (ignored and assumed \code{FALSE} if used with \code{SegmentIndex = SegmentEndIndex = -1}).
#' @return A vector containing the mass spectrum or an array containing the
#' block of mass spectra if \code{SegmentIndex = SegmentEndIndex = -1}.
#' @export
GetTofSpectrumFromShMem <- function(SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, Normalize = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetTofSpectrumFromShMem`, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, Normalize)

#' Single TOF spectrum from shared memory.
#' \code{GetTofSpectrumFromShMem2} reads a single TOF spectrum (possibly
#' averaged/summed over segment dimension) from shared memory. If
#' \code{SegmentIndex = SegmentEndIndex = -1} the complete block of data is
#' copied and the \code{Normalize} flag is ignored.
#' @param SegmentIndex Segment start index of data to fetch (or -1 for complete
#' block copy).
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch (or -1 for complete
#' block copy).
#' @param BufIndex Buf index of data to fetch.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} (default) the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction
#' (ignored and assumed \code{FALSE} if used with \code{SegmentIndex = SegmentEndIndex = -1}).
#' @return A vector containing the mass spectrum or an array containing the
#' block of mass spectra if \code{SegmentIndex = SegmentEndIndex = -1}.
#' @export
GetTofSpectrumFromShMem2 <- function(SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, Normalize = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetTofSpectrumFromShMem2`, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, Normalize)

#' X-axis values of mass spectrum.
#' \code{GetSpecXaxisFromShMem} returns an array of x-axis values of the mass
#' spectrum.
#' @param Type x-axis type (0: sample index, 1: mass/charge [Th],
#' -1: mass/charge [Th] (2nd TOF), 2: time of flight [microsec],
#' -2: time of flight [microsec] (2nd TOF), 3: frequency [kHz]).
#' @return A vector containing the x-axis values.
#' @export
GetSpecXaxisFromShMem <- function(Type) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSpecXaxisFromShMem`, Type)

#' Single stick spectrum from shared memory.
#' \code{GetStickSpectrumFromShMem} reads a single stick spectrum from shared
#' memory.
#' @param SegmentIndex Segment start index of data to fetch.
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufIndex Buf index of data to fetch.
#' @return A list containing the stick spectrum and corresponding masses.
#' @export
GetStickSpectrumFromShMem <- function(SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetStickSpectrumFromShMem`, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex)

#' Single stick spectrum from shared memory.
#' \code{GetStickSpectrumFromShMem2} reads a single stick spectrum from shared
#' memory.
#' @param SegmentIndex Segment start index of data to fetch.
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufIndex Buf index of data to fetch.
#' @return A list containing the stick spectrum and corresponding masses.
#' @export
GetStickSpectrumFromShMem2 <- function(SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetStickSpectrumFromShMem2`, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex)

#' Segment profile for a given peak and buf index from shared memory.
#' \code{GetSegmentProfileFromShMem} reads the segment profile for a given
#' peak and buf index from shared memory. Use -1 for \code{PeakIndex} to get
#' segment profiles of all peaks.
#' @param PeakIndex Index of peak to fetch segment profile from. All peaks are
#' read if \code{PeakIndex = -1}.
#' @param BufIndex Buf index of data to fetch.
#' @return A vector containing the segment profile(s).
#' @export
GetSegmentProfileFromShMem <- function(PeakIndex, BufIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSegmentProfileFromShMem`, PeakIndex, BufIndex)

#' Segment profile for a given peak and buf index from shared memory.
#' \code{GetSegmentProfileFromShMem2} reads the segment profile for a given
#' peak and buf index from shared memory. Use -1 for \code{PeakIndex} to get
#' segment profiles of all peaks.
#' @param PeakIndex Index of peak to fetch segment profile from. All peaks are
#' read if \code{PeakIndex = -1}.
#' @param BufIndex Buf index of data to fetch.
#' @return A vector containing the segment profile(s).
#' @export
GetSegmentProfileFromShMem2 <- function(PeakIndex, BufIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSegmentProfileFromShMem2`, PeakIndex, BufIndex)

#' Time stamp for a given buf and write.
#' \code{GetBufTimeFromShMem} reads the time stamp for a given buf and write
#' from shared memory.
#' @param BufIndex Buf index.
#' @param WriteIndex Write index.
#' @return A time stamp (in seconds relative to acquisition start).
#' @export
GetBufTimeFromShMem <- function(BufIndex, WriteIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetBufTimeFromShMem`, BufIndex, WriteIndex)

#' Adds an entry to the acquisition log.
#' \code{AddLogEntry} adds an entry to the acquisition log.
#' @param LogEntryText Log text (max. 255 characters).
#' @param LogEntryTime Log entry time (number of 100-nanosecond intervals since
#' January 1, 1601 UTC, Windows FILETIME) passed as a string. Set it to "0" for
#' "now".
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
AddLogEntry <- function(LogEntryText, LogEntryTime) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_AddLogEntry`, LogEntryText, LogEntryTime))

#' Attaches an integer attribute to the current HDF5 file.
#' \code{AddAttributeInt} attaches an integer attribute to the current HDF5 file.
#' @param Object HDF5 object (group or dataset) to attach attribute (max. 255
#' characters).
#' @param AttributeName Attribute name (max. 127 characters).
#' @param Value Attribute value (integer type).
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
AddAttributeInt <- function(Object, AttributeName, Value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_AddAttributeInt`, Object, AttributeName, Value))

#' Attaches a numeric attribute to the current HDF5 file.
#' \code{AddAttributeDouble} attaches a numeric attribute to the current HDF5 file.
#' @param Object HDF5 object (group or dataset) to attach attribute (max. 255
#' characters).
#' @param AttributeName Attribute name (max. 127 characters).
#' @param Value Attribute value (numeric type).
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
AddAttributeDouble <- function(Object, AttributeName, Value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_AddAttributeDouble`, Object, AttributeName, Value))

#' Attaches a string attribute to the current HDF5 file.
#' \code{AddAttributeString} attaches a string attribute to the current HDF5 file.
#' @param Object HDF5 object (group or dataset) to attach attribute (max. 255
#' characters).
#' @param AttributeName Attribute name (max. 127 characters).
#' @param Value Attribute string value (max. 255 characters).
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
AddAttributeString <- function(Object, AttributeName, Value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_AddAttributeString`, Object, AttributeName, Value))

#' Stores (asynchronous) user supplied data.
#' \code{AddUserData} stores user supplied data asynchronously to the TOF data
#' acquistion into the current data file. Creates datasets "Data" and "Info" at
#' \code{Location}.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file where the datasets are created.
#' @param NbrElements Number of elements to store (per call to this function),
#' maximum is 1048575.
#' @param Data Vector of length \code{NbrElements} containing the data to be
#' stored in dataset "Data".
#' @param ElementDescription Vector of length \code{NbrElements} containing the
#' text description of elements. If \code{ElementDescription} is \code{NULL}
#' the dataset "Info" is not created.
#' @param CompressionLevel ZLIB compression level (0-9) for dataset creation.
#' If the dataset at Location already exists this parameter has no effect.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
AddUserData <- function(Location, NbrElements, Data, ElementDescription = NULL, CompressionLevel = 0L) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_AddUserData`, Location, NbrElements, Data, ElementDescription, CompressionLevel))

#' Stores (asynchronous) user supplied data.
#' \code{AddUserDataMultiRow} stores user supplied data asynchronously to the TOF data
#' acquistion into the current data file. Creates datasets "Data" and "Info" at
#' \code{Location}.
#' Same as \code{AddUserData}, but adds argument \code{NbrRows} to add several
#' lines of user data at once.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file where the datasets are created.
#' @param NbrElements Number of elements to store (per call to this function),
#' maximum is 1048575.
#' @param NbrRows Number of rows to store per call to this function (each row
#' contains \code{NbrElements} entries), maximum is 2047.
#' @param Data Vector of length \code{NbrElements*NbrRows} containing the data to be
#' stored in dataset "Data".
#' @param ElementDescription Vector of length \code{NbrElements} containing the
#' text description of elements. If \code{ElementDescription} is \code{NULL}
#' the dataset "Info" is not created.
#' @param CompressionLevel ZLIB compression level (0-9) for dataset creation.
#' If the dataset at Location already exists this parameter has no effect.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
AddUserDataMultiRow <- function(Location, NbrElements, NbrRows, Data, ElementDescription = NULL, CompressionLevel = 0L) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_AddUserDataMultiRow`, Location, NbrElements, NbrRows, Data, ElementDescription, CompressionLevel))

#' Registers a data source to store (synchronous) user supplied data.
#' \code{RegisterUserDataBuf} registers a data source to store user supplied
#' data synchronously to the TOF data acquistion (every buf) into the data file
#' being currently recorded. Creates datasets "TwData" and "TwInfo" at \code{Location}.
#' Needs to be executed before starting the acquisition.
#' Use \code{\link{UpdateUserData}} to actually store the data.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file where the datasets are created.
#' @param NbrElements Number of elements to store per buf.
#' @param ElementDescription Vector of length \code{NbrElements} containing the
#' text description of elements. If \code{ElementDescription} is \code{NULL}
#' the dataset "TwInfo" is not created.
#' @param CompressionLevel Compression level used for data storage (0: no
#' compression, 1-9: increasing levels of compression (and CPU load)).
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
RegisterUserDataBuf <- function(Location, NbrElements, ElementDescription = NULL, CompressionLevel = 0L) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_RegisterUserDataBuf`, Location, NbrElements, ElementDescription, CompressionLevel))

#' Registers a data source to store (synchronous) user supplied data.
#' \code{RegisterUserDataWrite} registers a data source to store user supplied
#' data synchronously to the TOF data acquistion (every write) into the data
#' file being currently recorded. Creates datasets "TwData" and "TwInfo" at
#' \code{Location}.
#' Needs to be executed before starting the acquisition.
#' Use \code{\link{UpdateUserData}} to actually store the data.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file where the datasets are created.
#' @param NbrElements Number of elements to store per write.
#' @param ElementDescription Vector of length \code{NbrElements} containing the
#' text description of elements. If \code{ElementDescription} is \code{NULL}
#' the dataset "TwInfo" is not created.
#' @param CompressionLevel Compression level used for data storage (0: no
#' compression, 1-9: increasing levels of compression (and CPU load)).
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
RegisterUserDataWrite <- function(Location, NbrElements, ElementDescription = NULL, CompressionLevel = 0L) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_RegisterUserDataWrite`, Location, NbrElements, ElementDescription, CompressionLevel))

#' Registers a data source for (synchronous) user supplied data.
#' \code{RegisterUserDataNoStore} registers a data for user supplied
#' data (synchronous to the TOF data acquistion) but the data is not stored
#' in the data file.
#' Needs to be executed before starting the acquisition.
#' Use \code{\link{UpdateUserData}} to update the data.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file where the datasets are created.
#' @param NbrElements Number of elements to store per write.
#' @param ElementDescription Vector of length \code{NbrElements} containing the
#' text description of elements. If \code{ElementDescription} is \code{NULL}
#' the dataset "TwInfo" is not created.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
RegisterUserDataNoStore <- function(Location, NbrElements, ElementDescription = NULL) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_RegisterUserDataNoStore`, Location, NbrElements, ElementDescription))

