opts_knit$set(root.dir="../../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory
dtfraw <- dtf %>% renamecolumns %>% filter(flowcode %in% c(1,2))
dtfclean <- clean(dtfraw, shaveprice = TRUE)

Shave prices only

dtfclean <- clean(dtfraw, shaveprice = TRUE)
# 729 rows where quantity was not available but weight was available
# 119 rows where neither quantity nor weight were available
# 5071 rows had a price too high or too low

Look at the average of the last 5 years

dtfclean %>% filter(reportercode == 8, partnercode == 300,
                    flow == "Import") %>%
    select(reporter, partner, year, flow, price, 
           quantityraw, quantityreporter, quantitypartner, 
           quantity) %>%
    arrange(flow, year)

Choose between reporter and partner quantity (historical see below)

Not interesting keep for historical purposes

# Choose between reporterna dn partner quantity 
# based on the one which has the least standard deviation 
# in quantity between the recent years
# years are between yearbegin and yearend
# replace quantity by partner quantity if needed
# that is 
# replacebypartnerquantity <- function(dtf, yearbegin, yearend){
yearbegin <- 2009
yearend <- 2013
choice <- dtfclean %>%
    filter(yearbegin <= year & year<= yearend) %>%
    group_by(reportercode, partnercode, 
             reporter, partner) %>%
    summarise(meanqreporter = mean(quantityreporter, na.rm=TRUE),
              sdqreporter = sd(quantityreporter, na.rm=TRUE),
              meanqpartner = mean(quantitypartner, na.rm=TRUE),
              sdqpartner = sd(quantitypartner, na.rm=TRUE), 
              favorpartner = sdqpartner )
# choice %>% filter( %>% nrow
# 4974 # in the basecase
# 3180 # when I remove na value inthe meanqpartner calculation
# }

Clean to Excel java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

Putting the cleaned data frame in Excel creates an out of memmory error.

# use zip archive instead
filenamestart <- "data-raw/excel/440799"
          paste0(filenamestart, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)
zip(paste0(filenamestart, ".zip"),
    paste0(filenamestart, ".csv"))
# arrange by year
bli <- results$dtf %>%
        # remove product description to get a smaller csv file
#         select(-productdescription) %>%
        # arrange by year, reporter and flow
        data.frame %>%
        arrange(year, reporter, flow) %>%

dtf %>% renamecolumns %>%
    clean2excel(filename = "data-raw/excel/440799.xlsx")
# 739 rows where quantity was not available but weight was available
# 119 rows where neither quantity nor weight were available
# 5840rows where quantity reporter was replaced by quantity partner
# 6176 rows had a price too high or too low
# Error in .jarray(aux) : 
#   java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

Choose between reporter and partner quantity, based on price

dtfclean <- clean(dtfraw)

results <- clean(dtfraw, outputalltables = TRUE)

dtfclean %>% group_by(flag) %>%
    summarise(n = n()) %>% data.frame %>% 
    # Build a correspondance table with all flags in rows and in columns
    # containing the number of flags at each intersection
    mutate(flag1 = substr(as.character(flag),3,3))
choice <- choosereporterorpartner(dtfclean)

# Product description
dtfraw %>% select(productcode, classification,productdescription) %>%
    unique %>% arrange(classification)

# Product description with number of reporter country
dtfraw %>% 
    select(productcode, classification, year, productdescription, reporter) %>%
    unique %>%
    group_by(productcode, classification, year, productdescription) %>%
    summarise(n = n()) %>% arrange(classification) %>% data.frame %>%
    dcast(productcode + classification + productdescription ~ year,
          value.var = "n")

# Choice by sdprice ratio 
choice %>% mutate(sdratiocut = cut(sdratio,c(0, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.5, Inf))) %>%
    group_by(sdratiocut, favorpartner) %>% summarise(n = n())
# Choice for the 10 highest mean volumes

dtfr <- replacebypartnerquantity(dtfclean, choice)
summary(dtfclean$quantity - dtfclean$quantityreporter)
summary(dtfr$quantity - dtfr$quantityreporter)
# Choose between reporterna dn partner quantity 
# based on the one which has the least standard deviation 
# in price between the recent years
# years are between yearbegin and yearend
# replace quantity by partner quantity if needed
# that is 
# replacebypartnerquantity <- function(dtf, yearbegin, yearend){
    yearbegin <- 2009
    yearend <- 2013
    choice <- dtfclean %>%
        filter(yearbegin <= year & year<= yearend) %>%
    mutate(pricereporter = tradevalue / quantityreporter,
           pricepartner = tradevaluepartner / quantitypartner) %>%
        group_by(flow, reportercode, partnercode, 
                 reporter, partner) %>%
        minprice = min(price),
        maxprice = max(price),
        minpreporter = min(pricereporter),
        maxpreporter = max(pricereporter),
        diffminprice = minpreporter - minprice,
        diffmaxprice = maxpreporter - maxprice,
        meanqreporter = mean(quantityreporter, na.rm=TRUE),
        meanpreporter = mean(pricereporter, na.rm=TRUE),
        sdpreporter = sd(pricereporter, na.rm=TRUE),
        meanppartner = mean(pricepartner, na.rm=TRUE),
        sdppartner = sd(pricepartner, na.rm=TRUE), 
        sdratio = sdppartner / sdpreporter,
        favorpartner = sdratio < 1 )
# }
# Forgot to distinguish between imports and exports
# favorpartner   
#  Mode :logical  
#  FALSE:1134     
#  TRUE :1424     
#  NA's :4096  
# Taking into account imports and exports
# favorpartner   
# Mode :logical  
# FALSE:1516     
# TRUE :1629     
# NA's :5681 

#import albania from Greece

choice %>% filter(reporter == "Albania"& partner =="Greece" &
                  flow == "Import") %>% 
    select(partner, sdratio, favorpartner)

choice %>% filter(reporter == "Greece" & partner =="Albania" &
                  flow == "Export") %>% 
    select(partner, sdratio, favorpartner)

# Is favor partner more true for import or export values?
choice %>% group_by(flow, favorpartner) %>%
    summarise(n = n())

# What quantities are concerned?
choice %>% mutate(logquantity = round(log10(meanqreporter))) %>%
    group_by(flow, logquantity, favorpartner) %>%
    summarise(n = n(),
              meanq = mean(meanqreporter)) %>%
    data.frame %>% arrange(flow, favorpartner)
#     dcast(flow + logquantity ~ favorpartner, 
#           value.var = meanq) 

paul4forest/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:35 a.m.