FormatChannels: Format Channel Names

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also Examples


Expand a character vector whose elements denote sensor names into a character vector whose elements denote names for the channels of data that were recorded for those sensors.


FormatChannels(sensors = character(), n = 16)



A character vector, names for sensors that were attached to the participant and connected to sockets in the Carstens Sensin box. The position of a name in this vector is interpreted as the number of the socket to which the sensor was connected. Default is character().


An atomic numeric, the number of sensors/sockets for which the Carstens Sweepsaver software recorded data. (This number is recorded in the NumberOfChannels field in the header of a .pos file.) Default is 16.


For each sensor, seven channels of data are recorded:

The x, y, and z axes define a three-dimensional right-handed Cartesian coordinate system. The phi and theta angles define the sensor axis in a spherical coordinate system.

Because seven channels of data are recorded for each sensor, the returned character vector has 7n elements.

Note that the MATLAB toolbox SMASH names the positional axes differently: the antero-posterior axis is named z; the lateral axis, x; and the vertical axis, y.


A character vector, the result of first formatting sensors (by calling FormatSensors) and then suffixing each formatted sensor name with x, y, z, phi, theta, rms, and extra.

See Also



FormatChannels(n = 8)
FormatChannels(sensors = c("HL", "HR", "TB", "TD", "TT"), n = 16)
FormatChannels(sensors = c("", "", "TB", "TD", "TT"), n = 16)

patrickreidy/ag501 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:01 p.m.