#' Unregisters a data source.
#' \code{UnregisterUserData} unregisters a data source previously registered
#' with \code{\link{RegisterUserDataBuf}} or \code{\link{RegisterUserDataWrite}}.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file identifying the user data.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
UnregisterUserData <- function(Location) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_UnregisterUserData`, Location))

#' Updates the values for a registered data source.
#' \code{UpdateUserData} updates the values for a registered data source.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file where the datasets are created.
#' @param NbrElements Number of elements to update.
#' @param Data Vector of length \code{NbrElements} containing the new data.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
UpdateUserData <- function(Location, NbrElements, Data) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_UpdateUserData`, Location, NbrElements, Data))

#' Reads the current values of a registered data source.
#' \code{ReadRegUserData} reads the current values of a registered data source.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file where the datasets are created.
#' @param NbrElements Number of elements to read.
#' @return Vector containing the registered user data.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
ReadRegUserData <- function(Location, NbrElements) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_ReadRegUserData`, Location, NbrElements)

#' Queries the size of a registered data source.
#' \code{QueryRegUserDataSize} queries the size (nbrElements) of a registered data source.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file identifying the registered data.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
QueryRegUserDataSize <- function(Location) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_QueryRegUserDataSize`, Location)

#' Queries names, dimensions and types of all registered data sources.
#' \code{GetRegUserDataSources} queries names, dimensions and types of all
#' data sources currently registered in TofDaq recorder.
#' @return List with the location, nbrElements and type of the data sources.
#' type 1: data source values are written to disk for every write,
#' type 2: data source values are written to disk for every buf.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
GetRegUserDataSources <- function() {

#' Reads the element descriptions of a registered data source.
#' \code{GetRegUserDataDesc} reads the element descriptions of a registered data source.
#' @param Location Location of group in HDF5 file identifying the registered data.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
GetRegUserDataDesc <- function(Location) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetRegUserDataDesc`, Location)

#' Allows to keep the data file open at the end of an acquisition.
#' \code{KeepFileOpen} allows to keep the data file open at the end of an acquisition.
#' @param keepOpen Issue \code{TRUE} (after DAQ start) to signal to recorder to
#' keep the data file open. When done adding data, issue \code{FALSE} to allow
#' the recorder to close the file.
#' @family Data storage functions
#' @export
KeepFileOpen <- function(keepOpen) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_KeepFileOpen`, keepOpen))

#' Connects to a remote control enabled TPSController software.
#' \code{TpsConnect} connects to a remote control enabled TPSController
#' software running on the same PC.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsConnect <- function() {

#' Connects to a local or remote TPS.
#' \code{TpsConnect2} connects to a local or remote TPS (TPS1: type = 0,
#' TPS2: type = 1)
#' @param ip TPS2 host name or IP.
#' @param type TPS type (0: 1st generation TPS, 1: 2nd generation TPS).
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsConnect2 <- function(ip, type) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsConnect2`, ip, type))

#' Disconnects from a remote control enabled TPSController software.
#' \code{TpsDisconnect} disconnects from a remote control enabled TPSController
#' software.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsDisconnect <- function() {

#' Gets the last reported monitor value for a given module.
#' \code{TpsGetMonitorValue} gets the last reported monitor value for a given
#' module.
#' @param moduleCode Module code.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetMonitorValue <- function(moduleCode) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsGetMonitorValue`, moduleCode)

#' Gets the last reported target value for a given module.
#' \code{TpsGetTargetValue} gets the last reported target value for a given
#' module.
#' @param moduleCode Module code.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetTargetValue <- function(moduleCode) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsGetTargetValue`, moduleCode)

#' Gets the last reported "last set" value for a given module.
#' \code{TpsGetLastSetValue} gets the last reported "last set" value for a given
#' module.
#' @param moduleCode Module code.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetLastSetValue <- function(moduleCode) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsGetLastSetValue`, moduleCode)

#' Sets the target value for a given module.
#' \code{TpsSetTargetValue} sets the target value for a given module.
#' @param moduleCode Module code.
#' @param value Value to set.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsSetTargetValue <- function(moduleCode, value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsSetTargetValue`, moduleCode, value))

#' Gets the number of controllable modules.
#' \code{TpsGetNbrModules} gets the number of controllable modules.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetNbrModules <- function() {

#' Gets the module codes of all controllable TPS modules.
#' \code{TpsGetModuleCodes} gets the module codes of all controllable TPS modules.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetModuleCodes <- function() {

#' Initializes TPS.
#' \code{TpsInitialize} initializes the TPS.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsInitialize <- function() {

#' Sets all voltages.
#' \code{TpsSetAllVoltages} sets all voltages.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsSetAllVoltages <- function() {

#' Shuts down TPS.
#' \code{TpsShutdown} shuts down the TPS.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsShutdown <- function() {

#' Gets the status of the TPS.
#' \code{TpsGetStatus} gets the status of the TPS.
#' @return List with the status information: connected?, initialized?, shutdown?,
#' ion mode changable?, ion mode supported?, current ion mode?.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetStatus <- function() {

#' Loads a TPS set file and sets all values.
#' \code{TpsLoadSetFile} loads a TPS set file and sets all values.
#' @param setFile Path/filename of the set file to load.
#' @section Warning:
#' This does not just load the file (as the function name might suggest), but
#' also immediately sets all values.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsLoadSetFile <- function(setFile) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsLoadSetFile`, setFile))

#' Loads a TPS set file and sets some values.
#' \code{TpsLoadSetFile2} loads a TPS set file and only sets whitelisted
#' values or all values except blacklisted RC codes.
#' The only 3 supported modes to call this function are:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item \code{TpsLoadSetFile2(setFile, NULL, NULL)}, this is the same as \code{\link{TpsLoadSetFile}}
#'   \item \code{TpsLoadSetFile2(setFile, blackListArray, NULL)} sets the values from setFile except RC codes in blackListArray
#'   \item \code{TpsLoadSetFile2(setFile, NULL, whiteListArray)} sets only the values from setFile that are also in whiteListArray
#' }
#' @param setFile Path/filename of the set file to load.
#' @param blackListArray RC code array for blacklist.
#' @param whiteListArray RC code array for whitelist .
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsLoadSetFile2 <- function(setFile, blackListArray, whiteListArray) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsLoadSetFile2`, setFile, blackListArray, whiteListArray))

#' Saves the current TPS settings to a file.
#' \code{TpsSaveSetFile} saves the current TPS settings to a file.
#' @param setFile Path/filename of the set file to save.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsSaveSetFile <- function(setFile) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsSaveSetFile`, setFile))

#' Saves TPS set values with a RC code to a file.
#' \code{TpsSaveSetFileRc} saves the current TPS settings to a file. Only
#' values with assigned RC codes will be saved.
#' Note: set files saved with this function can not be loaded through the TPS
#' web GUI, only \code{\link{TpsLoadSetFile}} and \code{\link{TpsLoadSetFile2}}
#' understand this format.
#' @param setFile Path/filename of the set file to save.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsSaveSetFileRc <- function(setFile) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsSaveSetFileRc`, setFile))

#' Gets the currently active filament.
#' \code{TpsGetActiveFilament} gets the currently active filament.
#' Note that \code{TpsGetMonitorValue} does not work to query the filament
#' number. Use this function instead.
#' @return Returns 0 for Filament 1, 1 for Filament 2.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetActiveFilament <- function() {

#' Sets the active filament.
#' \code{TpsSetActiveFilament} sets the active filament.
#' Note that \code{TpsSetTargetValue} does not work to set the filament
#' number. Use this function instead.
#' @param activeFilament 0 for Filament 1, 1 for Filament 2.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsSetActiveFilament <- function(activeFilament) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsSetActiveFilament`, activeFilament))

#' Gets the limits for a given TPS module.
#' \code{TpsGetModuleLimits} gets the (ion mode dependent) limits for a given TPS module. Only
#' works for TPS2.
#' @param moduleCode Module code.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetModuleLimits <- function(moduleCode) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsGetModuleLimits`, moduleCode)

#' Changes ion mode and sets target values to 0.
#' \code{TpsChangeIonMode} changes ion mode (and sets target values to 0).
#' Note: This is an undocumented function of TofDaqDll.dll which must be used
#' with care. First shut the TPS down, then wait >30 s before changing the ion
#' mode. Not conforming to this might cause hardware damage.
#' @param ionMode 0: positive ion mode, 1: negative ion mode
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsChangeIonMode <- function(ionMode) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsChangeIonMode`, ionMode))

#' Queries the NMT state of a CANopen node.
#' \code{TpsGetNmtState} queries the NMT (Network Management) state of the
#' CANopen node associated with RC code \code{moduleCode}. Possible returned
#' NMT states are: 0 (0x00, boot up), 4 (0x04, stopped), 5 (0x05, operational)
#' and 127 (0x7f, pre-operational).
#' @param moduleCode Module code.
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetNmtState <- function(moduleCode) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsGetNmtState`, moduleCode)

#' Sets the NMT state of a CANopen node.
#' \code{TpsSetNmtCmd} sets the NMT (Network Management) state of the
#' CANopen node associated with RC code \code{moduleCode}. Valid values for
#' nmtState are 1 (0x01, operational), 2 (0x02, stop), 128 (0x80, pre-operational),
#' 129 (0x81, reset node) or 130 (0x82, reset communication).
#' @param moduleCode Module code.
#' @param nmtState New NMT state for node .
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsSetNmtCmd <- function(moduleCode, nmtState) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsSetNmtCmd`, moduleCode, nmtState))

#' Gets capabilities and label for a given RC code.
#' \code{TpsGetModuleProperties} gets capabilities and label for a given RC code.
#' @param moduleCode Module code.
#' @return List with the properties (hasMonitor, isSettable, isTrigger) and
#' the label associated with \code{moduleCode} (can come from HW or cfg).
#' @family TPS functions
#' @export
TpsGetModuleProperties <- function(moduleCode) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_TpsGetModuleProperties`, moduleCode)

#' Descriptor structure of Tofwerk HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetH5Descriptor} returns a descriptor structure for the Tofwerk HDF5 file.
#' The \emph{TwH5Desc} structure contains information about data dimensions,
#' available datasets and mass calibration. Additional attributes, which are not
#' available in the structure can be read using \code{Get...AttributeFromH5}
#' functions.
#' See
#' \href{https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/pasturm/TofDaqR/blob/master/tools/doc/TwH5Dll.htm}{TofDaq API documentation}
#' for more details.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @return A list containing the \emph{TwH5Desc} structure.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetH5Descriptor("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetH5Descriptor <- function(Filename) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetH5Descriptor`, Filename)

