dataMedicalgraded: Graded dataset of admission test to medical school

dataMedicalgradedR Documentation

Graded dataset of admission test to medical school


The dataMedicalgraded dataset consists of the responses of 2,392 subjects (750 males, 1,633 females and 9 subjects without gender specification) to multiple-choice admission test to a medical school. It contains 100 items. Each item is graded with 0 to 4 points. Maximum of 4 points were set if all correct answers and none of incorrect answers were selected.




A dataMedicalgraded is a data.frame consisting of 2,392 observations on the following 102 variables.


The first 100 columns represent ordinal item scores of the test.


Variable describing gender; values "0" and "1" refer to males and females.


Criterion variable; value "1" means that student studies standardly, "0" otherwise (e.g., leaving or interrupting studies).


Stuka, C., Vejrazka, M., Martinkova, P., Komenda, M., & Stepanek, L. (2016). The use of test and item analysis for improvement of tests. Workshop held at conference MEFANET, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic.


Martinkova, P., & Drabinova, A. (2018). ShinyItemAnalysis for teaching psychometrics and to enforce routine analysis of educational tests. The R Journal, 10(2), 503–515, \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.32614/RJ-2018-074")}

See Also

dataMedical(), dataMedicaltest(), dataMedicalkey()

patriciamar/ShinyItemAnalysis documentation built on April 29, 2024, 10:46 p.m.