ReadSweepMetadata: Read the Header of the .pos File for a Sweep

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Read the header of a .pos file, which contains the metadata for the positional data recorded during a sweep.


ReadSweepMetadata(pos, sensors = character())



A character vector of paths to .pos files.


A character vector or list of character vectors, the names for sensors that were attached to the participant and connected to sockets in the Carstens Sensin box. The position of a name in this vector is interpreted as the number of the socket to which the sensor was connected. Default is character(). See FormatSensors.


ReadSweepMetadata is vectorized over both pos and sensors. If pos is a vector of more than one path to a .pos file, and if sensors is a character vector, then the elements of sensors are recycled as the sensor-names for each .pos file. To specify different sensor names for each .pos file, sensors should be a list with the same length as pos and whose elements are character vectors.


If pos is a single character string, then a single-row data table with the following variables: @template sweep-metadata

If pos is a character vector with more than one element, then a list whose elements are data tables structured as described above.

patrickreidy/ag501 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:01 p.m.