#' Closes an open HDF5 file.
#' \code{CloseH5} closes an open HDF5 file.
#' This function is called internally by all \code{Get..FromH5} functions, so
#' it is usually not necessary to call \code{CloseH5} explicitely.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CloseH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
CloseH5 <- function(Filename) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_CloseH5`, Filename))

#' Closes all open HDF5 files.
#' \code{CloseAll} closes all open HDF5 files. It is a good idea to call this
#' function once before your program exits.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CloseAll()
#' }
#' @export
CloseAll <- function() {

#' Sum spectrum from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetSumSpectrumFromH5} reads the sum spectrum (or average spectrum
#' depending on \code{Normalize} flag) from the HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} (default) the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction.
#' @return A vector containing the sum spectrum.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetSumSpectrumFromH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetSumSpectrumFromH5 <- function(Filename, Normalize = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSumSpectrumFromH5`, Filename, Normalize)

#' Single (averaged) TOF spectrum from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetTofSpectrumFromH5} reads a single mass spectrum (or an
#' averaged/summed hyperslab) from the HDF5 file.
#' If \code{SegmentIndex == SegmentEndIndex} and \code{BufIndex == BufEndIndex} and
#' \code{WriteIndex == WriteEndIndex} and \code{Normalize == FALSE} no
#' averaging/summing of spectra is done and the spectrum is reported as stored
#' in the dataset.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param SegmentIndex Segment start index of data to fetch.
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufIndex Buf start index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufEndIndex Buf end index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteIndex Write start index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteEndIndex Write end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufWriteLinked Indicating whether the buf and write dimension should
#' be considered linked or treated as independent dimensions (relevant only if
#' \code{WriteIndex != WriteEndIndex}). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} (default) the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction.
#' @return A vector containing the mass spectrum.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetTofSpectrumFromH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetTofSpectrumFromH5 <- function(Filename, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked = FALSE, Normalize = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetTofSpectrumFromH5`, Filename, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked, Normalize)

#' Single (averaged) TOF spectrum from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetTofSpectrum2FromH5} reads a single mass spectrum (or an
#' averaged/summed hyperslab) from the HDF5 file.
#' If \code{SegmentIndex == SegmentEndIndex} and \code{BufIndex == BufEndIndex} and
#' \code{WriteIndex == WriteEndIndex} and \code{Normalize == FALSE} no
#' averaging/summing of spectra is done and the spectrum is reported as stored
#' in the dataset.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param SegmentIndex Segment start index of data to fetch.
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufIndex Buf start index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufEndIndex Buf end index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteIndex Write start index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteEndIndex Write end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufWriteLinked Indicating whether the buf and write dimension should
#' be considered linked or treated as independent dimensions (relevant only if
#' \code{WriteIndex != WriteEndIndex}). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} (default) the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction.
#' @return A vector containing the mass spectrum.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetTofSpectrum2FromH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetTofSpectrum2FromH5 <- function(Filename, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked = FALSE, Normalize = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetTofSpectrum2FromH5`, Filename, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked, Normalize)

#' Single (averaged) stick spectrum from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetStickSpectrumFromH5} reads a single stick spectrum (or an
#' averaged/summed hyperslab) from the HDF5 file.
#' If \code{SegmentIndex == SegmentEndIndex} and \code{BufIndex == BufEndIndex} and
#' \code{WriteIndex == WriteEndIndex} and \code{Normalize == FALSE} no
#' averaging/summing of spectra is done and the spectrum is reported as stored
#' in the dataset.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param SegmentIndex Segment start index of data to fetch.
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufIndex Buf start index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufEndIndex Buf end index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteIndex Write start index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteEndIndex Write end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufWriteLinked Indicating whether the buf and write dimension should
#' be considered linked or treated as independent dimensions (relevant only if
#' \code{WriteIndex != WriteEndIndex}). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} (default) the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction.
#' @return A vector containing the stick spectrum.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetStickSpectrumFromH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetStickSpectrumFromH5 <- function(Filename, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked = FALSE, Normalize = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetStickSpectrumFromH5`, Filename, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked, Normalize)

#' Single (averaged) stick spectrum from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetStickSpectrum2FromH5} reads a single stick spectrum (or an
#' averaged/summed hyperslab) from the HDF5 file.
#' If \code{SegmentIndex == SegmentEndIndex} and \code{BufIndex == BufEndIndex} and
#' \code{WriteIndex == WriteEndIndex} and \code{Normalize == FALSE} no
#' averaging/summing of spectra is done and the spectrum is reported as stored
#' in the dataset.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param SegmentIndex Segment start index of data to fetch.
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufIndex Buf start index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufEndIndex Buf end index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteIndex Write start index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteEndIndex Write end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufWriteLinked Indicating whether the buf and write dimension should
#' be considered linked or treated as independent dimensions (relevant only if
#' \code{WriteIndex != WriteEndIndex}). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param Normalize If \code{FALSE} the spectrum is reported as sum,
#' if \code{TRUE} (default) the spectrum is normalized to counts per extraction.
#' @return A vector containing the stick spectrum.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetStickSpectrum2FromH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetStickSpectrum2FromH5 <- function(Filename, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked = FALSE, Normalize = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetStickSpectrum2FromH5`, Filename, SegmentIndex, SegmentEndIndex, BufIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked, Normalize)

#' Peak parameters from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetPeakParametersFromH5} reads peak parameters from the data file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param PeakIndex Index of peak (zero-based numbering). If index is -1
#' (default), peak parameters of all peaks are read.
#' @return A list with the peak paramters \emph{label}, \emph{mass}, \emph{loMass} and \emph{hiMass}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetPeakParametersFromH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetPeakParametersFromH5 <- function(Filename, PeakIndex = -1L) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetPeakParametersFromH5`, Filename, PeakIndex)

#' Single buf timestamp from the data file.
#' \code{GetBufTimeFromH5} reads a single buf time stamp from HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param BufIndex Buf index.
#' @param WriteIndex Write index.
#' @return A time stamp (in seconds relative to acquisition start).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetBufTimeFromH5("path/to/file.h5", BufIndex = 0, WriteIndex = 0)
#' }
#' @export
GetBufTimeFromH5 <- function(Filename, BufIndex, WriteIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetBufTimeFromH5`, Filename, BufIndex, WriteIndex)

#' x-axis values of mass spectrum.
#' \code{GetSpecXaxisFromH5} returns an array of x-axis values of the mass
#' spectrum.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param Type x-axis type (0: sample index, 1: mass/charge [Th] (default),
#' -1: mass/charge [Th] (2nd TOF), 2: time of flight [microsec],
#' -2: time of flight [microsec] (2nd TOF), 3: frequency [kHz]).
#' @param writeIndex Write index to use for mass calibration (relevant only for
#' \code{abs(Type)== 1 or 2}). If the data file has no \emph{/TofData/MassCalibration}
#' dataset the standard mass calibration parameters are used (same for all
#' values of writeIndex). Default is 0.
#' @return A vector containing the x-axis values.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetSpecXaxisFromH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetSpecXaxisFromH5 <- function(Filename, Type = 1L, writeIndex = 0L) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSpecXaxisFromH5`, Filename, Type, writeIndex)

#' Segment profile from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetSegmentProfileFromH5} reads a segment profile for a given peak (or
#' all peaks) and averaged over a given buf and write range.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param PeakIndex Index of peak to fetch segment profile from. All peaks are
#' read if \code{PeakIndex = -1}.
#' @param BufStartIndex Buf start index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufEndIndex Buf end index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteStartIndex Write start index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteEndIndex Write end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufWriteLinked Indicating whether the buf and write dimension should
#' be considered linked or treated as independent dimensions (relevant only if
#' \code{WriteStartIndex != WriteEndIndex}). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A vector containing the segment profile(s).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetSegmentProfileFromH5("path/to/file.h5", PeakIndex = -1, BufStartIndex = 0,
#' BufEndIndex = 0, WriteStartIndex = 0, WriteEndIndex = 0)
#' }
#' @export
GetSegmentProfileFromH5 <- function(Filename, PeakIndex, BufStartIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteStartIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSegmentProfileFromH5`, Filename, PeakIndex, BufStartIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteStartIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked)

#' Segment profile from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetSegmentProfile2FromH5} reads a segment profile for a given peak (or
#' all peaks) and averaged over a given buf and write range.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param PeakIndex Index of peak to fetch segment profile from. All peaks are
#' read if \code{PeakIndex = -1}.
#' @param BufStartIndex Buf start index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufEndIndex Buf end index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteStartIndex Write start index of data to fetch.
#' @param WriteEndIndex Write end index of data to fetch.
#' @param BufWriteLinked Indicating whether the buf and write dimension should
#' be considered linked or treated as independent dimensions (relevant only if
#' \code{WriteStartIndex != WriteEndIndex}). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A vector containing the segment profile(s).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetSegmentProfile2FromH5("path/to/file.h5", PeakIndex = -1, BufStartIndex = 0,
#' BufEndIndex = 0, WriteStartIndex = 0, WriteEndIndex = 0)
#' }
#' @export
GetSegmentProfile2FromH5 <- function(Filename, PeakIndex, BufStartIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteStartIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetSegmentProfile2FromH5`, Filename, PeakIndex, BufStartIndex, BufEndIndex, WriteStartIndex, WriteEndIndex, BufWriteLinked)

#' Gets a linked buf/write profile.
#' \code{GetBufWriteProfileFromH5} gets a linked buf/write profile for a given
#' peak (or all peaks) and segment slice. If your data is not linked, use
#' \code{\link{GetPeakData}} to get the buf and/or write profiles.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param PeakIndex Index of peak to fetch buf/write profile from. All peaks are
#' read if \code{PeakIndex = -1}.
#' @param SegmentStartIndex Segment start index of data to fetch.
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch.
#' @return A vector containing the buf/write profile(s).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetBufWriteProfileFromH5("path/to/file.h5", PeakIndex = -1,
#' SegmentStartIndex = 0, SegmentEndIndex = 0)
#' }
#' @export
GetBufWriteProfileFromH5 <- function(Filename, PeakIndex, SegmentStartIndex, SegmentEndIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetBufWriteProfileFromH5`, Filename, PeakIndex, SegmentStartIndex, SegmentEndIndex)

#' Gets a linked buf/write profile.
#' \code{GetBufWriteProfile2FromH5} gets a linked buf/write profile for a given
#' peak (or all peaks) and segment slice. If your data is not linked, use
#' \code{\link{GetPeakData2}} to get the buf and/or write profiles.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param PeakIndex Index of peak to fetch buf/write profile from. All peaks are
#' read if \code{PeakIndex = -1}.
#' @param SegmentStartIndex Segment start index of data to fetch.
#' @param SegmentEndIndex Segment end index of data to fetch.
#' @return A vector containing the buf/write profile(s).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetBufWriteProfile2FromH5("path/to/file.h5", PeakIndex = -1,
#' SegmentStartIndex = 0, SegmentEndIndex = 0)
#' }
#' @export
GetBufWriteProfile2FromH5 <- function(Filename, PeakIndex, SegmentStartIndex, SegmentEndIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetBufWriteProfile2FromH5`, Filename, PeakIndex, SegmentStartIndex, SegmentEndIndex)

#' Lists all registered user datasets available in the data file.
#' \code{GetRegUserDataSourcesFromH5} lists all registered user data sets
#' available in the data file. Registered data sources can originate from data
#' source plugins, TofDaq recorder (e.g. DAQ temperatures) or data registered
#' through \code{RegisterUserData...} functions.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @return A list containing the location, the length, whether is has a description
#' and the type of the data source dataset. type 1: data source values are
#' written to disk for every write, type 2: data source values are written to
#' disk for every buf.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetRegUserDataSourcesFromH5("path/to/file.h5")
#' }
#' @export
GetRegUserDataSourcesFromH5 <- function(Filename) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetRegUserDataSourcesFromH5`, Filename)

#' Reads entries from a registered data source dataset.
#' \code{GetRegUserDataFromH5} reads an entry (or all entries) from a
#' registered data source dataset (created by \code{RegisterUserData...} functions).
#' If \code{bufIndex = writeIndex = -1}, all data are read.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param bufIndex Buf index.
#' @param writeIndex Write index.
#' @param readDescription If \code{TRUE} (default) the data descripton is read,
#' if \code{false} the data description is not read.
#' @return A list containing the registered user data and description, or a
#' numeric vector containing the data only if \code{readDescription = FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetRegUserDataFromH5("path/to/file.h5", location = )
#' }
#' @export
GetRegUserDataFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, bufIndex, writeIndex, readDescription = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetRegUserDataFromH5`, Filename, location, bufIndex, writeIndex, readDescription)

#' Gets data stored in /FullSpectra/TofData from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetTofData} gets data stored in \code{/FullSpectra/TofData} from HDF5 data file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param sampleOffset Sample offset.
#' @param sampleCount Sample count.
#' @param segOffset Segment offset.
#' @param segCount Segment count.
#' @param bufOffset Buf offset.
#' @param bufCount Buf count.
#' @param writeOffset Write offset.
#' @param writeCount Write count.
#' @return A vector of length sampleCount*segCount*bufCount*writeCount.
#' @export
GetTofData <- function(Filename, sampleOffset, sampleCount, segOffset, segCount, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetTofData`, Filename, sampleOffset, sampleCount, segOffset, segCount, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount)

#' Gets data stored in /FullSpectra2/TofData from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetTofData2} gets data stored in \code{/FullSpectra2/TofData} from HDF5 data file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param sampleOffset Sample offset.
#' @param sampleCount Sample count.
#' @param segOffset Segment offset.
#' @param segCount Segment count.
#' @param bufOffset Buf offset.
#' @param bufCount Buf count.
#' @param writeOffset Write offset.
#' @param writeCount Write count.
#' @return A vector of length sampleCount*segCount*bufCount*writeCount.
#' @export
GetTofData2 <- function(Filename, sampleOffset, sampleCount, segOffset, segCount, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetTofData2`, Filename, sampleOffset, sampleCount, segOffset, segCount, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount)

#' Gets data stored in /PeakData/PeakData from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetPeakData} gets data stored in \code{/PeakData/PeakData} from HDF5 data file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param peakOffset Peak offset.
#' @param peakCount Peak count.
#' @param segOffset Segment offset.
#' @param segCount Segment count.
#' @param bufOffset Buf offset.
#' @param bufCount Buf count.
#' @param writeOffset Write offset.
#' @param writeCount Write count.
#' @return A vector of length peakCount*segCount*bufCount*writeCount.
#' @export
GetPeakData <- function(Filename, peakOffset, peakCount, segOffset, segCount, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetPeakData`, Filename, peakOffset, peakCount, segOffset, segCount, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount)

#' Gets data stored in /PeakData2/PeakData from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetPeakData2} gets data stored in \code{/PeakData2/PeakData} from HDF5 data file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param peakOffset Peak offset.
#' @param peakCount Peak count.
#' @param segOffset Segment offset.
#' @param segCount Segment count.
#' @param bufOffset Buf offset.
#' @param bufCount Buf count.
#' @param writeOffset Write offset.
#' @param writeCount Write count.
#' @return A vector of length peakCount*segCount*bufCount*writeCount.
#' @export
GetPeakData2 <- function(Filename, peakOffset, peakCount, segOffset, segCount, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetPeakData2`, Filename, peakOffset, peakCount, segOffset, segCount, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount)

#' Gets data stored in /Timing/BufTimes from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetTimingData} gets data stored in \code{/Timing/BufTimes} from HDF5 data file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param bufOffset Buf offset.
#' @param bufCount Buf count.
#' @param writeOffset Write offset.
#' @param writeCount Write count.
#' @return A vector of length bufCount*writeCount.
#' @export
GetTimingData <- function(Filename, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetTimingData`, Filename, bufOffset, bufCount, writeOffset, writeCount)

#' Reads an integer attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' \code{GetIntAttributeFromH5} reads an integer attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' Used to read attributes not available from \code{GetH5Descriptor}.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @return An integer attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetIntAttributeFromH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = )
#' }
#' @export
GetIntAttributeFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, name) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetIntAttributeFromH5`, Filename, location, name)

#' Reads an unsigned integer attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' \code{GetUintAttributeFromH5} reads an unsigned integer attribute from the
#' HDF5 file.
#' Used to read attributes not available from \code{GetH5Descriptor}. Unsigned
#' integers are returned as numeric values in R.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @return An numeric attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetUintAttributeFromH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = )
#' }
#' @export
GetUintAttributeFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, name) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetUintAttributeFromH5`, Filename, location, name)

#' Reads a 64-bit integer attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' \code{GetInt64AttributeFromH5} reads a 64-bit integer attribute from the
#' HDF5 file.
#' Used to read attributes not available from \code{GetH5Descriptor}. int64
#' parameters are returned as string. They can be converted to integer64
#' using \code{\link[bit64:as.integer64.character]{bit64::as.integer64()}}.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @return An string attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetInt64AttributeFromH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = )
#' }
#' @export
GetInt64AttributeFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, name) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetInt64AttributeFromH5`, Filename, location, name)

#' Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' \code{GetUint64AttributeFromH5} reads an unsigned 64-bit integer attribute
#' from the HDF5 file.
#' Used to read attributes not available from \code{GetH5Descriptor}. Unsigned
#' int64 parameters are returned as string.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @return An int64 attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetUint64AttributeFromH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = )
#' }
#' @export
GetUint64AttributeFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, name) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetUint64AttributeFromH5`, Filename, location, name)

#' Reads a float attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' \code{GetFloatAttributeFromH5} reads a float attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' Used to read attributes not available from \code{GetH5Descriptor}.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @return A numeric attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetFloatAttributeFromH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = )
#' }
#' @export
GetFloatAttributeFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, name) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetFloatAttributeFromH5`, Filename, location, name)

#' Reads a double attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' \code{GetDoubleAttributeFromH5} reads a double attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' Used to read attributes not available from \code{GetH5Descriptor}.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @return A numeric attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetDoubleAttributeFromH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = )
#' }
#' @export
GetDoubleAttributeFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, name) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetDoubleAttributeFromH5`, Filename, location, name)

#' Reads a string attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' \code{GetStringAttributeFromH5} reads a string attribute from the HDF5 file.
#' Used to read attributes not available from \code{GetH5Descriptor}.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @return A string attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetStringAttributeFromH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = )
#' }
#' @export
GetStringAttributeFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, name) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetStringAttributeFromH5`, Filename, location, name)

#' Writes an integer attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' \code{SetIntAttributeInH5} writes an integer attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @param attribute Integer attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SetIntAttributeInH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = , attribute = )
#' }
#' @export
SetIntAttributeInH5 <- function(Filename, location, name, attribute) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetIntAttributeInH5`, Filename, location, name, attribute))

#' Writes an unsigned integer attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' \code{SetUintAttributeInH5} writes an unsigned integer attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @param attribute Unsigned integer attribute (passed as numeric value).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SetUintAttributeInH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = , attribute = )
#' }
#' @export
SetUintAttributeInH5 <- function(Filename, location, name, attribute) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetUintAttributeInH5`, Filename, location, name, attribute))

#' Writes an int64 attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' \code{SetInt64AttributeInH5} writes an int64 attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @param attribute Int64 attribute passed as a string.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SetInt64AttributeInH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = , attribute = )
#' }
#' @export
SetInt64AttributeInH5 <- function(Filename, location, name, attribute) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetInt64AttributeInH5`, Filename, location, name, attribute))

#' Writes an unsigned int64 attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' \code{SetUint64AttributeInH5} writes an unsigned int64 attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @param attribute Unsigned int64 attribute passed as a string.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SetUint64AttributeInH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = , attribute = )
#' }
#' @export
SetUint64AttributeInH5 <- function(Filename, location, name, attribute) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetUint64AttributeInH5`, Filename, location, name, attribute))

#' Writes a float attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' \code{SetFloatAttributeInH5} writes a float attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @param attribute Float attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SetFloatAttributeInH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = , attribute = )
#' }
#' @export
SetFloatAttributeInH5 <- function(Filename, location, name, attribute) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetFloatAttributeInH5`, Filename, location, name, attribute))

#' Writes a double attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' \code{SetDoubleAttributeInH5} writes a double attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @param attribute Double attribute.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SetDoubleAttributeInH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = , attribute = )
#' }
#' @export
SetDoubleAttributeInH5 <- function(Filename, location, name, attribute) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetDoubleAttributeInH5`, Filename, location, name, attribute))

#' Writes a string attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' \code{SetStringAttributeInH5} writes a string attribute to the HDF5 file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @param attribute String attribute (max. 256 characters).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SetIntAttributeInH5("path/to/file.h5", location = , name = , attribute = )
#' }
#' @export
SetStringAttributeInH5 <- function(Filename, location, name, attribute) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SetStringAttributeInH5`, Filename, location, name, attribute))

#' Reads user data from the HDF5 file.
#' \code{GetUserDataFromH5} reads a row of user data added to the file using
#' the \code{AddUserData} function.
#'  If you want to access data saved by a registered data source (or a data
#'  source plugin, which uses the same mechanism) use the \code{\link{GetRegUserDataFromH5}}
#'  function.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset where the attribute is attached to.
#' @param rowIndex Index of row to read. If index is -1 (default), all rows are read.
#' @return A list containing the user data and data description.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetUserDataFromH5("path/to/file.h5", "/ImageData/ScanData")
#' }
#' @export
GetUserDataFromH5 <- function(Filename, location, rowIndex = -1L) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetUserDataFromH5`, Filename, location, rowIndex)

#' Reads a single acquisition log entry.
#' \code{GetAcquisitionLogFromH5} reads a single acquisition log entry and
#' returns the timestamp and the log text.
#' The timestamp is the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1,
#' 1601 (UTC). Use \code{bit64::as.integer64(timestamp)} to convert the
#' timestamp string into a 64-bit integer value.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param index Index of log entry.
#' @return A list containing the timestamp (as a string) and log text.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetAcquisitionLogFromH5("path/to/file.h5", index = )
#' }
#' @export
GetAcquisitionLogFromH5 <- function(Filename, index) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetAcquisitionLogFromH5`, Filename, index)

#' Reads the events of a spectrum from HDF5 data file.
#' \code{GetEventListSpectrumFromH5} reads the events of a single spectrum
#' given by segment, buf and write indices from HDF5 data file.
#' Note: only uncompressed event lists are supported.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param segmentIndex Segment index.
#' @param bufIndex Buf index.
#' @param writeIndex Write index.
#' @return A vector containing the event data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetEventListSpectrumFromH5("path/to/file.h5", segmentIndex = 0,
#' bufIndex = 0, writeIndex = 0)
#' }
#' @export
GetEventListSpectrumFromH5 <- function(Filename, segmentIndex, bufIndex, writeIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetEventListSpectrumFromH5`, Filename, segmentIndex, bufIndex, writeIndex)

#' Gets mass calibration parameters from the data file.
#' \code{H5GetMassCalibPar} gets mass calibration parameters from the data file.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param writeIndex Write index.
#' @return A list containing the calibraion mode and calibration parameters.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' H5GetMassCalibPar("path/to/file.h5", writeIndex = 0)
#' }
#' @export
H5GetMassCalibPar <- function(Filename, writeIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_H5GetMassCalibPar`, Filename, writeIndex)

#' Adds an entry to an existing data file.
#' \code{H5AddLogEntry} adds an entry to an existing data file. To add
#' acquisition log entries during a running acquisition use \code{AddLogEntry}.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param LogEntryText Log text (max. 255 characters).
#' @param LogEntryTime Log entry time (number of 100-nanosecond intervals since
#' January 1, 1601 UTC, Windows FILETIME) passed as a string. Set it to "0" for
#' "now".
#' @export
H5AddLogEntry <- function(Filename, LogEntryText, LogEntryTime) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_H5AddLogEntry`, Filename, LogEntryText, LogEntryTime))

#' Adds user data to a data file.
#' \code{H5AddUserDataMultiRow} adds user data to a data file. Creates datasets
#' "Data" and "Info" at \code{Location}.
#' @param filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of group in HDF5 file where the datasets are created.
#' @param nbrElements Number of elements to store per row (if the dataset
#' already exists this value must be the same as in the file).
#' @param nbrRows Number of rows to store per call to this function (each row
#' contains \code{NbrElements} entries).
#' @param data Vector of length \code{nbrElements*nbrRows} containing the data to be
#' stored in dataset "Data".
#' @param elementDescription Vector of length \code{nbrElements} containing the
#' text description of elements. If \code{ElementDescription} is \code{NULL}
#' the dataset "Info" is not created.
#' @param compressionLevel ZLIB compression level (0-9) for dataset creation.
#' If the dataset at Location already exists this parameter has no effect.
#' @export
H5AddUserDataMultiRow <- function(filename, location, nbrElements, nbrRows, data, elementDescription = NULL, compressionLevel = 0L) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_H5AddUserDataMultiRow`, filename, location, nbrElements, nbrRows, data, elementDescription, compressionLevel))

#' Deletes an attribute.
#' \code{DeleteAttributeInH5} deletes an attribute.
#' WARNING: no sanity checking is performed! You can delete attributes that
#' render the data file unusable.
#' @param filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param location Location of the group or dataset the attribute is deleted from.
#' @param name Attribute name.
#' @export
DeleteAttributeInH5 <- function(filename, location, name) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_DeleteAttributeInH5`, filename, location, name))

#' Checks whether a file can be opened with exclusive access rights.
#' \code{WaitForExclusiveFileAccess} checks whether a file can be opened with
#' exclusive access rights. This function can be used when opening a data file
#' that just finished recording in order to make sure that the recording
#' application as well as the OS have finished writing to the file. Available
#' only under Windows, returns TwError on other platforms.
#' @param filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param timeoutMs Timeout (in ms) after which the function returns.
#' @export
WaitForExclusiveFileAccess <- function(filename, timeoutMs) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_WaitForExclusiveFileAccess`, filename, timeoutMs))

#' Writes a ANDI chromatography file.
#' \code{WriteNetCdfTimeSeriesFile} writes a ANDI chromatography file.
#' @param filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param inject_ts Injection timestamp (number of 100-nanosecond intervals since
#' January 1, 1601 UTC, Windows FILETIME) passed as a string.
#' @param expTitle Experiment title.
#' @param operator_name Operator name.
#' @param company_method_name Company method name.
#' @param source_file_reference Source file reference.
#' @param retention_unit Retention unit, e.g. "[s]".
#' @param detector_unit Detector unit, e.g. "[cps]".
#' @param sample_name Sample name.
#' @param raw_data_table_name Dataset name.
#' @param retention Time axis data.
#' @param ordinate Intensity axis data.
#' @export
WriteNetCdfTimeSeriesFile <- function(filename, inject_ts, expTitle, operator_name, company_method_name, source_file_reference, retention_unit, detector_unit, sample_name, raw_data_table_name, retention, ordinate) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_WriteNetCdfTimeSeriesFile`, filename, inject_ts, expTitle, operator_name, company_method_name, source_file_reference, retention_unit, detector_unit, sample_name, raw_data_table_name, retention, ordinate))

#' Changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
#' \code{H5SetMassCalib} changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
#' If \code{nbrParams} is 0, the calibration parameters will be determined from
#' \code{mass}, \code{tof} and \code{weight}. If calibration parameters and
#' calibration points are provided, the calibration is given by the parameters
#' (no sanity check is performed whether the points yield the same parameters).
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' mode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param mode Mass calibration function to use.
#' @param nbrParams Number of mass calibration parameters.
#' @param p Vector with mass calibration parameters.
#' @param mass Vector with mass of the calibration points.
#' @param tof Vector with TOF sample index of the calibration points.
#' @param weight Vector with weight of the calibration points.
#' @export
H5SetMassCalib <- function(Filename, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_H5SetMassCalib`, Filename, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight))

#' Changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
#' \code{H5SetMassCalib2} changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
#' If \code{nbrParams} is 0, the calibration parameters will be determined from
#' \code{mass}, \code{tof} and \code{weight}. If calibration parameters and
#' calibration points are provided, the calibration is given by the parameters
#' (no sanity check is performed whether the points yield the same parameters).
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' mode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param mode Mass calibration function to use.
#' @param nbrParams Number of mass calibration parameters.
#' @param p Vector with mass calibration parameters.
#' @param mass Vector with mass of the calibration points.
#' @param tof Vector with TOF sample index of the calibration points.
#' @param weight Vector with weight of the calibration points.
#' @export
H5SetMassCalib2 <- function(Filename, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_H5SetMassCalib2`, Filename, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight))

#' Changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
#' \code{H5SetMassCalibEx} changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
#' If \code{nbrParams} is 0, the calibration parameters will be determined from
#' \code{mass}, \code{tof} and \code{weight}. If calibration parameters and
#' calibration points are provided, the calibration is given by the parameters
#' (no sanity check is performed whether the points yield the same parameters).
#' Labels to identify compound names/formulas used for calibration have a
#' maximum length of 255 characters.
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' mode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param mode Mass calibration function to use.
#' @param nbrParams Number of mass calibration parameters.
#' @param p Vector with mass calibration parameters.
#' @param mass Vector with mass of the calibration points.
#' @param tof Vector with TOF sample index of the calibration points.
#' @param weight Vector with weight of the calibration points.
#' @param label Vector with labels/names/sum formula of the calibration points.
#' @export
H5SetMassCalibEx <- function(Filename, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight, label) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_H5SetMassCalibEx`, Filename, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight, label))

#' Changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
#' \code{H5SetMassCalib2Ex} changes the global mass calibration in the data file.
#' If \code{nbrParams} is 0, the calibration parameters will be determined from
#' \code{mass}, \code{tof} and \code{weight}. If calibration parameters and
#' calibration points are provided, the calibration is given by the parameters
#' (no sanity check is performed whether the points yield the same parameters).
#' Labels to identify compound names/formulas used for calibration have a
#' maximum length of 255 characters.
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' mode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param mode Mass calibration function to use.
#' @param nbrParams Number of mass calibration parameters.
#' @param p Vector with mass calibration parameters.
#' @param mass Vector with mass of the calibration points.
#' @param tof Vector with TOF sample index of the calibration points.
#' @param weight Vector with weight of the calibration points.
#' @param label Vector with labels/names/sum formula of the calibration points.
#' @export
H5SetMassCalib2Ex <- function(Filename, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight, label) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_H5SetMassCalib2Ex`, Filename, mode, nbrParams, p, mass, tof, weight, label))

#' Stores dynamic mass calibration for a given spectrum in the data file.
#' \code{H5SetMassCalibDynamic} stores dynamic mass calibration for a given
#' spectrum in the data file.
#' This function can be used to delete the dynamic calibration information by
#' passing the special parameter set: \code{writeIndex} = -1 and \code{par} =
#' \code{NULL}.
#' @param filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param writeIndex Write index of the calibration to store.
#' @param par Numeric vector holding the actual calibration values. It
#' must be the same number of parameters as the global mass calibration.
#' @export
H5SetMassCalibDynamic <- function(filename, writeIndex, par) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_H5SetMassCalibDynamic`, filename, writeIndex, par))

#' Changes the PeakTable and recomputes the PeakData.
#' \code{ChangePeakTable} changes the entries in the dataset \code{/PeakData/PeakTable}
#' and recomputes \code{/PeakData/PeakData} accordingly.
#' Depending on data file size recomputing the peak data can take a long time.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param PeakPar List with the new peak paramters \emph{label}, \emph{mass},
#' \emph{loMass} and \emph{hiMass}.
#' @param compressionLevel Compression Level (1..9).
#' @export
ChangePeakTable <- function(Filename, PeakPar, compressionLevel) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_ChangePeakTable`, Filename, PeakPar, compressionLevel))

#' Changes the PeakTable and recomputes the PeakData.
#' \code{ChangePeakTableFromFile} changes the entries in the dataset \code{/PeakData/PeakTable}
#' and recomputes \code{/PeakData/PeakData} accordingly. This is a convenience
#' function for \code{\link{ChangePeakTable}}. Instead of specifiying directly
#' peak parameters the information is taken from a mass table (text file) or a
#' Tofwerk HDF5 file.
#' Depending on data file size  recomputing the peak data can take a long time.
#' @param Filename Path/filename of the HDF5 file.
#' @param massTable Path/filename to mass table or HDF5 file.
#' @param compressionLevel Compression Level (1..9).
#' @export
ChangePeakTableFromFile <- function(Filename, massTable, compressionLevel) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_ChangePeakTableFromFile`, Filename, massTable, compressionLevel))

#' Performs a peak fit.
#' \code{FitSinglePeak} performs a peak fit. Gaussian, Lorentzian and
#' Pseudo-Voigt peak shapes are supported.
#' Peak parameters are optimized using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm as
#' implemented by the library \code{lmfit}. The following peak types are available:
#' \tabular{cccc}{
#' peak type index \tab peak function \tab symmetric \tab baseline \cr
#' -1 \tab Gaussian through highest point and its neighbours \tab yes \tab no \cr
#' 0 \tab Gaussian \tab yes \tab no  \cr
#' 1 \tab Lorentzian \tab yes \tab no \cr
#' 2 \tab Pseudo-Voigt \tab yes \tab no \cr
#' 3 \tab Gaussian \tab yes \tab yes \cr
#' 4 \tab Lorentzian \tab yes \tab yes \cr
#' 5 \tab Pseudo-Voigt \tab yes \tab yes \cr
#' 6 \tab Gaussian \tab no \tab no \cr
#' 7 \tab Lorentzian \tab no \tab no \cr
#' 8 \tab Pseudo-Voigt \tab no \tab no \cr
#' 9 \tab Gaussian \tab no \tab yes \cr
#' 10 \tab Lorentzian \tab no \tab yes \cr
#' 11 \tab Pseudo-Voigt \tab no \tab yes
#' } The function for peakType = -1 is not an actual peak fit but rather the
#' Gaussian function (symmetric, no baseline) defined by the maximum intensity
#' point and its neighbors. It is used to automatically generate guess values
#' for position, width and amplitude if all peak parameters are set to 0.
#' @param yVals y axis data.
#' @param xVals x axis data.
#' @param peakType peak model to use.
#' @param blOffset Initial value of baseline offset at first data point.
#' @param blSlope Initial value of slope of baseline.
#' @param amplitude Initial value of peak amplitude.
#' @param fwhmLo Initial value of left peak width (full width at half maximum).
#' @param fwhmHi Initial value of right peak width (full width at half maximum).
#' @param peakPos Initial value of peak position.
#' @param mu Initial value of Gaussian/Lorentzian contribution.
#' @return List with peak parameters.
#' @family Peak fitting functions
#' @export
FitSinglePeak <- function(yVals, xVals, peakType = 0L, blOffset = 0, blSlope = 0, amplitude = 0, fwhmLo = 0, fwhmHi = 0, peakPos = 0, mu = 0) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_FitSinglePeak`, yVals, xVals, peakType, blOffset, blSlope, amplitude, fwhmLo, fwhmHi, peakPos, mu)

#' Performs a peak fit (Initial values as vector).
#' \code{FitSinglePeak2} performs a peak fit. Gaussian, Lorentzian and
#' Pseudo-Voigt peak shapes are supported.
#' Same as \code{\link{FitSinglePeak}}, but takes the initial values of the
#' fit parameter as a vector argument instead of explicit parameters.
#' Peak parameters are optimized using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm as
#' implemented by the library \code{lmfit}. The following peak types are available:
#' \tabular{cccc}{
#' peak type index \tab peak function \tab symmetric \tab baseline \cr
#' -1 \tab Gaussian through highest point and its neighbours \tab yes \tab no \cr
#' 0 \tab Gaussian \tab yes \tab no  \cr
#' 1 \tab Lorentzian \tab yes \tab no \cr
#' 2 \tab Pseudo-Voigt \tab yes \tab no \cr
#' 3 \tab Gaussian \tab yes \tab yes \cr
#' 4 \tab Lorentzian \tab yes \tab yes \cr
#' 5 \tab Pseudo-Voigt \tab yes \tab yes \cr
#' 6 \tab Gaussian \tab no \tab no \cr
#' 7 \tab Lorentzian \tab no \tab no \cr
#' 8 \tab Pseudo-Voigt \tab no \tab no \cr
#' 9 \tab Gaussian \tab no \tab yes \cr
#' 10 \tab Lorentzian \tab no \tab yes \cr
#' 11 \tab Pseudo-Voigt \tab no \tab yes
#' } The function for peakType = -1 is not an actual peak fit but rather the
#' Gaussian function (symmetric, no baseline) defined by the maximum intensity
#' point and its neighbors. It is used to automatically generate guess values
#' for position, width and amplitude if all peak parameters are set to 0.
#' @param yVals y axis data.
#' @param xVals x axis data.
#' @param peakType peak model to use.
#' @param param Vector of initial values (blOffset, blSlope, amplitude, fwhmLo,
#' fwhmHi, peakPos, mu).
#' @return List with peak parameters.
#' @family Peak fitting functions
#' @export
FitSinglePeak2 <- function(yVals, xVals, peakType = 0L, param = as.numeric( c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0))) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_FitSinglePeak2`, yVals, xVals, peakType, param)

#' Calculates the y-axis values for a given set of peak parameters.
#' \code{EvalSinglePeak} calculates the y-axis values for a given set of peak
#' parameters.
#' @param xVals x axis data.
#' @param blOffset Baseline offset at first data point.
#' @param blSlope Slope of baseline.
#' @param amplitude Peak amplitude.
#' @param fwhmLo Left peak width (full width at half maximum).
#' @param fwhmHi Right peak width (full width at half maximum).
#' @param peakPos Peak position.
#' @param mu Gaussian/Lorentzian contribution.
#' @return Vector with y axis data.
#' @family Peak fitting functions
#' @export
EvalSinglePeak <- function(xVals, blOffset = 0, blSlope = 0, amplitude = 0, fwhmLo = 0, fwhmHi = 0, peakPos = 0, mu = 0) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_EvalSinglePeak`, xVals, blOffset, blSlope, amplitude, fwhmLo, fwhmHi, peakPos, mu)

#' Calculates the mass/charge ratio of a molecule.
#' \code{GetMoleculeMass} parses the molecular formula and returns the
#' mass/charge ratio of the molecule/atom/ion.
#' The formula parser for the molecule string understands the (case sensitive)
#' element labels and round and curly brackets (square brackets are reserved for
#' isotope specification). Numbers (multipliers) have to follow either directly
#' the element symbol or a closing bracket. Specific isoptopes are specified in
#' square brackets with the mass number before the element label (e.g. [2H],
#' [14C] or [235U]). Charge indicators (+, -) have to be the last characters in
#' the formula string, multiple charges require multiple charge symbols (e.g.
#' doubly charged calcium is Ca++ and not Ca2+ which is the correct syntax for a
#' singly charged calcium dimer).
#' @param molecule Molecule string.
#' @return Mass/charge ratio.
#' @family Chemistry functions
#' @examples
#' GetMoleculeMass("CO2")
#' GetMoleculeMass("CO2++")
#' GetMoleculeMass("[13C]O2+")
#' GetMoleculeMass("[13C][18O]2")
#' @export
GetMoleculeMass <- function(molecule) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetMoleculeMass`, molecule)

#' Performs a multi-peak fit.
#' \code{MultiPeakFit} performs a multi-peak fit for (partially) overlapping
#' peaks. All peaks in a multi-peak cluster share common peak parameters except
#' amplitude and position. Various options allow for a more or less constrained
#' fit (see description of options below).
#' The peak positions are not optimized, but the common mass shift parameter in
#' \code{commonPar} allows for minimal refinement of the peak positions due to
#' imperfect mass calibration.
#' \code{options} is a list containing:
#' \tabular{rcl}{
#' peakModel \tab = \tab 0 (Gauss) or 1 (Lorentz) or 2 (Pseudo-Voigt) \cr
#' asymmetric \tab = \tab 0 (symmetric peak model) or 1 (asymmetric peak model) \cr
#' baseline \tab = \tab 0 (no optimization of baseline parameters) or 1 (optimize baseline parameters) \cr
#' width \tab = \tab 0 (no optimization of width parameters) or 1 (optimize width parameters) \cr
#' peakShape \tab = \tab 0 (no optimization of peak shape (mu) parameter) or 1 (optimize peak shape (mu) parameter (applies only to pseudo-Voigt)) \cr
#' massShift \tab = \tab 0 (no optimization of common mass shift parameters) or 1 (optimize common mass shift parameters) \cr
#' amplitude \tab = \tab 0 (no constraint on amplitudes) or 1 (constrain sum of baseline and all peaks to total intensity in spectrum)
#' } Note that if a given parameter is not activated for optimization, the
#' supplied (guess) values are still used (e.g. specify a known baseline
#' without optimizing the parameters).
#' @param dataX x axis data.
#' @param dataY y axis data.
#' @param mass  Vector of the known positions of the peaks.
#' @param intensity  Vector of initial guesses for intensities. If all values
#' are 0 the guess values for peak intensities are generated automatically.
#' @param commonPar Vector of guess values of common peak parameters. \code{commonPar}
#' has 6 elements: [1] offset of common baseline, [2] slope of common baseline,
#' [3] left FWHM, [4] right FWHM (same as left FWHM for symmetric peaks),
#' [5] shape parameter mu (applies only for peak model Pseudo-Voigt),
#' [6] common mass shift of peaks. \code{options} determines which of the
#' common parameters are optimized.
#' @param options List of peak model and optimization options (see Details).
#' @return List with the optimized intensities and common peak parameters.
#' @family Peak fitting functions
#' @export
MultiPeakFit <- function(dataX, dataY, mass, intensity, commonPar, options) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_MultiPeakFit`, dataX, dataY, mass, intensity, commonPar, options)

#' Calculates the y-axis values for a given set of multi-peak parameters.
#' \code{EvalMultiPeak} calculates the y-axis values for a given set of
#' multi-peak parameters.
#' @param dataX x axis data.
#' @param mass  Vector of the peak positions.
#' @param intensity  Vector of (fitted) intensities.
#' @param commonPar Vector of (fitted) values of common peak parameters. \code{commonPar}
#' has 6 elements: [1] offset of common baseline, [2] slope of common baseline,
#' [3] left FWHM, [4] right FWHM, [5] shape parameter mu,
#' [6] common mass shift of peaks.
#' @return Vector with y axis data.
#' @family Peak fitting functions
#' @export
EvalMultiPeak <- function(dataX, mass, intensity, commonPar) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_EvalMultiPeak`, dataX, mass, intensity, commonPar)

#' Fits mass versus resolution values to an empirical function.
#' \code{FitResolution} fits mass versus resolution values to an empirical
#' function (see Details).
#' An empirical function that describes the mass resolution as a function of
#' mass is: R(m) = R0 - R0/(1 + exp((m -m0)/dm)), where R0 is the nominal mass
#' resolution, m0 is the mass at which the resolution is R0/2 and dm is a slope
#' parameter.
#' Reasonable initial guess values for R0, m0 and dm need to be provided.
#' @param mass Vector of mass values.
#' @param resolution Vector of resolution values.
#' @param R0 Initial guess value of nominal mass resolution R0.
#' @param m0 Initial guess value of m0 (mass where R(m) = 0.5*R0).
#' @param dm Initial guess value of slope parameter dm.
#' @return List with the fitted parameters R0, m0 and dm.
#' @seealso \code{\link{EvalResolution}}
#' @export
FitResolution <- function(mass, resolution, R0, m0, dm) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_FitResolution`, mass, resolution, R0, m0, dm)

#' Evaluates the fitted resolution function for given mass values.
#' \code{EvalResolution} evaluates the fitted resolution function for given
#' mass values.
#' An empirical function that describes the mass resolution of TOFs as a
#' function of mass is: R(m) = R0 - R0/(1 + exp((m -m0)/dm)), where
#' R0 is the nominal mass resolution, m0 is the mass at which the resolution
#' is R0/2 and dm is a slope parameter.
#' @param R0 Nominal mass resolution.
#' @param m0 Mass where R(m) = 0.5*R0.
#' @param dm Slope parameter.
#' @param mass Vector of mass values.
#' @return Vector with resolution values.
#' @seealso \code{\link{FitResolution}}
#' @export
EvalResolution <- function(R0, m0, dm, mass) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_EvalResolution`, R0, m0, dm, mass)

#' Calculates the isotope pattern of a molecule.
#' \code{GetIsotopePattern} parses the molecular formula and returns the
#' isotope pattern (mass and abundance).
#' The isotope pattern returned by this function may be quite inaccurate. A more
#' accurate pattern is obtained with \code{GetIsotopePattern2}, which however
#' only works for small molecules. See also
#' \code{\link[enviPat:isopattern]{enviPat::isopattern()}}
#' for an alternative function to calculate accurate isotope patterns.
#' Note that abundances are returned relative to the most abundant peak of the isotope
#' pattern. The \code{abundanceLimit}, however, is an absolute abundance.
#' The formula parser for the molecule string understands the (case sensitive)
#' element labels and round and curly brackets (square brackets are reserved for
#' isotope specification). Numbers (multipliers) have to follow either directly
#' the element symbol or a closing bracket. Specific isoptopes are specified in
#' square brackets with the mass number before the element label (e.g. [2H],
#' [14C] or [235U]). Charge indicators (+, -) have to be the last characters in
#' the formula string, multiple charges require multiple charge symbols (e.g.
#' doubly charged calcium is Ca++ and not Ca2+ which is the correct syntax for a
#' singly charged calcium dimer).
#' @param molecule Molecule string.
#' @param abundanceLimit Absolute abundance limit for the generated pattern.
#' @return List with mass and abundace vectors. Abundances are normalized
#' relative to the most abundant peak of the isotope pattern.
#' @family Chemistry functions
#' @examples
#' GetIsotopePattern("CO2", 1e-5)
#' @export
GetIsotopePattern <- function(molecule, abundanceLimit) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetIsotopePattern`, molecule, abundanceLimit)

#' Calculates the isotope pattern of a molecule.
#' \code{GetIsotopePattern2} parses the molecular formula and returns the
#' isotope pattern (mass and abundance).
#' \code{GetIsotopePattern2} is the same as \code{GetIsotopePattern} but uses an
#' exact algorithm and is suitable only for small molecules.
#' See also \code{\link[enviPat:isopattern]{enviPat::isopattern()}}
#' for an alternative function to calculate accurate isotope patterns.
#' Note that abundances are returned relative to the most abundant peak of the isotope
#' pattern. The \code{abundanceLimit}, however, is an absolute abundance.
#' The formula parser for the molecule string understands the (case sensitive)
#' element labels and round and curly brackets (square brackets are reserved for
#' isotope specification). Numbers (multipliers) have to follow either directly
#' the element symbol or a closing bracket. Specific isoptopes are specified in
#' square brackets with the mass number before the element label (e.g. [2H],
#' [14C] or [235U]). Charge indicators (+, -) have to be the last characters in
#' the formula string, multiple charges require multiple charge symbols (e.g.
#' doubly charged calcium is Ca++ and not Ca2+ which is the correct syntax for a
#' singly charged calcium dimer).
#' @param molecule Molecule string.
#' @param abundanceLimit Absolute abundance limit for the generated pattern.
#' @return List with mass and abundace vectors. Abundances are normalized
#' relative to the most abundant peak of the isotope pattern.
#' @family Chemistry functions
#' @examples
#' GetIsotopePattern2("CO2", 1e-5)
#' @export
GetIsotopePattern2 <- function(molecule, abundanceLimit) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetIsotopePattern2`, molecule, abundanceLimit)

#' Converts from sample index to mass/charge.
#' \code{Tof2Mass} converts from sample index to mass/charge.
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' massCalibMode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param tofSample Vector of sample indices to convert.
#' @param massCalibMode Mass calibration function to use. See below.
#' @param p Vector containing the calibration parameters (number depends on
#' \code{MassCalibMode}, see below).
#' @return Mass/charge values.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Mass2Tof}}
#' @examples
#' Tof2Mass(100000, massCalibMode = 0, p = c(3,5))
#' @export
Tof2Mass <- function(tofSample, massCalibMode, p) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_Tof2Mass`, tofSample, massCalibMode, p)

#' Converts from mass/charge to sample index.
#' \code{Mass2Tof} converts from mass/charge to sample index.
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' massCalibMode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param mass Vector of mass/charge values to convert.
#' @param massCalibMode Mass calibration function to use. See below.
#' @param p Vector containing the calibration parameters (number depends on
#' \code{MassCalibMode}, see below).
#' @return Sample indices.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Tof2Mass}}
#' @examples
#' Mass2Tof(100, massCalibMode = 0, p = c(3,5))
#' @export
Mass2Tof <- function(mass, massCalibMode, p) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_Mass2Tof`, mass, massCalibMode, p)

#'  Performs a mass calibration.
#' \code{MassCalibrate} performs a mass calibration for a list of
#' mass/sample index/weight values and for a given calibration mode.
#' \tabular{cl}{
#' massCalibMode \tab Mass calibration function \cr
#' 0 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 1 \tab \eqn{i = p_1/\sqrt(m) + p_2} \cr
#' 2 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 m^{p_3} + p_2} \cr
#' 3 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 (m - p_4)^2} \cr
#' 4 \tab \eqn{i = p_1 \sqrt(m) + p_2 + p_3 m^2 + p_4 m + p_5} \cr
#' 5 \tab \eqn{m = p_1 i^2 + p_2 i + p_3}
#' }
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param massCalibMode Mass calibration function to use. See below.
#' @param mass Vector of mass/charge values.
#' @param tof Vector of sample indices (of same length as \code{mass}).
#' @param weight Vector of weights (if \code{NULL} (default) all weights are set equal).
#' @return Vector of calibration parameters.
#' @export
MassCalibrate <- function(massCalibMode, mass, tof, weight = NULL) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_MassCalibrate`, massCalibMode, mass, tof, weight)

#' Gets the description and number of parameters of the available mass
#' calibration functions.
#' \code{GetMassCalibInfo} gets the description and number of parameters of the
#' available mass calibration functions.
#' Note: Modes 3 and 4 are flawed. Don't use them. In mode 3 the fit does not
#' converge well, because of a bug (parameters not correctly initialized).
#' Mode 4 is two sequential fits, first mode 0, then a quadratic fit to the
#' residuals, which is an inferior implementation of mode 3. Mode 1 is for FTMS
#' data.
#' @param massCalibMode Mass calibration mode (0 to 5).
#' @return List with the description and number of calibration parameters for
#' the given \code{massCalibMode}.
#' @export
GetMassCalibInfo <- function(massCalibMode) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_GetMassCalibInfo`, massCalibMode)

#' Initializes the single ion histogramming.
#' \code{SiInitializeHistograms} initializes the single ion histogramming.
#' This function must be called before calling the functions
#' \code{\link{SiSetProcessingOptions}}, \code{\link{SiProcessSpectrum}}, \code{\link{SiGetHistogram}},
#' \code{\link{SiResetHistograms}} or \code{\link{SiCleanup}}. Each mass range specified by
#' \code{loMass} and \code{hiMass} elements is associated with a spectrum type that allows to
#' get separate statistics for multi-spectrum acquisitions (bipolar or pulsed
#' experiments).
#' @param loMass Vector of the lower borders of the mass ranges.
#' @param hiMass Vector of the upper borders of the mass ranges.
#' @param specType Vector of spectrum type indices (non-negative integers). If
#' specType is \code{NULL}, all mass ranges get a default spectrum type of 0.
#' @export
SiInitializeHistograms <- function(loMass, hiMass, specType = NULL) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SiInitializeHistograms`, loMass, hiMass, specType))

#' Sets processing options for each spectrum type.
#' \code{SiSetProcessingOptions} sets processing options for each spectrum type.
#' Options:
#' \tabular{llc}{
#' Name \tab Description \tab Default value \cr
#' \code{MassCalibMode} \tab Mass calibration mode in use (see \code{\link{MassCalibrate}}). \tab 0 \cr
#' \code{MassCalibParamn} \tab Mass calibration parameters n =
#' 1..number of calibration parameters for the given mass calibration mode. \tab \code{c(1000, 0)} \cr
#' \code{FullScale} \tab Full digitizing range of the ADC in the same units as
#' the spectra to be analyzed (typically mV). \tab 500 \cr
#' \code{NbrBits} \tab ADC resolution (8 for AP240, 14 for ADQ114 etc.). \tab 8 \cr
#' \code{SampleInterval} \tab Sample interval in ns. \tab 1 \cr
#' \code{PreampGain} \tab Gain of external preamp. \tab 1 \cr
#' \code{PreSamples} \tab Number of samples before a threshold crosser taken into account. \tab 0 \cr
#' \code{PostSamples} \tab Number of samples after a negative threshold crosser taken into account. \tab 0 \cr
#' \code{BaselineAndThresholdFromData} \tab If >0 the baseline and threshold
#' values will be determined based on \code{NbrStdDevs} for every processed
#' spectrum. If >1.5 baseline noise is determined from a fit to a histogram of
#' all data (instead of from the standard deviation of all data). This makes the
#' noise determination more robust when real peaks are present in the spectrum. \tab 0 \cr
#' \code{NbrStdDevs} \tab Number of standard deviations of baseline noise that
#' defines the threshold. Only relevant if \code{BaselineAndThresholdFromData>0}. \tab 6 \cr
#' \code{Baseline} \tab Baseline value used for calculation of intensities. Has
#' no meaning if \code{BaselineAndThresholdFromData>0}. \tab 5 \cr
#' \code{Threshold} \tab Threshold value used for calculation of intensities.
#' Has no meaning if \code{BaselineAndThresholdFromData!=0}. \tab 8 \cr
#' \code{NegativeSignal} \tab Indicates peak polarity with respect to the baseline. \tab 0 (=FALSE) \cr
#' \code{BaselineAndThresholdInCodes} \tab Indicates whether the values in \code{Baseline}
#' and \code{Threshold} are interpreted as ADC codes or mV. \tab 1 (=TRUE)
#' }
#' @param option Option to set (see below for a list of valid option strings).
#' @param value Value to set the for the given option.
#' @param specType Spectrum type index. -1 is a wildcard for all spectrum types.
#' @export
SiSetProcessingOptions <- function(option, value, specType) {
    invisible(.Call(`_TofDaqR_SiSetProcessingOptions`, option, value, specType))

#' Processes a spectrum.
#' \code{SiProcessSpectrum} processes a spectrum according to the options set for
#' it's spectrum type.
#' @param spectrum Vector holding the spectrum to process.
#' @param specType Spectrum type index (non-negative integer).
#' @return A list with the baseline and threshold value.
#' @export
SiProcessSpectrum <- function(spectrum, specType) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_SiProcessSpectrum`, spectrum, specType)

#' Gets a histogram of the single ion intensities.
#' \code{SiGetHistogram} gets a histogram of the single ion intensities for a
#' mass range defined with \code{\link{SiInitializeHistograms}}.
#' Note: R crashes if \code{histogramIndex} is set to max(histogramIndex)+1
#' (API bug).
#' @param histogramIndex Index (zero-based numbering) of the histogram. It
#' corresponds to the mass range defined with \code{\link{SiInitializeHistograms}}.
#' @return A list with the intensities (histogram x-values), counts (histogram
#' y-values), the number of spectra that were processed for this histogram and
#' the mean histogram value i.e. sum(intensity[i]*counts[i])/sum(counts[i]).
#' @export
SiGetHistogram <- function(histogramIndex) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_SiGetHistogram`, histogramIndex)

#' Gets a sum histogram of the single ion intensities.
#' \code{SiGetSumHistogram} gets a histogram of the single ion intensities, which
#' is a sum over all histograms of a given \code{specType} within the rate and
#' mass range as specified by \code{minMass}, \code{maxMass}, \code{minRate} and \code{maxRate}.
#' @param specType Spectrum type index (non-negative integer).
#' @param minMass Minimum mass for histogram filtering.
#' @param maxMass Maximum mass for histogram filtering.
#' @param minRate Minimum event count rate for histogram filtering.
#' @param maxRate Maximum event count rate for histogram filtering.
#' @return A list with the intensities (histogram x-values), counts (histogram
#' y-values), the number of spectra that were processed for this histogram and
#' the mean histogram value i.e. sum(intensity[i]*counts[i])/sum(counts[i]).
#' @export
SiGetSumHistogram <- function(specType, minMass, maxMass, minRate, maxRate) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_SiGetSumHistogram`, specType, minMass, maxMass, minRate, maxRate)

#' Resets all histograms and spectrum counters to zero.
#' \code{SiResetHistograms} resets all histograms and spectrum counters to zero.
#' @export
SiResetHistograms <- function() {

#' Cleans up the state in the DLL.
#' \code{SiCleanup} cleans up the state in the DLL. After a call to this
#' function \code{\link{SiInitializeHistograms}} can be called again.
#' @export
SiCleanup <- function() {

#' Fits a (slightly modified) log-normal distribution to the histogram.
#' \code{SiFitPhd} fits a (slightly modified) log-normal distribution to the
#' histogram data.
#' The following equation with the parameters A, w, x0 and xc is fitted: \cr
#' \eqn{A/(\sqrt(2*pi)*w*(x-x0))*exp(-(log((x-x0)/xc)^2)/(2*w^2))}
#' @param intensity Vector of intensities (histogram x-axis data).
#' @param counts Vector of counts (histogram y-axis data).
#' @return A list with the FWHM of the distribution, the position of the fitted
#' maximum and a vector with the values of the four fitting parameters.
#' @export
SiFitPhd <- function(intensity, counts) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_SiFitPhd`, intensity, counts)

#' Evaluates the fitted single ion distribution.
#' \code{SiEvalPhd} evaluates the fitted single ion distribution.
#' @param par Vector of fitted parameter values.
#' @param intensity Vector of intensities (histogram x-axis data).
#' @return Vector with y-axis data.
#' @export
SiEvalPhd <- function(par, intensity) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_SiEvalPhd`, par, intensity)

#' Fits an event rate to a multi-ion histogram.
#' \code{SiFitRateFromPhd} takes a fitted single ion distribution as input
#' and fits an event rate to a multi-ion histogram (intensity and counts)
#' assuming poisson distribution of n-ion events.
#' @param intensity Vector of intensities (histogram x-axis data).
#' @param counts Vector of counts (histogram y-axis data).
#' @param siPar Vector with fitted parameter values.
#' @return A list with the fitted rate (ions/extraction) and vector with the
#' fitted multi-ion distribution.
#' @export
SiFitRateFromPhd <- function(intensity, counts, siPar) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_SiFitRateFromPhd`, intensity, counts, siPar)

#' Gets IP address of TPS2.
#' \code{FindTpsIp} listens for UDP packets that TPS2 broadcast and returns
#' the IP of the TPS2.
#' Note that executing this function makes your program to a UDP server and
#' Windows firewall (or other personal firewall software) will query for
#' permission.
#' @param TpsSerial Serial number of TPS2.
#' @param timeout Timeout in ms to wait for the UDP packet.
#' @return String of IP address.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' FindTpsIp("910.33.0316", 500)
#' }
#' @export
FindTpsIp <- function(TpsSerial, timeout) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_FindTpsIp`, TpsSerial, timeout)

#' Calculates possible sum formulas from a list of fragment masses.
#' \code{DecomposeMass} calculates possible sum formulas from a list of fragment
#' masses.
#' Calculates possible sum formulas that amount to target mass +/- tolerance
#' given a target mass, mass tolerance and a list of fragment masses. Filters
#' specifying min/max values for absolute counts of a fragment or for ratios
#' between fragments can be specified in order to reduce the amount of results
#' and restrict hits to chemically reasonable sum formulae. Typically atomMass
#' and atomLabels are the masses/labels of elements but you are free to use
#' whatever you like (isotopes, amino acids, common fragments etc.).
#' @param targetMass Target mass.
#' @param tolerance Tolerance of target mass.
#' @param atomMass Numeric vector with fragment masses.
#' @param atomLabel String Vector of fragment labels.
#' @param elementIndex1 Element index for count filters, first element index for ratio filters.
#' @param elementIndex2 -1 for count filters, second element for ratio filters.
#' @param filterMinVal Counts or ratios that are smaller than this value are filtered out.
#' @param filterMaxVal Counts or ratios that are larger than this value are filtered out.
#' @return List with sum formula strings and the mass and mass errors of the sum
#' formulas.
#' @family Chemistry functions
#' @examples
#' targetMass = 314
#' tolerance = 0.5
#' atomLabel = c("C", "H", "O")
#' n = length(atomLabel)
#' atomMass = rep(0, n)
#'for (i in 1:n) {
#'  atomMass[i] = GetMoleculeMass(atomLabel[i])
#' }
#' elementIndex1 = seq(along.with = atomLabel)-1
#' elementIndex2 = rep(-1, n)
#' filterMinVal = c(20, 20, 0)
#' filterMaxVal = c(22, 40, 5)
#' DecomposeMass(targetMass, tolerance, atomMass, atomLabel, elementIndex1,
#'               elementIndex2, filterMinVal, filterMaxVal)
#' @export
DecomposeMass <- function(targetMass, tolerance, atomMass, atomLabel, elementIndex1, elementIndex2, filterMinVal, filterMaxVal) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_DecomposeMass`, targetMass, tolerance, atomMass, atomLabel, elementIndex1, elementIndex2, filterMinVal, filterMaxVal)

#' Calculates possible sum formulas from a list of fragment masses.
#' \code{DecomposeMass2} calculates possible sum formulas from a list of fragment
#' masses.
#' Same as \code{\link{DecomposeMass}} but with additional parameters \code{maxHits}
#' and \code{maxSearch} to better fine-tune when to abort a compomer search.
#' Calculates possible sum formulas that amount to target mass +/- tolerance
#' given a target mass, mass tolerance and a list of fragment masses. Filters
#' specifying min/max values for absolute counts of a fragment or for ratios
#' between fragments can be specified in order to reduce the amount of results
#' and restrict hits to chemically reasonable sum formulae. Typically atomMass
#' and atomLabels are the masses/labels of elements but you are free to use
#' whatever you like (isotopes, amino acids, common fragments etc.).
#' @param targetMass Target mass.
#' @param tolerance Tolerance of target mass.
#' @param atomMass Numeric vector with fragment masses.
#' @param atomLabel String Vector of fragment labels.
#' @param elementIndex1 Element index for count filters, first element index for ratio filters.
#' @param elementIndex2 -1 for count filters, second element for ratio filters.
#' @param filterMinVal Counts or ratios that are smaller than this value are filtered out.
#' @param filterMaxVal Counts or ratios that are larger than this value are filtered out.
#' @param maxHits Maximum number of candidate hits to report.
#' @param maxSearch Maximum number of candidate formula to search.
#' @return List with sum formula strings and the mass and mass errors of the sum
#' formulas.
#' @family Chemistry functions
#' @examples
#' targetMass = 314
#' tolerance = 0.5
#' atomLabel = c("C", "H", "O")
#' n = length(atomLabel)
#' atomMass = rep(0, n)
#'for (i in 1:n) {
#'  atomMass[i] = GetMoleculeMass(atomLabel[i])
#' }
#' elementIndex1 = seq(along.with = atomLabel)-1
#' elementIndex2 = rep(-1, n)
#' filterMinVal = c(20, 20, 0)
#' filterMaxVal = c(22, 40, 5)
#' maxHits = 10
#' maxSearch = 1000
#' DecomposeMass2(targetMass, tolerance, atomMass, atomLabel, elementIndex1,
#'               elementIndex2, filterMinVal, filterMaxVal, maxHits, maxSearch)
#' @export
DecomposeMass2 <- function(targetMass, tolerance, atomMass, atomLabel, elementIndex1, elementIndex2, filterMinVal, filterMaxVal, maxHits, maxSearch) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_DecomposeMass2`, targetMass, tolerance, atomMass, atomLabel, elementIndex1, elementIndex2, filterMinVal, filterMaxVal, maxHits, maxSearch)

#' Checks two spectra for similarity.
#' \code{MatchSpectra} matches two spectra and returns a similarity score
#' (0 - 100 %).
#' Values < 0.0 in spec1 or spec2 will be set to 0.0. Currently, only
#' matchMethod 0 is implemented and relies on the euclidean distance between
#' the spectra.
#' @param spec1 First spectrum to match.
#' @param spec2 Second spectrum to match.
#' @param matchMethod Method to use. Currently only method 0 is implemented.
#' @return Match score in units of percent.
#' @export
MatchSpectra <- function(spec1, spec2, matchMethod = 0L) {
    .Call(`_TofDaqR_MatchSpectra`, spec1, spec2, matchMethod)
pasturm/TofDaqR documentation built on March 29, 2024, 12:10 a.m.